Afternoon all,
I have been researching massage therapy whilst on blood thinners for A fib. Anyone had experience or got any advice/guidance?
Many thanks
Afternoon all,
I have been researching massage therapy whilst on blood thinners for A fib. Anyone had experience or got any advice/guidance?
Many thanks
Not sure what you want to know?Improvement in Afib attacks after massage or what?I have had back massage for an aching back ...I have perm. Afib.The massage did not affect my Afib negatively or positively.Not sure what medical opinion is .
Forgot to say I am on Apixaban .
Can't see any objections to massage just because of anticoagulation. Why would you? They don't thin blood . just slow down the clotting process .
Deep tissue (or sports) massage while taking an anticoagulant, might be a problem if administered by an inexpert therapist I imagine. Light massage for stress relief ought to be OK. Just an uninformed opinion, not based on experience.
You hit the head on the nail - less about the drug - more about the expertise of the therapist.
I regularly have really deep tissue massage and it has never been a problem with a trusted therapist who knows my history. But a less qualified ‘stress relief’ light massage has been!
Always check their qualifications and level of qualification - Level 5 is recommended.
I see my Osteopath on a fairly regularly for a neck and back problems so uses massage and manipulation on me. She is fully aware of my permanent AF and that I am on Rivaroxiban so I do not think stress massage would affect AF or anticoagulant, if it helps you to relax it is a a good thing. Sometimes if there is enough time she also massages my legs to help circulation and relaxation which can help AF.
I take Apixaban and asked the nurse the same question when it was first prescribed. She said it was probably best to avoid very deep tissue massages as it could bruise. I've not had any problems, though.
I've had sports massages whilst on warfarin with no problem. It's caused no bruising despite the therapist using her elbow to really get deep into my muscles. It has helped my back a lot.
My husband has had tendonitis ( in permanent AF) and had regular massage of the " no pain no gain" variety, with no ill effects. He is on warfarin
Has he had ultrasound treatment for tendonitis ? I found that very helpful.
Thanks for that and no. Fortunately after a long haul it is now nearly resolved but will certainly bear that in mind.
Did his tendonitis start after being prescribed Cipro or Fluoroquinolones for an infection.
No. Nothing to pin it on to. He had it a couple of years ago in one shoulder then after a gap started up in the other. Combination of physio, chiropractor and massage therapist plus exercises at home have done the trick.
I have continued to have massage and fascia release and other types of manual manipulation for ever and never even thought to question. I don’t even understand your concerns? Anti-coagulants are not going to make any difference but it will be advisable to let your therapist know - they should be taking a full history anyway.
I really wouldn’t worry about it.
Every time I have tried to book a massage on the body the therapist has said no because of the risk of bruising. The only massage I have been able to have is reflexology.
I have reflexology with support of heart team and g.p. My therapist has practiced for years and has understanding of heart patient needs. She does home visits and I always feel better for the treatment. I feel we are working together as a team to improve my well being so nothing imposed. The massage also seems to help my circulation and fluid retention in my feet.