Had this constant head aches for 4 years since been on warfarin, and then rivarbraxaban any one else get the same, keep thinking about stopping them for a month, but then i could have a stroke so its a bit risky
Head ache's on Anticoagulants - Atrial Fibrillati...
Head ache's on Anticoagulants

Been on warfarin for fifteen plus years with zero side effects other than slightly brittle nails.
Hi there Higgy52
I am on Apixaban, have been for about 2 years and get the same. I have had the occasional let up but more or less constant. I just think 'well I am still here' and the headaches are a small price to pay. I don't want to complain, and end up in a worse situation? The medication is there for a reason?
On Warfarin for 10 years - never a headache, never. Like Bob, no side effects except more brittle nails.
I had headaches for 3-4 years before I retired (at 60), my head felt "full / fuzzy" all the time and I recall my balance wasn't 100% (I was reluctant to work up up a ladder at home which never usually bothered me). I had a scan which was clear. I had a feeling it was sinus related. Long story short; I think (my personal opinion) it was related to tooth infection. My old dentist never spent more than 10 mins per appointment, and following a tooth abscess he did a quick "patch up" which relieved the pain, but I think that was the start of the headaches. When he retired and I had to find a new dentist I was surprised how different their approach was. A root canal treatment and an extraction (the previously infected tooth I think) and much other repair work (not cheap by the way!) and the constant fuzziness and headaches seem to have cleared up. I believe bad teeth can even relate to heart issues. Have you considered dental problems could be related to your headaches? I think it could be worth looking into. PS - most of this occurred before I started on Warfarin which doesn't seem to have any side effects.
Thanks for that, it seem to start after i had a tooth out, but that tooth is gone now, and still got the head ache