Morning all Its dull and slight drizzle here today Feeling chilly which I haven't in a while .Hope all out there are feeling ok I think sometimes the consistent feeling of needing to know things can sometimes be not too good and perhaps does more harm than good for some people on here Myself included.We are all at different stages of our journey on here and it's nice to sometimes get help and support from others but sometimes it's something simple like a just a chat and a laugh that works wonders.This can help those who suffer anxiety help people to relax a little more and not to put extra pressure on them about their condition The trouble with text is that things can sometimes be miss read and took totally out of context .I'm so glad I was told about all you friendly people and I know at present I'm lucky compared to lots of you but I do worry about what is to come and how I will deal with it when and if it does.So let's all be chilled and continue to help those who need it even if it's just a friendly chat and a little laughter If goes a all long long way to make someone's day then it's been worth it .
Don't know why I have said all this was not intended when I began to write but hope people know what I mean by it