A very Up and Down Day: Just flipped... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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A very Up and Down Day

CDreamer profile image
39 Replies

Just flipped back into NSR - hurrah! - after a day of on and off horrible, symptomatic arrythmias with Heart pauses and HR down to 39 and then tachycardia up to 165 eventually resulting in 4 hours of fast AFl.

Now I am ready for this pacemaker! Now on the NHS waiting list so have planned to be at home until it’s done. No holidays for me this year 🙁.

I think the heat just got to me, along with a few rather stressful sibling concerns and debates.

Breath slow and calm......breath slow and calm..........and repeat...

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CDreamer profile image
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39 Replies
Aprilbday profile image

😱. Heart-breaking to read that this happened to you. I am happy that you are back to what’s more normal. I have felt similiar-but not as bad-thankful when everything gets back. Thank God for pace-makers, you will do well when you get yours. 🤞How long before it’s on the schedule and you get it?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Aprilbday

Waiting game I’m afraid - I’m told the list is not too long, my husband waited about 6-8 weeks but because I’m having a Pace & Ablate procedure and I have co-morbidities and will need anethetist and neurologist supervision it could be longer. I’ve been flip flopping about it for 18 months but a day like today is a decision maker for sure!

Thanks for your empathy and support. X

Finvola profile image

That sounds absolutely awful CD - I’m glad for you that NSR has returned.

Hopefully your wait will not be too long and you can look forward to better things soon. Be cool and calm. xx

cbsrbpm profile image

Sorry you’ve had such a rough day CD but glad it has now settled somewhat. This heat is not helpful for AF is it. Try and keep cool and don’t do much and keep hydrated, not that I have to tell you that. I hope they come up with a date for you soon. I am sure that pace and ablate is the next step for me too. I am waiting constantly for mine to flip out again, it keeps threatening with short runs of tachycardia. Best wishes


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to cbsrbpm

Hi Brenda - thanks. That’s what it was like last night - sort threatening with short bursts of tachcardia. I was supposed to go to Bristol for a health seminar today but I cancelled as I didn’t want to get stuck in traffic in this sort of weather. I hate cancelling things like that but I know I can cope at home but yesterday I felt so bad I don’t think I could have coped at all outside and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to concentrate.

Hope you stay well, just hope cooler weather is on the way. Best wishes.

falah12345 profile image

So sorry CD dreamer that you are having a hard time.

I think STRESS is the only trigger but we are trying to convince ourselves there are other issues


Please take it easy and dont forget your mindfulness and hope the pa ce maker will help you to stay in SR and to have the best quality of life .

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to falah12345

Hi - and thanks for the advice😂

afafaf profile image
afafaf in reply to falah12345

Hi Falah, I agree that STRESS is huge. Caffeine seems to also set me off, but alcohol not so much. I'm always amazed at how STRESS is lower on the totem pole of triggers than it really should be.

Sorry to hear youve had a rough time CD. It often takes this to enable us to come to terms with a decision we have made- in your case to go ahead with pace/ablate. Do hope you dont have to wait long and meanwhile heart rate remains steady.


Bagrat profile image

Oh lordy that sounds grim. Pleased things are settling. I always feel better once a decision has been made, hope you do too and the wait is not too long. Sending calming thoughts. Wendyb

djbgatekeeper profile image

Hope you are feeling much better CD sounds like a bad day for you!

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to djbgatekeeper

Thanks - feeling better but going slowly today,

jennydog profile image

I am so sorry that you are having such a rough time of it. The hot weather and stress make a rotten combination!

Very best wishes for a successful pace & ablate.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image

I know for a fact that any elevated stress in my life brings my heart to its knees and I can't stop it. I feel it is soooo sensitive to the littlest things it annoys the bleep out of me. I keep telling it to man up lol. Keep smiling and I hope things work out for you x

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Bmwpaul1971

It can be so insidious can’t it. I was very calm the whole time but I do think I somatise emotions and it was a combination of the warm weather, but who knows, it is what it is and my heart has been slowing down and speeding up for a while now anyway. Just when you get a settled period you are lulled into a false sense of security,

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to CDreamer

Yes, your body does have some nasty suprises for you at times

wilsond profile image

Cdreamer,hope you have a better day today.Think the weather conditions are affecting many of us Afibbers and Fluttererers! Even though I am keeping well hydrated and usually less exercise,keeps breaking through this past week.

I saw a lot of the early hours of today,doing what you did .

I am convinced,like you,of the link between stress and our condition,I have had problems with work this week,and a meeting today which I am anxious about...coincidence?

hoping you are in a better place today,console yourself by perhaps researching a lovely holiday for when you can book a holiday?

best wishes

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to wilsond

I nearly booked a holiday to Italy in September but will wait until the spring now. Thanks,

Difficult times CD but you will get through them. We need you to do just that because your contributions to the forum help us all, so now it is time for us to help you! Let’s hope the wait is not too long and that you continue to feel better. Best wishes, John

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to

Thanks old friend. x

in reply to CDreamer

Oiii.....not so much of the “old”....😉

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to

Known a while friend? The way I’m feeling I will take decrepit.

in reply to CDreamer

Old is fine....👍

Rienij70 profile image

So glad you are back to normal, it is a horrible experience I know. Have a wonderful day. 😘😘 Rienij

Do hope you have a better day, CD.

When there's a big step to take, it's a great asset to have no doubts about it.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to

So true! x

So sorry to hear that! I was in AF yesterday as well, this heat really isn't helping is it? Makes it hard to sleep, which is another stress. I hope the pacemaker sorts everything out for you! Hopefully the waiting list won't be too long. I'm sure it will be a weight off your mind. Sending hugs.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to

And back. How are you doing? Hope you are well. X

Doing fine today thanks, I do hope you're feeling better too - I had lots of plans, and just not the energy to do anything. AF is a real pest sometimes!

BobD profile image

Stay with the program! Well done. xx

JaneFinn profile image

Oh CDreamer, I’m so sorry to hear about your day yesterday 😢 It must have been vile ... and scary too with the huge variations. I’m so glad it’s stable now - hoping you got some good sleep (despite this heat)? And that you have a restful, recovering, secure-rhythm day.

Like others have said, I’m glad your pacemaker decision has at least been confirmed so there’s no lurking doubt about it. Hope that you don’t have too long to wait and that in the meantime your heart behaves. Even if it does, it’s a wise decision to stay put til then, I’m sure. But the world’s your oyster once the pacemaker is in :)

Take care - and remember we’re all here for you just as you always are for us! 💜

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to JaneFinn

Thank you so much. I had a few thumps and bumps in the night but nothing too strange or startling. Going for a short walk along the beach - before the hoards. So lucky to live in such a beautiful place. x

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply to CDreamer

Glad not too bad in the night, and hope you enjoyed the walk- before the hoards and too much heat I imagine :) x

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Sorry to hear what you've been going through CDreamer. PAF is a horrible condition when it really hits you! Roll on the day you get it all sorted. I bet you can't wait for that now!


Redders profile image

Hears to a restful day CD. Hope everything goes ok with your pace maker and you get a date soon. Val

Desanthony profile image

Ah bless you. This heat is just too much at times though I try not to complain because it is nice to have warm sunny weather. I dare say that once the schools are out it will change, normally does! Try and relax and make the most of the warmth. We have a bit of a breeze here today and thought the temperature was going to be a little lower but it crept right back up there. We are cutting the weeds - the grass hasn't grown but the weeds have! Shame because the grass is looking nice and burnt - just the way I like it as don't have to cut it so often!

Take care of yourself and hope your pacemaker appointment comes up quickly and it does the trick for you.

dedeottie profile image

Really sorry to hear what a bad time you are having despite your amazingly best efforts. I know it is no good moaning BUT it really isnt fair!

The silver lining is probably that this episode will undoubtably make your decision easier.

Hang on in there our thoughts are with you.

Take care

Jane x

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to dedeottie

Thanks Jane - it certainly did confirm I need it! It’s always the way isn’t it - when you have felt well for a while you think that it may not come back - unfortunately wishful thinking doesn’t always work. x

sann profile image

Hi Cdreamer, so sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it right now, but pray that it won’t be long before you get your Pacemaker. After all you gave me some reassuring about when I was having mine replaced a fortnight ago, thanks for that. If I had a magic wand I’d wave it over the surgeon and say do it now. I agree this hot weather doesn’t help one bit also stress, wish my husband would realise this, he doesn’t and never has realised what this dreaded Af is like, so he stresses me out quite a lot.but, the weather does this to us AFs doesn’t it. But what you say is ...calm...breathe. Calm..breathe which is good. Please keep us posted, take care Sann xxx

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