I suffer from paroxysmal afib and take Flecainide and Rivaroxaban. My main problems are dizziness and breathlessness. Also have great trouble getting to sleep, sometimes awake many hours until early morning. As I’m trying to sleep I start to have palpitations and realise I’m going into afib. So this is happening more and more now so I feel exhausted all day. Any suggestions from others as to blame the medications for this?
Insomnia: I suffer from paroxysmal afib... - Atrial Fibrillati...

To be honest Maria, I think sleep problems start as we grow older, though of course it's not easy to go to sleep when in AF because of the anxiety it can cause.
Many years go I noticed that I never slept well on a Sunday night and put it down to thoughts of going back to work the next day. Then I retired from work and still it happened. What was unusual about Sundays - yes it was the roast dinner day and I discovered that by stopping using a well known make of gravy powder and making my own with rice flour, red onion, juices from meat and vegetable water solved that problem. I now avoid any foods containing artificial additives and sleep much better.
Thank you for responding so quickly Jean, you are always so helpful to everybody. Yes it could be just age but so annoying that the palpitations start while trying to sleep. I have changed my eating habits and eat a smaller meal much earlier in the day. I feel my afib could be gastrocardiac problem. I must try and watch the additives in food. Thank you.
Are you taking magnesium? That helps AF and sleep.
I usually sleep really well very quickly but just for a few hours.
Sometimes my heart races like crazy and I cant sleep and it hasnt happened often enough to be sure what it is but I suspect its caffeine as once or twice its been after Irish coffee, coffee liquer (like baileys) and once after a few cups of tea in the evening.
I can drink two coffees in the morning and more makes me twitchy & tight chested and rarely drink tea so I think caffeine sets me off xx