I have just joined this group following a week in hospital with a bi lateral pulmonary embolism, AF and irregular heartbeat. I'm 63 years old and had a very close brush with death there. Was treated in emergency department with clot busting treatment, then heperin drip, now on beta blockers, blood pressure lowering meds and Rivadoxaban. I've gone from never having to be on meds to - probably - meds for life. All a bit of a shock. It's only been a few days, but is feeling of nausea and tiredness usual? I see it can be side effects from some of the drugs, so presumably have to get used to it all. I will have follow up at heart clinic and lung clinic in a couple of months. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed. Any advice appreciated.
Blood Thinners: I have just joined this... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Blood Thinners

Hello cat lady and welcome to the group..support from other members is exceptional in our Forum.We all know how scared you feel .You have been prescribed the same drugs that a lot of us take and they do have side effect..your Anticoagulant is essential for you right now.🌞🌞🌞
Hi and welcome to the group; I tell all my friends about this forum as it really is the most comforting place to be, you simply ask any question and get so much positive advice and just when you need it. I think it is fair to say that all drugs and medication have some sort of side effects but we all so very different so there can't be a standard rule. My personal experience is having to try a few different ones to get to a place I feel happier with and that includes Rivaroxiban and Sotalol now, so take a deep breathe and know your journey will be alright with being able to share any concerns. My one real piece of advice is to write down the areas of concern so when you do see the specialists you don't miss anything, I always seem to and it makes me more anxious afterwards for having missed an opportunity. Wishing you well and once again welcome to this amazing group of people.
Kind regards.
I would say ask to be referred to an electrophysiologist (EP) to look at your treatment options for AF. They specialise in heart arrhythmias.
Which beta blocker are you on - many cause tiredness and lethargy so you might want to look at this with your EP.
Look at diet and weight issues as this is now proving to have big results for many people.
Cut out or reduce alcohol.
Ask questions on here.
Good luck in your journey. It does get easier once you get to grips with it. 🍀
Welcome and sorry to hear you've joined this club. It will take time for the effects of your embolisms to settle never mind the rest. I am thinking it will be a bit of wait and see for now. Always difficult that in health matters there are never cut and dried answers. Certainly worth looking at healthy eating plan but in the meantime be kind to yourself and maybe take a day at a time until the shock of being catapulted onto a regime of meds has sunk in. Xx
The beta-lockers and blood pressure meds can make you feel tired and light-headed, but it usually gets better as your body gets used to them. Mine did. However, extreme tiredness or swelling of your ankles after a few weeks should be reported to your GP/EP/cardiologist. It is all very scary in the beginning, but thing will get better.
Hi its hard but it gets better I have pafib last Sept I was in shock thought that was is I take apixaban and bisoprolol and I felt horrible now 6months on tablets work feel so much better still have odd off days but getting on with my life now
It's a big shock to the system when you have to face the fact that your body isn't functioning as well as it was. A lot of peeps are very 'out of sorts', a bit like grieving - we all handle shock in different ways. Mine was an 100% loss of confidence and it was a very scary place to be. HealthUnlocked is my best find and my best friend. Turn to it with questions at any time but remember that it's your body which is unique to you and meds that work for others may not work for you. The bis was not a good one for me whereas the alternative works. It's a new journey and you will always find help here. If you don't, SHOUT OUT LOUD !!! all the best
Hi Catlady,
I know it’s all pretty scary but you will make it through this rough patch. The medicine was the worse for me... making me exhausted and feeling yucky. I also retired at 62 after working over 40 years.
I do want to return to work but I believe the thought of excessive stress prevents me from going back. I looked into alternative meds like herbs and vitamins but feel they are not as targeted as the traditional pharmaceutical ones so I stick with what the doctor has prescribed.
You will get used to this new event in your life and reading postings on here really helps. Welcome to the group.
Thank you to all who have taken the trouble to reply to me. It is scary and a big shock to the system, but I am lucky to have got through the massive pulmonary embolism and the resulting AF and irregular heartbeat - many do not. It's a time of re-adjustment and being kind to myself and trying not to get bogged down in the "little" things. I will have to adjust to the side effects of the meds and give them some time, and I am being well looked after by the medical profession. The NHS shone through - for me - during this recent crisis and I am very grateful to all at Bronglais Hospital in Aberystwyth.