Dental injections to kill pain - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Dental injections to kill pain

Moonriver profile image
29 Replies

I wondered what injections the dentist needs to give you if you have tendency to have Abfib....adrenaline ones would speed your heart up wouldn’t they? How effective in killing pain are the injections without adrenaline? Also what inflammatory drugs can you take if you are on rivaroxiban.

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Moonriver profile image
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29 Replies
BobD profile image

We always advise patients with AF to ask form adarenaline free local anaesthetic. They are not quite as effective but wwill not promote and AF event.

No NSAIDs should be taken if you have AF as they are known to promote it.

Moonriver profile image
Moonriver in reply to BobD

Thanks for the info Bob. When you say not so effective, does that mean they are not so good at killing pain during drilling? Does the numbing effect last as long as adrenaline shots? Or do they need to give two or more injections? My dentist told me to take an inflammatory med to sooth a nerve but my GP said no so I wonder what we can use instead to calm the tooth down.

Mike11 profile image
Mike11 in reply to Moonriver

My dentist just puts more in until I can't feel anything. Takes a little longer but after seeing the mess I was in when he used an adrenilin anesthetic, he knows neither of us want to repeat it.

hock217 profile image
hock217 in reply to BobD

Is this applicable for SVT?

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to hock217

I would think so . Always better to be cautious.

jonjub profile image

I had preparatory work for a crown recently and arranged with the dentist a five minute appointment 20 minutes before the actual appointment for her to give me a non-adrenaline injection so it had a bit of time to become effective.

Non-adrenaline is less effective and takes longer to work. Unfortunately she was delayed by another patient and by the time i sat in the chair the numbness was wearing off!! It was a fifty minute appointment so she needed (or i needed) more and by the she had finished i had received four injections. By this time my eye, face and mouth were drooping. I couldn't drink without dribbling and couldnt eat without chewing the insde of my mouth and tongue. My face returned to normal about five hours later!

I go back on thursday for the crown to be fitted. Really excited about that.

Moonriver profile image
Moonriver in reply to jonjub

Hi jonjub sorry you had such a bad experience and hope Thursday goes ok for you, I go in on Wednesday and shall ask for a large non adrenaline shot. Was that a root canal you had?

jonjub profile image
jonjub in reply to Moonriver

No, just groundworks for a molar crown.

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to jonjub

Crikey, what an experience. The obvious fault there was giving the jab too soon. Poor you - hope the return visit is better.

Finvola profile image

I always have adrenaline free injections which might be less effective as the adrenaline helps to keep the anesthetic in the tissues. Adrenaline also helps to control bleeding.

But, a few days ago I had to have an emergency extraction of a wisdom tooth, had adrenaline free jabs, the roots were curved dreadfully and the dentist worked like a coal miner! I felt no pain, bled very little even though the dentist described it as a very difficult extraction.

I take Apixaban and was advised to take no aspirin and no anti inflammatories such as ibuprufen. For the last few days I’ve been taking Co-codamol for quite strong pain and switched today to paracetamol.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Finvola

When I had a biopsy recently I had mentioned to the consultant during questioning beforehand that the medication I am taking for AF is not very effective, which she clearly thought was too much information. When it came to the biopsy I suggested that they should use an adrenaline free jab which they said wasn't available, but not to worry as it didn't really contain adrenaline, just something to concentrate the anaesthetic in the tissue. I wasn't fooled but gave in, was fine during the procedure but felt very strange and fainty about half an hour later. Luckily no AF though, or I might have been stuck at the hospital for some time......

hock217 profile image
hock217 in reply to Buffafly

I have a dentist I thought was a gem for thirty years. There are jokes about dentists "not really being doctors" here in U.S. but now I understand why this is serious. I was leaving for an African Safari in 18 hrs when I had an emergency dental visit. Unfortunately I am rarely symptomatic until it's an emergency. After hours of root canal after decent draining, he said "I'd like to put a drain in there." I explained I'd be in open jeeps and in tents etc so he did plan B. Years later an episode of SVT sent me to a cardiologist where I learned I had mitral valve prolapse and was assured it is relatively common but need to be careful 're dental work/infections. The tooth remains problematic on n off. I saw a root canal specialist who took a circular head CT scan and advised the tooth should be pulled. My dentist disagreed. This lower tooth is directly above the heart. I was on antibiotics but still have had on and off painful throbbing until my Holistic Doctor who also happens to be a dentist did acupuncture injections where a tiny white dott/lump (probably where a drain was needed) The dot is still visible but never enlarges and never have pain anymore. I'm wondering if this indirectly caused SVT. Hindsight is 20/20.

Moonriver profile image

Hi Finvola. Thanks for responding. I am glad your treatment went ok. You have put my mind at rest! I need a deep filling and Inlay. As long as there is no pain with non adrenaline I can relax a bit. If the shot is short lasting they can give another shot. However, jonjub seems to have had bad experience. See above.

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to Moonriver

Jonjub’s experience was not good but I’ve now had two extractions and in both cases I was given two injections with instructions to signal if I needed more. The amount of work - pushing, drilling (yes, to get at the shattered bits) and pulling were the most I have experienced and I felt no pain. The effects started wearing off after about 3 hours and I needed my first painkillers an hour later.

My dentist did say that the non adrenaline might not be effective enough because the adrenaline keeps the drug longer in the tissues.

Don’t take an anti inflammatory for your nerves or anything else - your dentistis a dentist, not a cardiologist!!! I use breathing and meditation - as best I can to calm the soul before, during if I can and immediately afterward.

I hope all goes smoothly.

hock217 profile image
hock217 in reply to Finvola

Or anything else? What about valium?

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to hock217

I worded my sentence badly - by anything else I meant pain or swelling. Most websites advise ibuprofen as the best painkiller for these - but we AF’ers shouldn’t take it.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Finvola

😨 I wondered how they were going to deal with my broken tooth.....

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to Buffafly

Hopefully the break isn't structural Buffafly - I thought I had only a filling crack but sadly the tooth had split to the root.

I have had adrenaline free injections for about 20 years ..since an adrenaline based one set off a very fast heart rate.

I find them very effective and I have had 3 root canals in recent years. Dentistry these days is much less scary these days anyhow .

Moonriver profile image

Yatsura, that’s good to know that non adrenaline effective.

fallingtopieces profile image

I have had root canal work with non adrenaline injections. Mine actually took a long time to wear off, 4 hours ish. No problems at all.


cat3 profile image

I've only just started with AF but my dentist has used the none-adrenalin 'Citanest' for my treatment for many years. Adrenalin made my heart race so fast she could feel the vibration in my shoulders. Citanest is more costly so mightn't be a dentist's first choice but, for me, it's always been 100% effective even throughout lengthy procedures.

I've been warned against the use of Aspirin/Ibuprofen whilst using Rivaroxaban. 😵


opal11uk profile image

I always have adrenaline free with no problems.

Bagrat profile image

I've had both ( since being in this group have asked for non adrenaline) The one without seems to wear off in a more timely manner and I have never had pain, this includes two crowns.

Believe and relax, as I'm sure fear gets us to push out adrenaline ourselves as part of fight or flee! AF is not on the dentists' list for conditions requiring non adrenaline so you do have to ask.

hock217 profile image

Never knew about this issue. I've had a lot of dental work due to my fear of dentists from childhood when my braids were used to tie my head down. I now know thanks to this site of the risk of dental work using adrenaline with mitral valve prolapse. As a young adult I had nitrous oxide I was so anxious. Any warnings 're SVT. Haven't needed it in decades as I have had great confidence in my dentist. If mitral valve prolapse is common in general public and a young adult had avoided dentists for 20 yrs, I wonder if a cardiac eval should be recommended prior to procedures.

Howardl profile image
Howardl in reply to hock217


I have always told the dentist that I have AF and take Apixaban and have been given injections on two or three occasions without a discussion of any side effects about AF or excessive bleeding. I accept that my heart will beat excessively on occasions, eg walking up hills, small panic attacks while sat in a dentist chair, you don’t need AF for these, but I take tablets to keep it all under control.

Is it with private treatment they discuss your health and medication?

Leeson profile image

Always ask for adrenaline free when I go to the dentist, and I remind him a couple of times too, just in case he forgets, he also has it on my paperwork too, so far all good after 7 fillings.

JudyMarieC profile image

I've had 2 root canals and 2 crowns done in the last few months. No pain either during or after and the dentist used the adrenaline free anesthetic. I always remind the dentist before he gives me the injection just to be sure.

MagV profile image

Moonriver - I had dental surgery on Thursday with non-adrenaline anesthesia. No issues whatsoever and two month ago I had a wisdom tooth extraction also with non-adrenaline anesthesia - no issues either.

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