About 33 years ago a mole on the back of my left arm had to be removed due to malignant melanoma ( I had never sunbathed ) Subsequently the glands under my arm were removed and I had aggressive radiotherapy on my shoulder. I was badly burned and the hair & sweat glands under the arm were destroyed. I have had limited and deteriorating use of this arm and now my left leg doesn't pick up properly.
I had the following conversation with the Consultant Neurologist:-
Him : I don't know what's wrong with you. It's either inflammation or the results of radiotherapy.
Me : But I had the radiotherapy well over 30 years ago .
Him : Yes, but the effects are on - going.
Me : Flabbergasted & speechless!
My GP says that they were unaware of the long term effects 30 years ago. In addition to the visible effects it also caused fibrosis in my left atrium which is why I have AF.