After years of afib and aflutter, with multiple lifestyle and medication interventions, I finally pulled the trigger and had an aflutter ablation yesterday. I know a lot has been written here about recovery after an afib ablation, but an aflutter ablation is a much smaller procedure, so I assume the recovery process is different. So for those of you who have had this procedure, how did you feel after and how soon did you go back to normal activities, exercise, etc? Also were their any med changes after the procedure?
By way of background, I have both afib and aflutter, but aflutter has been the bigger burden over the past few years. My choice was to ablate both at the same time, or choose the smaller aflutter procedure first and see how much that helps. If it does, great. If not, then an afib PVI would be up for consideration.
The procedure itself took about two hours and was told it went well. It was done under conscious sedation but I don't remember anything.
Hope this finds everyone well, and Happy Holidays!