Greetings all! It’s more than 9 months post ablation now. Physically I’d say that I am back to “normal”…. mentally, I’d say that I have some way to go.
I haven’t been in AF since my ablation, but I do still get the odd ectopic.. maybe a few per day if I’ve had too much caffeine. There’s a good chance I used to get these before my heart went haywire, but I didn’t notice them. Now I notice them a lot. I’d describe my ectopics as like being poked in the heart – a bit sore. I get an immediate surge of adrenaline when I feel an ectopic which compounds the unpleasant feeling. After 6 months of not touching my personal ECG monitor, I have started using it again regularly. Whilst it is reassuring to see that I am still in sinus rhythm, I feel that overall it only makes me more paranoid about my heart. I guess what I am describing is a low level mental illness!
Don’t get me wrong, I am forever grateful for the NHS and the miracle that is ablation, but it just highlights that AF can turn into as much a mental problem as a physical one.
Anyway, off for a bike ride now. Have a nice weekend all