I had been seeing the same cardiologist for 8 yrs for symptomatic afib. My afib has gotten steadily more frequent until now I have been cardioverted 3 times in the last 4 weeks. My cardiologist set me up with his EP to discuss cryo-ablation and I was not impressed. After some research I found the guy who actually was the first to do it in my area. He is a cardiologist and an EP. If I had known all the stuff I learned from him I would have done this yrs ago. Before I was just on Metoprolol and aspirin. Now on Metoprolol, Flecainide and Eliquis. 12 days in and no afib. Ablation is next month. Always do some research and get a second opinion.
ALWAYS get a second opinion - Atrial Fibrillati...
ALWAYS get a second opinion

I agree totally. I did and haven't looked back.
Cardioverted three times? My consultant wouldn’t even consider cardioversion unless the AF was permanent, as the heart is likely to revert to AF at any time. I had a 48 hour ECG which recorded eight AF episodes, the longest lasting 23 hours (whilst on 100mg Flecainide twice daily). Even then, he did a cryo ablation and cardioversion together, rather than just doing a cardioversion.
Ive had good experience with Eliquis. I've been taking it now for one year.
I agree! My GP puts blinders on as I want to switch to apixaban from rivarobaxan since I had a big rectal bleed. He also said that doctors can't tell an afib just my using a stethoscope. I blinked rapidly. The only two afibs I had, I knew they were there. I went to emerge when he said I was in afib an they were premature atrial complexes...makes you feel suspicious about his knowledge. he referred me to cardiologist for echocardiogram based on what he said were afibs but I think he was 'told" that they weren't....he back peddled and said doctors can't really tell using a stethoscope. Anyone heard of that?
I am on most of hose drugs also + pacemaker and no afib, No bad reactions with Eliquis - EXCEPT FOR THE DRUG'S COST! Good luck!
Yes the Eliquis is not cheap but they have programs to reduce the price if you qualify. Talk to your Dr about it. Good luck
I am on most of those drugs also + pacemaker and no afib, No bad reactions with Eliquis - EXCEPT FOR THE DRUG'S COST! Good luck!
I changed cardiologists, then got referred to 'his' EP (they probably all have their favourite links), didn't like his rushed impersonal manner, so did more research and pleased I took all these steps.
I had exactly the same experience. I was going to my cardiologist and he never recommended going to an EP. I had so many bouts of a fib to the point where I thought I was going to die. Finally I got tired of it and did some research and found The EP I have now. I have Flecainide and Eliquis and my regular blood pressure medicine which is quite low but still I have it. If I hadn’t did the research I would still be having all the problems! You are so correct.