Propafenone: Hi everyone it’s been a... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Bucerias profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone it’s been a long time since I have posted. I live in Canada for 6 months of the year and in Mexico for 6 months. I have had Afib a day A flutter for a number of years and have had 3 ablation, I take 20mg of Xeralto daily no other meds. I’m a retired female of 65 years in good over all health, not over weight and quite active. I do however still go into Afib daily for short periods but always go back into normal sinus rythum by myself.

Today I visited a drs here in Mexico because my ears were blocked, probably from swimming and I had been feeling a little dizzy. Long story short. My ears were infected and the dr wanted to give me an antibiotic by needle to get it into my system quicker than pills. The nurse said we have to take your BP before we can give you this Med. No problem I have low blood pressure! Well it was 150/90 extremely high for me. Of course I was in Afib. The outcome was I have been prescribed

Propafenone. 2x150mg twice daily. The only meds I have been on previously is Bisoprolol which I had a very bad experience with.

Does anyone know anything of Propafenone or used it.


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Bucerias profile image
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10 Replies
BobD profile image

It is the drug I use when needed. 2x 150mg is not a high dose from my experience. It is a rhythm control drug unlike bisoprolol which is for rate control. The only thing I experience is a slight metallic taste in my mouth. Good luck.

Bucerias profile image
Bucerias in reply to BobD

That is good news! Thank you Bob

Bucerias profile image

Great! Thank you

Flipflopper profile image
Flipflopper in reply to Bucerias

Hey fellow Canadian! I take verapamil for rate control and I use propafenone as my PIP (pill in the pocket). When I go into afib. I don't revert on my own anymore. I used to take propafenone daily for several years, but had side effects. For me was general dizziness and forgetting things and hard concentrating at normal tasks etc. Apparently there is/was a study going on in Alberta about the correlation between long time propafenone intake and cognitive issues.

Bucerias profile image
Bucerias in reply to Flipflopper

Hi Flipflopper.

Wow, It would be wonderful if it stopped me from going into AF! It has become a daily issue although, it doesn’t last long (30mins tops) I would obviously prefer to not go there if possible.

Hopefully I will not have an intolerance to it or a cognitive issue. Cheers

BobD profile image

Rate is how fast, rhythm is whether it is steady or chaotic . There is no right or wrong approach but first line seems to be rate control to reduce the rapid rate when in AF . Rhythm control drugs like flecianide, propafanone and amiodarone try to stop the heart going into AF.

BobD profile image

Many people in AF have rates over 160 and need this reduced. The problem then occurs if it falls too low at other times when a pacemaker may be required.

destept profile image

Hi Bucerias, unfortunateli, I had liver and heart failure when I used propafenone for a week. Every body is different, just use caution . Good luck!

Bucerias profile image

Oh my! That is very scary! What should I look out for? What were your symptoms destept?

JulieTw33 profile image

I have been on Propafenone for 20 years with zero side effects. It really controlled my AF well. Just had the ablation done 2 weeks ago and am off the drug now. My electrophysiologist told me there were no issues with taking it long term. Hope this helps. Best of luck!

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