Getting a message asking if it is my recording as the heart profile has changed has anyone else had this
Kardia reading: Getting a message... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Kardia reading

It always asks me if it is me or a guest.
Yes, I have. They send it if it differs significantly from your 'standard' recording.
Yes Mazza, whenever I let another person use my Kardia. It asks for confirmation if it's my scan or not that has been recorded. Seems it responds to change of Heart Profile.
Mine asks me that quite often as I have a crazy heart. I recently had a couple of readings in sinus rhythm - now that really shocked my Kardia 😂😂
Yes..ive had this at various times
I`m sorry but my post won`t really help the OP here and could be a little off topic (sorry Mazza). It might help regarding units to monitor a-fib though.
I use the beurear ME90 to monitor my a-fib. It`s excellent - really good. You can download the app and get an ECG though Bluetooth - the same as you can with a Kardia. When it wins out though, is that it will tell you if you are are in a-fib without the need for an app.
You can get a reading anytime - it tells you if your heart rate is high / in a-fib / slow or fast / pausing etc on the units screen. You put the bottom senor on your chest and press the top senor with you finger for 30 seconds.
The unit is smaller than a credit card (ie will fit in your pocket) and worth considering. You can do a decent ECG with your ipad and Bluetooth.
It`s worked for me otherwise I wouldn`t recommend it. Worth a Google for anyone thinking about buying a Kardia.
Yes very regularly following my second ablation and continuing irregularities with pulse, rhythm, etc. While my heart is misbehaving in strange ways on and off at present I seem to get it from several times per day to several times per week. I think its just that the heart trace is so different from how it had been prior to my ablation when it was more stable for the majority of the time.
Its a useful little bit of kit that I wish I was able to 'read' better as I'm getting some really odd ECG's at times that Kardia are saying are normal.
Yes, I get it sometimes - I presume when the reading is a little more different from usual like when I let friends have a go with it! I just wish mine wouldn't "remind me" to take a reading at 12 noon every day when I tend to use it on waking and otherwise to check on the odd occasions when I experience AF! I also find it irritating when I get a message that it finds things "unreadable" and goes on to lecture me on sitting still and relaxing when I am!! It's good to exchange experiences. This morning I got a call from an old friend I haven't been in touch with for a while and it turns out that she too has PAF- there are lots of us!!