I have suffered flashing lights in varying degrees after my ablation on 7 July. I can't seem to find out whether this is an usual symptom or not. Can anyone enlighten me.
Flashing lights after abalation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flashing lights after abalation

It's not unusual, perdie. Put 'visual aura' in the Search AF Association box above at the top right and several posts will come up.
Hi Perdie - I had my third ablation the day before you had yours and I've been getting the same with my eyes, but none so far today. I didn't worry as I'd read on here many times that it's common afterwards. I didn't have it with my previous ablations and am wondering if it has anything to do with having a general anaesthetic this time.
i am sure it is to do with the septal puncture. I did some research and that is what emerged but also my own experience seems to indicate the same. When I had my first ablation under sedation, I had 2 weeks of flashing lights. At just about the time when the hole would be healed/healing ,they stopped. The second ablation also with sedation, was the one that was aborted because the needle didnt go through the septum wall (tried to go through the aorta instead ) therefore no transeptal puncture and I had no flashing lights at all.
Whatever the reason, i wish they would warn people as it seems to be a common event. X
Thank you all for your help. It has made me feel better knowing that others have had the same experience.
Hi, I had my cryo ablation 18 months ago and I had flashing lights for the first couple of weeks or so, perfectly normal. No one warns you about these and this is what is worrying
Hi Perdie
Yes I has 2 to 3 weeks of aura migraines every afternoon after my ablation in April.
No pain, just the light show!
I was prepared as EP told me of possibility of being quite a common side effect of the ablation procedure.
He told me it is because when you make a hole in the heart to pass the cathater through from the right to left side, the pressure in your brain drops and this can cause the "lights".
They should ease and then disappear.
Good luck with your recovery.
Take it slowly as the heart and body needs to heal gently I feel.
Best wishes
I had that too off and on for about 2 weeks after my ablation. Not another since though. The EP told me it was likely the side effects of some of the meds they gave me during the surgery. Not to worry.
Thank you all. I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. I wish someone had warned me as I am very short sighted and have to be very careful with flashing lights anyway in my vision.