Tuesday’s the big day! Ablation #2! - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Tuesday’s the big day! Ablation #2!

Edstiffler13 profile image
14 Replies

I have a quick question for you all if you don’t mind. I have had 1 ablation for SVT and AFLUTTER. It was about 4 years ago and was great! I haven’t not had a single incident since the ablation. My question here is on AFIB. I had 1 instance of afib in my life but during my first ablation my EP couldn’t get my heart in AFIB no matter how hard he tried. So at that point we let it go and I had a pill in pocket “flecainide” and atenolol as needed if my heart was to act up. Well the afib has finally picked up and after a few ER trips because no medicine helps we are going to do the afib ablation. My question is how many people have noticed that they developed PVC heart beats after AFIB ablation of anyone and did they go away? I know I need the surgery but I dread having PVCs all day a side affect from the surgery. Also I’m in construction and I was wondering how long after AFIB ablation did you halfway feel like yourself again? Some people say a day or 2. Some people say a month. And I guess I will just throw this out there. Has anybody had both kinds of ablation like I’m having and what are the difference in your recovery from AFLUTTER/SVT vs AFIB ablation. Thanks!! Eric

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Edstiffler13 profile image
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14 Replies
pottypete1 profile image

Regarding your question about resuming normal activities, if you want the procedure to be a success you must rest for a minimum of 2 weeks. Only then start slowly to get yourself back to normal.

Regarding work we cannot answer that as we are all different. You will not be any value to your employer you need to give your heart a chance to recover from what is a trauma.


Edstiffler13 profile image
Edstiffler13 in reply to pottypete1

I work very hard construction. I am very hard on my heart. And it usually beats 140bpm all day long.

pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to Edstiffler13

Here is the link to the fact sheet for recovery from an ablation.


With the best will in the world I think that as you are doing a manual job you will have to give yourself more time than would be appropriate for any of us pen pushers.

The most important thing is to not do do much too soon and to listen to your body. If you take the advice that has been given then there is every chance you will be able to resume your normal work but your employer has to understand this from the outset.

I have had 7 ablations and I learnt that the success of the ablations was clearly affected by how much I respected what my poor old heart had been through.


meadfoot profile image

I haven't had an ablation as yet but just wanted to send best wishes for a successful procedure and a release from this nasty condition. X

Edstiffler13 profile image
Edstiffler13 in reply to meadfoot

Thankyou. I’m ready to get it behind me.

BobD profile image

The reality is that it takes three to six months for the heart to fully heal and anybody who tries to tell you anything different is just not helping. Our fact sheet on recovery lists many things nobody tells youand you help along the way.

Since we are all different it is impossible to say how long you need off work but generally no heavy lifting for a month at least. The first two weeks are vital and you MUST rest and after the first week you can try a few short walks. First week TV only and only one flight of stairs. Those first couple of weeks are so important or you risk undoing all the good work.

Edstiffler13 profile image
Edstiffler13 in reply to BobD

Where is your fact sheet?? Thanks

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Edstiffler13

There is a pinned post on the right and if you follow it down there is a link

Jalia profile image

I've had both Eric and I would advise to treat your body's recovery the same with each initially. Don't rush things. Others have given good advice.

Best wishes

Slattery profile image

I wish you the very best! I am having my first Ablation next Tuesday. Please let us know how you are doing after the procedure.

Edstiffler13 profile image

I will let everybody know how it goes after tomorrow. My job is very stressful and strenuous. My heart rate usually stays between 130bpm and 150bpm all day long non stop. So I worry it’s gonna take a while to get back up to that.

Kaz747 profile image

Yes I’ve had 2 ablations for SVT, an ablation for AFlutter and AF and another just for AF so 4 ablations in total. My ablations for AF where they do the pulmonary vein isolation took a lot longer to recover from than the SVT ablations. With my SVT ablations I was back at work after a week (desk job, not heavy work). I’ve had a complicated case and have only recently returned to work after a year off. My last ablation was 3 months ago. I still need to be careful not to overdo things but life is almost back to normal (I’m now only working 3 days a week though).

Edstiffler13 profile image

Well it’s a week post op for AF ablation surgery. WOW is all I can say. The SVT- aflutter ablation was a piece of cake compared to the AFIb ablation. It was supposed to take 4 hours it took almost 7!! They found 2 more tachycardic circuits to ablate while in there. The 6.5 hours of anesthesia was horrible to recover from. I don’t think I’m normal yet. Then after this ablation I had the pain when breathing for 2 days from the pericardium sack being inflamed as well. It went away on day 3 after taking Advil for 2 days. I had shortness of breath while that was healing also. Now I am just tired and I have no energy it seems. Of course I’m in atenalol 25mg twice a day which sucks because it make you tired and slow as you all know. And I’m on elequis blood thinner now. I’ve also noticed that my RESTING heart rate even on beta blockers is about 10-15bpm higher than it used to be since surgery. Although it seems to be calming down by the day. I can’t feel it because of beta blocker. 1 thing I noticed that was weird was I’ve been getting bad headaches and loss of vision and I never get headaches. They say it’s from anesthesia and will take time. They took a brain scan to be sure yesterday everything was ok. I’m just wondering what I can do physically and not have to worry about anything. The doctor said I can drive go to the grocery cary on with normal life on the easy stuff. Just no hard work for another week. But I honestly feel bad just walking around the house and taking a shower everyday! I work in construction and do HARD work and I don’t know what to do. The doctor told me what’s done is done don’t be scared to slowly return to normal life. Don’t just set around! He said on week 3 I could try and go back to work 80 percent?? Any help with what to do and watch out for would be great on recovering. This was a preventative surgery. I have paroxysmal afib. I only got afib every 3 years or so but it was bad. So I’m in sinus rhythm of course. Also they didn’t tell me what to do if I do go out of rhythm? I’m guessing call 911 is the best option? Anyways any tips on anything I would be very happy to hear. Thanks again all if you all!!!

Edstiffler13 profile image

Oh and my blood pressure has been high as well no matter my medicine

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