Hi all, after spending the last month with dreadful ectopics and palpitations on a several-times-daily basis, I have decided to experiment. I was reaching for the Flecainide as soon as I had the wobbles, terrified that i was going to go into AF at any moment. Also suffering with bad effects from Apixaban... had several cuts/burns on fingers that had bled and festered for weeks, and concerned that my whole body was being negatively affected by the tablets.
Anyway, for 4 days I have not taken any Apixaban or Flecainide. I must make it clear that I am not recommending this approach to anyone else, I take full responsibility for my health and I've just decided to see what happens.
I've had no palpitations so far today, which is a first for a long time. My cuts/burns have all healed up nicely, just like they used to in the good ole days :o). I am taking nutritional supplements: strong garlic for an anticoagulant effect, plus Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sattiva) and Olive Leaf extract for an anti-inflammatory effect. I used to take these supplements, before I had to stop them because of the Apixaban contra-indications.
We will see! If there is no benefit, and the palpitations/AF frequency is the same, then I will have to go back to doctor's orders. If I the palpitations stop, but I do have an episode of AF, then I'll take the Apixaban for a week then wean off again.