Three months past ablation. Pulse slow and steady. Ectopics are frequent and bothersome. Is this a part of afib or something different? I’ve had them from time to time for years but I thought the ablation would take care of these as well. Thoughts?
Ectopics : Three months past ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hi Cooperl, I am 16 months post ablation and I still experience ectopics. Sometimes they're more frequent, at times I can have one or two and no more in a week.
I was v. dismayed after mine as I was experiencing constant ectopics when I hadn't before. I found that simple things like bending over, leaning back, hiccuping and belching were giving me short runs. Those have calmed down but I do still find that stress and gastro issues cause me problems. From my experience, they do lessen though and if you head over to afibbers forum they're a great source of help and advice.
Like you, I thought that my ablation 19 months ago would have stopped these horrible ectopics.
My EP told me that I will probably always have them, as afibbers we are more aware of whats going on with our hearts , and whilst annoying they are not something to worry about.
I have experienced them much less since stopping bisoprolol, and I think that taking a magnesium supplement has also helped in reducing them.
However, this week has been very stressful at home and at work, and I have felt more ectopics than usual, and had a couple of runs of tachycardia, again it's something I get from time to time and most of the time I can just ignore them.
Yes thay are really unnerving aren’t they however much better than AF and mostly benign into the bargain.
I am 15 months post my last ablation.
Most of the time I am stable but I now get them following a brisk walk and as I eat my dinner each evening.
Part of the wonderful experience of heart rhythm I am afraid.
Try slow deep breaths. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth endeavouring to be as calm as possible. Meditation can also be very helpful.
I agree with the bisoprolol comment. It was slowing my heart too much and allowing breakthrough ectopics as the heart was trying to compensate. I'm much better on Verapamil.
6 months post ablation and I have been having eptopics on and off for the past 3months but since I've started taking magnesium turate they have been a lot less and not so strong and intrusive, deep breathing does help to calm down and once you get it into your head that they are nothing to worry about, life is a lot better