How has everyone been managing in this hot weather .
Heat: How has everyone been managing in... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Struggling with breathing with when exerting myself !
Tried to garden yesterday,quick change of plan! Too much.
Keep even more hydrated than usual.
How hot did it get?
Too hot for me lol
Very hot here in N Ireland - more used to howling wind and cold!! Too hot to walk in the afternoon - siesta time.
Siesta is good I just read my book
Went to the gym at 730 am yesterday and it was still too hot. My heart rate was all over the place so decided to stick to the shade for the rest of the day.
Good morning I sat by fan most of day reading my book Looks like another hot day today to .
So do you find doing exercises OK I'm so scared of doing anything at moment
Hi Yvonne few minutes in sun then hide indoors. Find it much harder to sit out as my heart rate goes up. Plenty water. Enjoy your day
Hi thanks for reply .Is it OK to drink flavoured water Or even fizzy water
YES at least 2 litres per day this weather . NOT things like cola or tea/coffee which deplete hydration. 7Up is another thing which depletes.
I only drink decaffeinated Is that OK Bob
yes but don't include it in your water quota. Use the colour test I mentioned-- Clear or dry white wine is fine. Anything darker drink more.
OK will do Didn't know it can effect AF.So much to learn haven't i
Anything which makes your heart work harder will potentially affect AF
Such as what Bob I'm so ignorant about all this
Heat, alcohol, fear. any effort etc . Your heart speeds up to increase blood flow when you walk, climb stairs etc or do work so the muscles can work. Dehydration exacerbates this problem.
Hi Bob, I'm due to have a stress test in 2 weeks and hoping that it won't be so hot then. Any tips on how to prepare? Very nervous about it! Nervous about my heart and AFibb and also because I have Fibromyalgia and my back isn't great these days as well as my feet and ankles! I can't exercise much due to pain in my back and legs!
I don’t drink it myself because I think it may contain sodium I’m not sure. I drink sprite and am fine on it
See my comments on hydration.
I've been drinking water as much water as I can - usually about two pints - before I do anything and it seems to be quite a good way of hydrating myself for the day. When i wake up my eyes are all sore and that has the knock on effect of making me feel grim. About ten minutes after drinking the water, I feel them hydrate which makes me feel instantly better. This hot weather is really difficult though isnt it?
Yes. I used to love the hot weather but can't cope with it at all now. I've just re-read what I wrote and perhaps I should add that I continue drinking water throughout the day as I know how good it is to be properly hydrated. The morning drink is just to start things with a bit of a boost.
Must try it Would warm water be okay as I usually drink tea first thing
Morning Vonnie, like most on here I spent a lot of time indoors yesterday. Though I did manage to get a large black bag full of garden weeds and dead flowers. The heat totally drains me when it's so hot outside, though I always feel that I'm missing something if I stay in.
I always drink tepid water, as I'm too afraid cold water will set my heart off racing.
Thanks Jeanie.I have so much to learn yet It's like a new life
I think one of the most important things I've learnt is not to worry or focus too much on my AF. Depends how your AF affects you I suppose. It used to make me feel so tired and breathless at one time and when my heart shook in my chest I felt sure the end was nigh, but I now realise all that worrying was for nothing and made my AF worse.
The mind is a powerful tool for coping with AF. I used to wonder why on the days I saw my EP and cardiologist I felt so well. If I had a heart monitor fitted for a week, then I knew that would be the week I'd be fighting fit. All were in fact calming, reassuring security blankets.
I tend to panic when I go to hospital I always think the worse .Just phoned appointments at my hospital as still not had one through I'm referred to AF clinic as noreal appointment.Is that good
The AF nurses are usually really good and because that's all they deal with they know the subject well.
Minutes before I have an appointment with mine I usually have an ECG and then they study it to see what's needed. They can give the go ahead for you to have a cardioversion if they think it will help, decide if different medication might be better and will assess just how you're heart is. I guess if they think you need to see a consultant urgently they will get you an appointment to see one quickly. Though it's not very often we AF sufferers need to be seen urgently. For me it's only when my heart decides to race and like you I would be admitted to hospital.
It can take months to see a Cardiologist and even longer for an EP.
Heat does not help my condition. We have received a lot of rain which does not seem to make me better like it has in the past. This is the longest stretch that I have experienced bronchitis and the mucus that does not get better. Nebulizer helps ,but no energy. I keep hoping this condition will get better.
Gives me low blood pressure. I have to drink lots of water as recommended by my cardio. In cold weather my blood pressure is too high!
Wow really Guess you try to rest when it's hot weather then
No heat here in darkest Worcestershire, it has been dull for days with no sun and a bit chilly.
Not that I am complaining, the heat makes my feet swell so when it is hot I spend a lot of time barefoot on the cold kitchen tiles
Quote Vonnieruth...
'' Is it OK to drink flavoured water Or even fizzy water''.
Vonnie the lovely Dr Gupta says no carbonated drinks is best, they are not good for us something to do with depleting minerals from our bodies.
I drink water with slices of lemon and ice when it is hot, when drinking the scent of the lemon under your nose fools you into thinking you are having something more exciting
Common sense really. Keep cool and drink plenty.