Irregular pulse high blood pressure - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Irregular pulse high blood pressure

brad profile image
41 Replies

Had cold on chest went to doctor checked blood pressure it was high and high pulse sent me for ecg been told irreglur pulse give me some tablets made me ill going to see doctor in hospital next week very frightened 64 years old male

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brad profile image
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41 Replies
higgy52 profile image

Hi brad,

its a big shock to me to when they told me i had A F, but after a while you just have to put up with it and get on with life, or it can make you really depressed.

good luck

brad profile image
brad in reply to higgy52

Thank you for reply higgy52. I am a sort of person to get stressed out and have had depression in the past cheers

rosyG profile image

Please don't be anxious- they seem to have put you on meds- which ones are you taking. Very good that you have an appointment soon

brad profile image
brad in reply to rosyG

Hi rosyG . yes i am very anxious can not sleep thinking about it just started verapamil today other meds did not work or made me ill been on 3 lots now going give verapamil a go as dont get on very good with meds

Kingsley09 profile image
Kingsley09 in reply to brad

Hi brad I am on verapamil and I’m fine in fact I often forget I’m afib, the thing that gets on my nerves is having to take an anticoagulant and it’s all the things I can’t take because of being on an anticoagulant otherwise I’m fine

brad profile image
brad in reply to Kingsley09

Kingsley09. Thank you for your reply just hope i be ok on them like you and also pleased to hear you are doing well there hope yet

CDreamer profile image

It could be that the virus triggered the irregular pulse - did they explain what sort of irregularity it was?

For information please visit the Arrythmia Alliance website and do ask any questions there is a wealth of knowledge and experience here.

And please know I have had various arrythmias for 12+ years - and I haven’t died yet!

brad profile image
brad in reply to CDreamer

CDreamer oh thank so happy found this forum best ever

Afibing profile image
Afibing in reply to CDreamer

For what’s its worth. I’m told Afib won’t kill you. But blood clots will. Or have a stroke Which one dr told me. Better hope you die rather than be partially paralyzed and suffer

Hello Brad, I hope we can make you feel less frightened. An irregular pulse sounds scary but is an electrical problem rather than something wrong with your heart. We all know about it and have been where you are now.

Diagnosis is not necessarily the bad thing it seems but the start perhaps of a healthier way of life.

There are several ways forward and many of us have got the upper hand and are doing very nicely, thank you.

brad profile image
brad in reply to

Rellim2 thank you for putting me more at ease feel better just taking on here much better

Just hope i can be as wise as you all on hear and stop geting, so worked up will be on this forum as much as i can as it realy helps me

in reply to brad

Only natural to feel anxious we all did when first diagnosed. If you have AF ho to AF association website and inform yourself about the condition and its treatments and meds. Knowledge is power help you formulate questions for your docs. Keep asking here too we are not medical so can't advise on some things but have experience . Welcome by the way

brad profile image
brad in reply to

Thank you frills very kind of you to reply seeing doctor in hospital on monday next week to have heart scan see why irreglar heart pulse very stressed about it all

in reply to brad

Try not to be

in reply to brad

You have done well to find the forum - and to have the pulse spotted along with the high blood pressure.

Be aware that some medications don't suit everyone and it sometimes takes a while to find a combination that's right.

brad profile image
brad in reply to

I am hopeless with meds one time could take most things not anymore . as for forum so pleased i found it hope to make many friends on here all been so kind on here


Sometimes when we are anxious, it can help to work out if there is something in particular we are worried about and try to find an answer to that particular worry. What are YOUR particular worries?

When you say you are hopeless with meds, what do you mean?

You mentioned being depressed in the past. Have you had a look at the Anxiety forum on Health Unlocked, you might find that helpful?

brad profile image
brad in reply to

oyster I am not very good with meds all tablets seem to make ill only wish they could find 1 that i cake take without being very ill on it Started verapmil on day 2 ok so far . had Anxiety last 20 years last few years been ok feeling better but this started it off again

Thank you for your reply

Dolly1962 profile image

I was only diagnosed nov 17 , I also have high bp and have PAF and rhythmic and I’m anxious , most of the drugs I was put on I couldn’t tolerate I’m still struggling and waiting to see a EP . I’m on dabigatran 150mg x2 bisoprolol 1.25mg x2 , amlodipine 5mg for my BP, it doesn’t help that I have a hernias hernia , Ive changed to caffeine free tea coffee if I have a coke or lemonade it’s caffeine free no alcohol , I’m learning , I’ve had a bout of AF last weekend lasting hours and odd hours and rhythmic this past days . I’m still learning and been off work since as cant seem to tolerate drugs as I said , I’m a health care assistant love my job and I’m desperate to get back to work as lm only 55 years old and can’t really afford to be off , I’ve had bouts of depression in the past due to loosing my brother at 58 to heart disease which we never knew about and my mum 12 was later . Im really struggling but reading about it and talking on here does help .

I hope you find the help and support you need and the right path .

brad profile image
brad in reply to Dolly1962

Dolly1962 Thank you for reply I wish you all the luck in the world in getting better like you feeling anxious on my mind most of the time like you tryed few meds all made me ill

Hope you get well soon

Dolly1962 profile image

I wish you all the luck too and I hope you feel better soon nothing worse than worrying mine used to at night time in bed .

My hubby has bought me a Fitbit I can check my heart rate on it and makes me feel that if I think I ticking fast I just look at and it’s not as bad as you think . It’s my peace of mind and my Bp machine it does my pulse on there , I monitor and keep a dairy so when I see the gp of cardiologist I can say what’s going on as I forget at the time , and you get home and think ohh I should have said this or that .

Good luck if you ever need a chat I’m always up for it ..

brad profile image
brad in reply to Dolly1962

Yes we keep keep in contact both see how we both getting on with things . you sound very much like me also check blood pressure and pulse wife said just check twice a day as checking every few hours . as you said when in bed on mind all the time

Speek to you soon

doodle68 profile image

Hi Brad :-) I too have high blood pressure, episodes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and also asthma. It can take a while to get a medication which suits you.

I would try to look on finding you have high BP/irregular pulse as a positive thing . It might well be the case that you have had them for some time without being aware of it, many do myself included. Now you have had a timely warning you can get treatment :-).

Try telling yourself many here have similar problems and once we get over the initial shock of diagnosis we cope just fine.

Have a good read here where it says 'For Patients ' I think it may answer many of your questions and I hope calm some of your fears ...

brad profile image
brad in reply to doodle68

Thank you for reply i do have asthma reason cannot take many meds and they made ill

Think back last 6 months sure it started then very tied breathles not sleeping what you say is right thank you just hope i get there in the end to feel better about it all

doodle68 profile image
doodle68 in reply to brad

Hi Brad :-) because I have asthma I have been prescribed a beta blocker called 'Nebivolol' to help lower my blood pressure and pulse rate. It is often better tolerated by asthmatics than other beta blockers and seems to suit me just fine without causing wheezing . I am aware it is more expensive than some beta blockers and I know I am the only person at my GP practice to get it but if you are prescribed a beta blocker it might be worth considering.

brad profile image
brad in reply to doodle68

Thank you will see what doctor will say next week take name of tablet with me

irene75359 profile image

Brad, I couldn't function for about 6 months after I was diagnosed, I was absolutely terrified and was waiting for my demise. I found this forum and my life got back to normal, I didn't die and I stopped googling Atrial Fibrillation as much of the information I found on the internet stoked my fear. I read the forum every day to keep abreast of treatments and medication and you will not find a kinder, more empathetic group of people to share your worries with than on here. Very best of luck.

brad profile image
brad in reply to irene75359

Thank you for taking time to reply yes i did google and put the fear of hell in me and people on here have give me so much support just hope one day i can do the same as you all thank you so much on here

brad profile image

Yes only been in group few days all on here been so helpfull

And yes did google fright so upset people on here made me feel little better now not so much fear in my mind

Flyer2820 profile image

Hi Brad, I was diagnosed with AF last year. I still get them despite the tablets, but you just have to get on with your life. Worrying will only make it worse than it is. I know it's difficult to do but just go with the flow with the cardiologist. It's early days for you yet but remember no-one has ever died from it, it is just unpleasant. I am nearly 69 and I'm afraid it's a sign of getting old. Carry on living and enjoy life to the full. Worrying won't make the slightest difference to the cure.

brad profile image
brad in reply to Flyer2820

Flyer2820. Thank you for your reply all what you say is true and makes lot of sence just got to waite untill have heart scan and cardiologist it just feels like very frightning for me. The heart and on top that have fear of hospitals not sure if that makes any sence

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to brad

Hi Brad - it s very scary and we have all been in that position. My first thought was - OMG - Heart Disease - I’d better make my will and put my affairs in order. But you know what? Nearly every newly diagnosed person I speak to says similar.

Coping with the anxiety is as important as finding which treatment options might suit you.

Getting you mind around this stuff is a process - similar to a grieving process - intitial shock, denial - it can’t happen to me, anger at the changes to your life and routine, sadness & a sense of loss at the restrictions this may place on us - feeling tired and unable to be as active and do the things we have enjoyed and at some point adjusting to the new reality - but this takes a long time and everyone’s process is different as is everyone’s treatment options.

Taking back some sense of control in that you become active in your own helps many.

Some people find good treatments and can and do resume their previous activities - but you will rarely find them hanging around these forums!

I put together these notes from what people on this forum told me helped them to cope

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to CDreamer

From Surviving to Thriving

Taking Control..........

Strategies for easing anxiety

Acceptance and adjustment to life changes

Making lifestyle changes to diet, drink and exercise

Exercise - knowing the right amount and the right pace - too much can be as bad as too little!

Identifying triggers for AF - eating large meals, alcohol, drugs, caffeine etc.

Taking supplements - with help of a professional. (Always check with your Doctor and pharmacist for contraindications.)

If you have Vagal AF - knowing what it is and how can you tell if you have vagal AF and what can you do about improving your Vagal Tone which often helps.

Nutrition - much research coming out regarding micro-nutrients.

Treating underlying conditions


Setting realistic goals

Being Thankful (part of Mindfulness practice) for what is

Breathing exercises.

Just knowing that AF is not immediately life threatening - even though it can feel like it sometimes!

Knowledge - brought empowerment - understanding the condition, the medications and what they do, won't do etc.

Having treatment options clearly explained & having a treatment plan.

Having a Faith.

brad profile image
brad in reply to CDreamer

CDreamer Thank you for making me more at ease i am realy greatful and i mean that

You are good person just for making time on this forum thank you

brad profile image
brad in reply to CDreamer

Thank you CDreamer very wise words been feeling bit better last 2 days reason being on this fòrum helped me a lot

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to brad

I received a lot of support when I first joined in 2013 - just trying to put a bit back. You are very welcome.

Flyer2820 profile image

Hi again Brad, I can understand you being frightened but nothing can change what has happened. The doctors and hospitals are really on the ball with AF these days and I can say that from first hand experience. As I said before, last year when I had a dizzy spell and went sick and sweety the doctor immediately sent for an ambulance. A few months later my wife got pains in her chest and after seeing the practice nurse she gave my wife an ecg and the doctor sent for an ambulance. She was having AF and she has now just been fitted with a pacemaker. She is waiting for a Angiogram. The treatment we are having on the National Health is second to none. Try not to worry and be thankful that the doctors have found the problem and are treating it. All the best to you for the future.

Regards flyer.

brad profile image
brad in reply to Flyer2820

Hi flyer2820. Sorry to hear you wife as it as well both of you wish you both well. I allways been stressfull person for many years think thats part of it with me as well trying not get so stressed up like some of said only makes it worse but keep thinking what it can be doctor said 1000s have it in the uk just hope it is nothing to bad and doc can put me on right meds once again i thank you for reply and wish you and your wife the best in life

Regards brad

audrey2543 profile image

Ask your GP to refer you to a Pulmonary Rehab course. Run by physiotherapists, in my case very up-beat and spirit-lifting, with input from specialists in diet, breath control, medicines, inhalers, exercise etc. It is recommended for both heart and lung conditions. Much more up-to-date and helpful than surgery GPs who have such limited time and have to cover such a range of ailments.

There is also possible referral to Talking Space Plus for help with anxiety and depression. Mostly organised by half-hour phone sessions, CDs and posted relaxation and exercise sheets so easy access. Again arranged via GP.

Try to be as sociable as possible and engage with other people. You can't maunder on in public and there's an interesting world out there. It is curiosity about the Brexit outcome and the fooleries of Boris/Mogg and co. that are keeping me going at ninety!

Buck up!

All the best

brad profile image

Hi. Just update have been put on digoxin 62.5 makes me feel bit tied and little back pain blood pressure down little know pulse around 90 the somtimes 70 . 80 been for ecocardiogram 10 days ago waiting for results Gp said may have up dose of digoxin but think higher dose will make me ill . been on hear everyday now thank you all for your advice feeling little better about it all now regards Brad

brad profile image

On digoxin low dose for month still Waiting for results from eco scan . thinking about taking magnesium see if may help anyone one else takeing these regards Brad

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