Greetings all. I've been visiting this terrific forum for quite some time now (what a help it has been!), but this is my first time actually creating a thread.
On 21 August 2018 I had a PVI cryoablation at University Hospital here in London, Canada.
I'm happy to report that everything went extremely well with the procedure and I'm feeling very well 2 weeks post ablation. As info.. I am a long time paroxysmal "vagal" AF sufferer (4+ years of frequent, lengthy, highly symptomatic AF episodes).
I've been in continual NSR since the cryoablation (what a great thing that is!), with a couple of very brief instances (perhaps 3-4 seconds) of ectopic beats during the first week post procedure. During the 1st week I also had two brief episodes (~30 minutes) of ocular migraine, culminating in a mild headache for a few hours. I've experienced no episodes of anything during the 2nd week.
Since having the cryoablation I have noticed my resting heart rate is up about 10-12 BPM (when I last checked it was 72 BPM) and my blood pressure is up about 10 mm/Hg on each number (systolic & diastolic) -- my blood pressure is currently averaging about 128/88, which I will be discussing with my GP next week.
I've been instructed to continue taking an anti-arrhythmic (flecainide 50 mg B.I.D.) for the first 2 months (then stop), and at the 3 month point I'll be having a follow-up visit with the EP folks. I'll be on an anti-coagulant for life (I'm taking apixaban), as my CHADS2 score dictates this -- I had an ischemic stroke in March 2016 as a result of AF. My stroke was luckily/thankfully mitigated by way of an emergency intervention at the hospital -- an endovascular thrombectomy was performed.
So that's my story and that is where things stand at the moment. The technology associated with cryoablation is absolutely amazing, and I'm very thankful it was made available to me. I am hoping this blissful NSR I'm experiencing will continue for a very long time!
Richard Breeze