У мене дуже часто нападають миготлива аритмія. Кілька разів в "Що я повинен робити"?
often attacks of flashing arrhythmia. - Atrial Fibrillati...
often attacks of flashing arrhythmia.
We like a challenge mandragora10, but we are more likely to help if you could ask your question in English.....
Ukranian translation via Google:
My attenuated arrhythmia is often attacked. Several times in "What should I do?"
I have to be honest, I am more confused now than before the translation
so am I Sharon.....
Good detective work there! 🤔
Go to a cardiologist (also a rhythm specialist-EP), if you haven’t been yet. Make sure to take any medication given exactly as prescribed. Try not to be anxious. Read as much as possible about A-Fib. Eat healthy, limit caffeine, reduce stress, find out from doctor how much exercise is right for you, stay hydrated and hopeful.
If this is new and happening now and if you are very concerned, head on out to emergency to get checked out to get clarity on what’s going on-then follow up with their recommendations.
Попробуйте соли магния и калия чтобы пополнить баланс электролитов. Если это не поможет обратитесь к врачу.
Translation of faridaros reply "Try the magnesium and potassium salts to replenish the balance of electrolytes. If this does not help, seek medical advice"
Don't want to be unkind or uncaring, but I'm just wondering if this is someone having a laugh!!!!
Well sorry but I have no idea what that message was all about How can you expect help if people cannot translate
I ask for 😣 I have an attack of atrial fibrillation of arrhythmia for one year. The last months are very common. 2 times per day. In two hours I take bisoprolol and aspirin. I'm tired of frequent AF attacks.
Bisoprolol is not enough for antiarytmic therapy. You need a sotalol, flecainide, propafenone or similar drug. Ask your GP.
Я очага приймати аміодарон. Стало не можна бо маю бронхіальну астму. Тому більшість бета блокаторів не можна вживати. Пропонують абляцію, але не знаю де в Україні це зробити і за які гроші
Magnesium may help.
You may be able to get propafenone from your doctor. You may also need warfarin to prevent strokes, which can happen when you have AF.
Magnesium citrate is good. Try to improve your health in every way possible - no alcohol or smoking. Eat healthily and make sure you don't weigh too much. Yogurt and kefir are good.