Ectopics again...: The past few days... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Ectopics again...

micwal93 profile image
16 Replies

The past few days have been particularly bad as far as ectopic beats are concerned. I'm noticing them far more regularly at work, and there's nothing funny about having the all-too-familiar 'jolting' feeling all of a sudden.

I'm actually growing sick and tired of it. The 48hr showed nothing significant, so I feel like there is no way to convince the doctors to give me an ablation, which I would choose to have in a heart beat...

Does anyone have any recommendations for medication that seems to control their own ectopics, or anyone else's experiences with having an ablation and its effect on this?


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micwal93 profile image
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16 Replies
expences profile image

Maybe give up all forms of caffeine? Caffeine particularly coffee, was instrumental in my heart going into a rhythm called Bigeminy, where every second beat was ectopic. After an angiogram which proved nothing, a friend suggested to me that it could be coffee. After loving coffee all my life, I couldn't believe it but she was right. I went onto decaf then cut it out completely and drink Rooibos tea and herbal teas. Never had a problem since. Get an occ PVC but nothing to bother me. Hope that helps. xx Brenda

Buffafly profile image

Be careful what you wish for - I had more ectopics after ablation and I believe others have experienced the same. It may be a warning that you are stressing your heart in some way - you know the list! - so I should concentrate on looking after your general health and prevent the ectopics moving into AF.

Yachtgirl profile image

I have tried Metropolol and Sotalol . Metropolol gave me severe nausea and bradycardia so gave up on it and then Sotalol caused nausea (which I got over after two weeks) bradycardia and tiredness. I wanted to discontinue this medication but cardiologist persuaded me to stick with it. A month later I collapsed from side effects of Sotalol and was in hospital with severe bradycardia and hypotension. I am not taking any medication for ectopics now. Sometimes they worry me for a few days then sudside. They are a faulty electrical problem, not a faulty plumbing problem ie. Blocked coronary arteries and as my angiogram showed clear coronary arteries I choose not to worry about them most of the time as they are benign and will probably not cause a real problem. I average about seven ectopics a minute, It would need to be three times that amount before my cardiologist would look at ablating.,I have had two episodes of AF self reverting in three hours.

Bob56 profile image

I do sympathise. I have had AF for a very long time and over the last few years increasing ectopic activity. Like one of the other people replying to you, I have actually had more ectopic activity after my ablation than before, although the AF is largely under control. At its peak I recorded 10,000 PACs in 48 hours, and it has driven me crazy at times. However, the docs don't really like to ablate unless they are also treating a more serious related condition as they believe the risks outweigh the benefits. Thats a tough call for those of us plagued by ectopics, especially if we are sensitive to them. I can't honestly add much to the list of things to avoid or use/take in moderation. I think stress is our biggest enemy, as that always exacerbates the ectopics for me. Eating little and often rather than big set piece meals, plus the usual suspects like alcohol and caffeine should be avoided or cut right down. I am prescribed Bisoprolol and Flecainide to help diminish the effect of the ectopics, but not sure how much that helps. Sorry I can't be more encouraging, but there are lots of us out there looking to find ways to alleviate this frustrating condition.

Finvola profile image

Ectopics are a pain but I hve found that the breathing exercise in the link above stops them - when mine are especially bad I continue for up to 10 minutes. I hope it works for you - many of us have found it helpful.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Finvola

Too true Finvola. Very helpful not just for ectopics but stress as well.

cat55 profile image

Hi after a horrible week of ectopic after ectopic I was advised to watch Dr. Gupta and his you-tube videos regarding ectopics.Essentially breathing exercises. For me I know anxiety is the thing that sets them off. I have also been using a magnesium oil rub for a painful shoulder,ectopics have seemed less so have continued to use it. I still have runs of them but I try to do the breathing exercises. They are so unpleasant . I hope you find a solution to help you. Best wishes Kath.

cbsrbpm profile image

I have many more ectopics since my 2nd ablation, it would seem that ablation does not stop these in my experience.


Noidea63 profile image

I had PVI last year and having lots more ectopics than before. It is that jolt that gets me like someone pushing you, horrid. However still here to moan so there is a positive. Good luck👍

MS444 profile image

I never had ectopic beats before the ablation. I had PAF, but when it wasn't there the heart beat was normal. After the ablation I had ectopic beats sometimes; mostly after dinner. After 4.5 months I went through a couple of weeks with a lot of ectopics beats and a few PAF episodes. Now after 7.5 months rarely get any ectopic beats.

fallingtopieces profile image

My recommendation is to take a decent daily dose of Magnesium citrate, around the 800mg mark. It's definitely worth a go and likely to help.


I got ectopics all the time. EP tried me on various drugs. Propafenone worked but I have a history of it affectig my memory badly, so I ended up on Disopyramide. Been on it for a few years now and it's working well for me so far, but we're all different, so not sure it means much.

Hope you get a solution because my ectopics were not nice, so know what it feels like.


micwal93 profile image
micwal93 in reply to

Have you ever considered an ablation? How many ectopics were you averaging a day?

in reply to micwal93

I had an ablation for AF and it worked. 8 years later I had another ablation but they had to abort. Since then just had the ectopics and drugs, no ablation on offer although I have asked. I might have a bit of AF as well, but I don't know because the drugs are working so well, so I'm happy as is. If I get offered an ablation I would definitely go for one again.

Never counted my ectopics, but they would be constant, so loads per minute. You could not take my pulse successfully, it was like I hardly had one.


Trish5 profile image

Micwal, I take hawthorn berry tablets, they seem to help and I also make an infusion with the leaves and dried flowers that I buy at the chemist. If you are in the UK you can buy the tablets and Holland and Barret. I have flecainide to take as Pill in the Pocket if I have too many ectopics to try and avoid an Afib attack. Trish

constabule profile image

found this i post and the one open pauses interesting .

During an exercise test was told that the ectopics worsen. Evebn

resting seem frequent and being referred to an electrical expert . , Sometimes I get that fluttery feeling but never a jolt that others describe.

I Some years back the GP noting I had slow heart rate asked if I ever felt dizzy standing or making a move very quickly, but at the time there seemed no real concerns- I always wonder now if there should have been. Ah well : there is only the present we can change and the best future possible to aim for.

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