I have AF and the cardiologist prescribed Sotalol because of my abnormal heart beat. It made me fell like my heart was beating really fast but it wasn't, I had major shortness of breadth. Has anyone had similiar side effects from taking this drug?
What do you know about the side effec... - Atrial Fibrillati...
What do you know about the side effects from taking Sotalol?

I haven't used it but gather it is not a recommended drug now. Some cardiologists use it but a lot don't
I was on it for about a year. I went up to the maximum dose (320mg per day) but it stopped being effective in keeping my AF at bay so was switched to another drug. I didn’t have any particular side effects. I was tired but I was still having AF episodes so it was hard to know if the AF or the drug was the contributing factor.
I just started it today so I'm curious about how others do on it too. I have a drug info sheet and I would think you would have been given that as well. Mine lists 6 side effects and I already have problems with 4 of them. So I'm leery. If I can't tolerate it I'm to call the AF clinic and report it.
I found it ineffective for my afib , all it seemed to do was make me nauseous , create lethargy and shortness of breath even on small exertion.
Flecainide was far more tolerable. As rosyG says some cardiologists prescribe others are leery of it.
Theres no one size fits all - just suck it and see
I took it for 18 months and found it really effective at controlling my AF whilst waiting for an ablation. My heart rate ran at 58/59 and I had no detectable AF. The only adverse side effect that I had was very occasional stomach cramps and bowel urgency.
It reduced my heart rate to about 40-50 bpm. When cycling I would gas out quite easily on any hill. And it didn't work either. I tolerated it for too long (2 years). It does take a month to get over the initial side-effects, but if you still have symptoms then, I would go back to your cardio and ask for a change.
I take it. I am in USA. No issues whatsoever. At first, it bothered me. I have been on it for approximately three years. I take the smallest dose. My cardiologist swears by it and won’t change it ... l was concerned about the prolonged qt interval issue; however, l haven’t experienced this. Not to worry!!
After a bad experience with Amiodarone, following a cardioversion, I saw a different cardiologist who changed me me to Sotalol 80mg twice a day. Since then I have remained in NSR with pulse normally 58 /59 and no apparent side effects. Clearly other poster's' experience was different but this reminds us that drugs affect people differently and that the only way to see the effect is to take it, but with careful monitoring for side effects.
I’ve been on Sotalol about 12 years. No side effects. Of late had a few long lasting episodes needing A&E. my cardiologist rang me as two appointments been cancelled. She prescribed Bisoprolol 10 mg again no side effects and feel ok. They say no sense no feeling so maybe that sums me up!!
Hope you get your meds sorted and all settles down.
Has the Sotolol kept you in sinus rhythm so that you have not have to have ablation?
Yes so far Sotalol worked. But I was getting more episodes and longer lasting . So now on Bisoprolol and not had episode since 4th March. Cardiologist wants to discuss ablation but...... if drugs keep me in NSR I will stay with drugs.
How are you keeping ?
I have passed my one year mark and I am still in sinus rhythm. I did try to go off Propafenone 300mg x 2, but after 6 days I got an arrhythmia attack. I took Propafenone and was back to sinus in 4 hours. So, I am back on Propafenone for now and an planning to ask to reduce the dosage. Thank you for asking.
I ve been on 160 mg 3 times a day for arrhythmia for years and no side effects apart from tiredness luckily.
I have just started taking Sotalol about 8 days ago, first thee days on 40mg twice a day and now up to 80mg twice a day. I was on Nebivolol and had been for around 10 years. I have what was severe LV dysfunction/Cardiomyopathy which was at last echo scan mild LV dysfunction along with LBBB and proximal AF
Just around the time this COVID thing struck I started with severe bouts of AF, they were lasting for between 5 and 10 hours, usually I might expect it to appear once a year or so. I had a really bad virus/cold/flue maybe even COVID in mid January until mid February and I think that is maybe what has triggered my problems.
When I get the AF it feels for want of a better word quite violent and feels as though it is in my upper right chest/neck and I would always call an ambulance and go to hospital but because of this COVID virus I have been frightened to go to hospital and have sat it out at home.
After eventually getting to talk with my cardiologist over the phone as all appointments have been cancelled he put me on Sotalol, and to be honest It doesn't seem to be working very well as I am still getting the AF and it's more frequent but a little less severe, and stops and starts instead of continual episodes that last hours.
As i live on my own I have been terrified for the last nearly three months as this doesn't seem to want to ease up and I can't get to see anyone or get any help.
I have thought about coming off the Sotalol and going back onto the Nebivolol but I am unsure exactly how to do that because I am not familiar with Sotalol and I have read that you should be weaned off it over two weeks?
Sorry for the ant here but i was researching Sotalol and found this thread. To be honest I'm at my wits end with all this..
Hi being on your own doesn’t help as you answer your own questions. They are usually negative. The anxiety over covid and the stress it causes could make the AF worse. Stress starts mine off. I’ve really been aware of this and try to talk myself out of it. As you say don’t want to go to A +E. mind you they have split it up and keep suspected covid patients well away from other A+E visits.
Ring your GP if you feel you need more help ring the cardiologist’s secretary they may just help as your stress will make you suffer more.
Sorry you are going through this.
That is what your cardiologist is there for.