Sunshine: Good morning all.Another... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Vonnieruth profile image
40 Replies

Good morning all.Another sunny hot day .Not my thing really Sorry .Got woke up this morning by a massive golden retriever head butting my bedroom door and trying to jump on my bed Panic kicked in thinking of being on apixaban What a way to be I really need to sort myself out and starting living again Hard though Wish I was so like many who can carry on I so lack confidence and worry along with anxiety I feel every twinge ache burb or cough Hyocondriact is flashing at minute

Hope you all have a good day though

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Vonnieruth profile image
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40 Replies
Hilly22 profile image

Hi Vonnie

Got a bit of 3G this morning!

I’m the same. Weather here in France is hot with mostly heavy rain and it’s not suiting me at all. Eating too much French bread and having loads of AF episodes.

French roads are scaring the hell out of me! Going into St-Raphael today to check out trains to Monte Carlo and Villefranche for days out without stress of driving! Wish I could enjoy holidays like I used to with lots of red wine and carefree fun.

Your dog sounds gorgeous though.

Take care x

meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to Hilly22

Wow living in the south of France, pure joy. The trains there are excellent, speedy, quite clean and reliable. The views travelling by the coast is sheer heaven. Dump the car and travel by train wherever possible.

The journey from St Raphael is lovely and on to Villfranche and Monte Carlo is spectacular. Get a seat on upper level coastal side and you will enjoy every minute. While there go on to Menton and Menton Garavan, you won't be disappointed.

How is healthcare in your area with regard to af, I am longing to go back but my af and svt require hospital treatment when they kick in so I am unnerved at traveling now. Ditch the bread somewhat I find it doesn't help my arrhythmias, worth a try Hilly 22.

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to meadfoot

Thank you Meadfoot for your lovely response. We're on holiday here for two weeks - wish I was living here!

Great advice re. trains and thanks for the tip ... will give Menton and M Garavan a go and let you know. Just a recce this morning to wander the streets of St Raph ... think we'll go to Monte Carlo etc. next week when the weather's better. Vive les trains! x

meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to Hilly22

Enjoy. Go to Menton Garavan first, it's the farthest point then you can stroll back on the seafront to Menton itself and stroll through the lovely streets, cafes and shops. Lovely architecture too. Very French. As you can see I am there in spirit.

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to meadfoot

Really appreciate that Meadfoot - we'll do that. Enjoy your day - I'll be thinking of you while we're on our coastal adventure x

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to meadfoot

Just a thought re. healthcare here, meadfoot. There's a 24 hr A&E dept. close to us in Frejus. Not sure what it's like and hoping I won't find out! I'm assuming that EHIC would cover treatment if needed, keeping insurance costs down, but it's unclear whether EHIC will continue for us after BREXIT :-(

Went to the Gare du trains and have planned our trip for one day next week. Very excited :-D

meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to Hilly22

Thank you Hilly22,. I will look it up and also Nice hospital too. I tend to look for hospital availability before I travel abroad as when my svt in particular kicks in I have no alternative than to be in hospital on Iv morphine for chest pain, almost passing out every minute or so and usually flecainide to convert. Not very conducive to a peaceful holiday, rather defeats the object of a restful break away. However needs must and when holidays go to plan without arrhythmias raising their heads there is nothing finer.

Had another thought check if there are many cruise ships docking off Villeranche when you are travelling there. Savvy cruise passengers come in by tender in their droves and head for the train station there to get to wherever they fancy seeing, most often Monte Carlo and trains can get very crowded both early on in the day and a mad rush at Monte Carlo station on the way back so they don't miss their ship. Lots of people work in Monte Carlo and travel home to Nice etc so teatime can be quite busy train wise. No problem if you don't have a set train time back to St Raphael but bear it in mind if you do.

There is a lovely little road train up to Monnaco from MonteCarlo sea front, it's much pretty up there with lovely little narrow streets, the sea view is beautiful and a trip to the palace is well worth it if you have time. Much prettier up there than the concrete high rises in Monte Carlo. The multimillionaires yachts in the harbour however are well worth a look.

Sorry for going on, I sound like a tour guide and you probably know the area very well anyway. I'm getting carried away. Lol.

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to meadfoot

Bless you, thank you so much for the very useful information. I haven't been to Monaco for decades so really appreciate your guidance. Certainly never done the road train and it sounds gorgeous. I'm looking forward to sharing our experience with you so watch this space, 3G allowing - it's very weak some days. Struggling with it now ... I do hope this posts ok. All the very best to you, H x

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to Hilly22

Morning Hilly.Hope you manage to relax and enjoy some of today Did you say husband was a doctor at one time My dog is one spoilt boy

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to Vonnieruth

Thanks Vonnie. Yes, husband not just a doctor, but a French-speaking doctor to boot ... so useful! x

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to Hilly22

Very useful lol in more ways than one lol

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Hilly22

Those were the days! Havn't been down there since Monaco GP in 82. Now Monza is another story.

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to BobD

What a fabulous experience that must've been, Bob. Please tell us about Monza one day ...

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Hilly22

Short story Hilly. Went out with my two boys to watch an historic event where some of my friends were racing. One had engine failure in his first race on Saturday so we rebuilt it over night and he won next day. Going out to eat at 1 am in warm night was " interesting. " Nothing happens quickly in Italy in summer. Don't think we slept for about three days.

Sadly another friend had a heart attack in the paddock right outside the medical centre and ended up having a stent at the local hospital. We then ended up having to load his car up and arrange somebody to drive his rig back from Italy to England whilst his wife stayed out there with him for a couple of weeks till he was able to fly home to Scotland . And we were supposed to be spectators! That's motor racing for you.

Many years ago we were staying in Allasio in the flat of a local tour guide when Monaco GP was our middle weekend. We organised a coach tour there which of course was paid for by everybody else so we went free. hee hee. Nothing if not resourceful.

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to BobD

Wow! Thanks Bob - what an interesting and eventful trip. Never a dull moment by the sound of it, you must’ve been exhausted by the time you got back. Glad your friend was ok in the end.

Hoping to get free tickets myself one of these days - nephew is an aerodynamicist for Mercedes F1 so I’m being extra nice to him hehe.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to Hilly22

I have to watch out for you Hilly Nearest I will get to a F1 circuit is my TV and armchair lol

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to Vonnieruth

Lol. I’ll wave to you :-)

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Hilly22

All my F1 buddies have retired like me now. Must write my memoirs one day. I'm sure it was the 20 odd years when I was living on 4 hours sleep a night which caused my AF but I still miss it some days. These days they have legal working time limitations but back then you worked till the car was ready.

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to BobD

Ooh let us know when you've written your memoirs Bob ... would love to read them.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Hilly22

Started about five years ago and only got as far as age 14. Every time I start again I read what I wrote and remember another three chapters! Now I do a short essay about a particular event (or girl lol ) and hope one day to join them all up.

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to BobD

Love it :-D

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to Hilly22

Sounds good Bob Can I order a copy please Don't leave it too long though I'm getting on a bit now

Edm174 profile image

Morning vonnie it’s grey in Yorkshire today !! Off to work but feeling tired today same as most days really !! Off to Australia in Nov so that keeps me motivated 😄 enjoy the lovely sunshine !!!

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to Edm174

I'm from Yorkshire ... weather sounds the same as it is here! :-)

meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to Hilly22

Me too and it's grey and dull here today hence my penchant for south of France.

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply to meadfoot

Sounds lovely 😊 my son lives Australia I go every year !!!

CDreamer profile image

I think many of us were like that but I guess we have learned over time that nothing bad has happened so we don’t think of it anymore - you will get there!

No sun here - just lots and lots of cloud and mist - and it’s my birthday - 😗 - but it’s sunny in my 💔 even though it’s a bit wonky.

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply to CDreamer

Oh happy birthday, dear CDreamer! 💐🎂🎈🎉

Hope you have a lovely and healthy day 💖

Hilly22 profile image
Hilly22 in reply to CDreamer

Happy Birthday CDreamer :-)

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to CDreamer

Happy birthday cdreamer have a great day

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to CDreamer

Happy Birthday S,

meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to CDreamer

Happy Birthday.

CDreamer profile image

Thanks for birthday wishes everyone

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply to CDreamer

Happy birthday hope you have had a nice day !

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to CDreamer

Welcome Hope you had a great day

wilsond profile image

Bless you! I get bouts of anxiety about our condition ,not least because my mum had a fatal AF related stroke,as well as having heart failure

, but try to keep my sensible head on and find it helpful to think that she got to 77 years even so with a very poorly heart AND AF....

For some reason ,she was never anticoagulant but had a pacemaker.Took my GPS advice not to go on myself at first,as he said I was low risk.After having a TIA stroke,I was highly glad I was promptly put on apixaban in hospital...

Know how you feel ,especially when we first start taking it,but we can get used to it and stop fretting.Lots of good advice here on relaxation techniques etc.

relate to the Golden Retriever is a photo of my Month 11.5 and still bonkers!,..oh won't let me,I will try and out on my profile bit here

best wishes x

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to wilsond

Thanks for message I try to not worry as I do know it isn't good I was such a strong minded person before and feel I'm not here for my girls even though they are all adults They still need there mum and have health problems themselves including schizophrenia

wilsond profile image

I think we all get anxious sometimes about our AF if truth be told,especially at the start of our journey.I can relate to this and fretting about apixaban ,it does get better,especially when we read the great support on here,where would we be without this forum? In a worrisome place!

My mum died of a AF related stroke ,with behaviours too,and was not anticoagula ted, I don't know why.Suspect it was same flaky GP ( we went to same surgery) that told me I didn't need it either.After a TIA last November,was very glad when hospital p u t me straight on.

of course we fret about possible danger,but it does wear off and if we try keep it all in perspective,follow relaxation techniques,think of how it keeps us safe from awful strokes,we can get to stage where we accept.

relate to golden retriever life!got one myself,11.5 and still bonkers!

had builders in yesterday,had to lock him in bedroom in the end as he was being so very helpful! I'll try and out a photo of him on my profile.

best wishes xxx

wilsond profile image

I have posted twice! My tablet is playing up,so please bear with me until my technical adviser comes for lunch( my son)

Vonnieruth profile image

Lol thought I was seeing double for a minute lol

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