I saw this cartoon on Twitter today, following the release of the new Apple Watch with the ECG and ability to detect AFib.
The new Apple Watch: I saw this cartoon... - Atrial Fibrillati...
The new Apple Watch

O.M.G. that is so useful but a little bit scarey aswell! It would certainly encourage you to get up if you were able. If you were tempted into having a breather , all hell will let loose!
Joking aside, if accurate, I can see that being a lifesaver eventually. X
I am not sure I would want to know every time I went into AF, it could be depressing. But I do think the high/low warning would be very useful for anyone being considered for a pacemaker or having to be careful not to raise HR too much while exercising. Perhaps it could be loaned out in much the same way as a holter monitor? I think I would prefer one of those little buddy robots if I was so frail I as liable to 'have a fall'.
I posted this last year that it would be forthcoming as Apple the company is going, in my humble opinion from reading - into the medical device wearable business. That is the future and they will be one of the first companies there. I am also a stock holder.
Not sure I would want to run out and get one right away. I am already checking blood pressure all the time already... LOL. The price, as in all electronics will filter down in time.
Rather It may end us a defined tool for cardiac doctors for their patients as a must wear as the Apple watch will also monitor if you fall down. Falling is a heightened risk for geriatric patients. It is an FDA approved EKG device now.
The EKG reading from the new Apple Watch S4 cannot be that accurate. In hospital they use 12 lead monitors and even they can miss some cardiac events.
I came across this device that the geniuses at Cambridge University are developing:
It really looks amazing with the detailed EKG reading combined with Artificial Intelligence.