I saw an eye specialist today that my GP refered me to as I have had an irritating little lump on my bottom eyelid for a few months. He thinks it’s a cyst but wants to remove it and send it to pathology as sometimes they can be the beginnings of a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) (pretty sure it’s not). I told him that I went to a funeral on Friday for a friend’s mum who died of cancer which originally spread from a BCC on her eyelid (it is extremely rare for this type of cancer to spread internally). He then said, “well this is definitely coming off”. So I’m booked into the eye hospital for surgery next week on Thursday, then Friday afternoon I’m going to an office warming at work to see some old friends and meet new colleagues before starting back at work. I may be looking like a pirate 🏴☠️ for that. He said to stay on my anticoagulant but I may have a lot of bruising. Oh well, as long as my heart stays in sinus rhythm I’ll be happy.
I also mentioned about the blurred vision I’d had on some drugs - Verapamil and Flecainide and he said there are a number of heart drugs that can do that to you.