I had a cardiac ablation on April 30th. After procedure, I was in normal sinus rhythm for 4 days. The last two days, I'm experiencing a couple afib episodes, and back to sinus today. I hope it's normal.
In and out of Afib. : I had a cardiac... - Atrial Fibrillati...
In and out of Afib.

Yes of course It can take three to six months for the heart to fully heal so anything is possible for a while yet. Maek sure that you rst and stay very well hydrated. (2 litres of WATER a day please)
That is very normal for months on end. Took me 9 months to regain normal resting heartbeat.
Yes. Normal. Took me 5 months for erratic beats to stop and a further 6 or so for resting heart beat to reduce to my normal rate. Mine was in November 2013 and no more AF. So hang in there, be gentle on your self for a few months and good luck 🍀
Hi Glen I had my ablation 7 days ago after 6 days I had some atrial flutter for about an hour but not that bad, back NSR now just hang in there, the doc said i could get few episodes before things sorted themselves out, also the arrhythmia nurse gave her mobile number if I was really worried.
Good luck
Had flutter and Fib ablations early March. EP released me on lowest dose of Flecainide, and no beta blocker. Had a Fib event day after release that didn't last long, but EP doubled the dose of Flecainide and added a fairly low dose of beta blocker (nadolol) in my case. No events of Fib or Flutter since then...about 2 1/2 months. You might want to ask your EP if they think they should bump up your meds short term. My EP is already authorizing me to come off meds, but think will keep going a while since "popular rumor", at least in US, is that up to 6 months can be helpful. However, my EP says there really aren't any good studies that show a benefit beyond a few months (assuming ablations are successful).
Today is the ninth day after the ablation. I am in afib since yestetday. My resting heart rate is fluctuating between 60 to 125bpm, and feeling a lot of pressure on my chest.
I am also 9 days post second ablation- I have good days and bad ones - I had racing heart and felt like my legs were not my own yesterday- I am fearful this second time has not worked either ! I only had the first one in February- I read that it takes a few months to recover and see if it’s worked - but my cardiologist knew within 2 weeks the first one hadn’t worked - now this time they’re telling me to hang in there and not get anxious about it - easier said than done when you get a weird episode. I want to know - how many times can you (one) go through with this ! Flecainide actually works for me but my docs seem to think I can’t be on this long term . It is a real monster ( the whole ablation process and the struggle with recovery and fear of being back to square one ) day by day I hope things are improving! The view points of others on this site help .