Hi, I have had PAF since 2014. I am lucky that I don't have many symptons apart from a slight thudding feeling in my chest and an irregular pulse. The episodes used to be monthly then I had 6 in a couple of weeks, but for the last 3 years they've been very intermittent for which I'm very grateful. An episode started on Thursday afternoon and finished I thought last night but I woke this morning and my pulse is irratic with missed beats, so I'm presuming I'm still in AF. Flecainide isn't touching it and I'm not taking my bisporolol this morning as my pulse isn't fast. Do I just wait for it to sort itself out?Any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you.
Still irregular pulse: Hi, I have had... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Still irregular pulse

Hi Charley, what rate does your heart go to when in AF and how are you now?
All I can say is my attacks of AF started off with about 2 a year (in 2005), then progressed to once every 4-6 weeks (never any longer than that). Gradually I started having attacks more and more and they would last for days, that became weeks and then months. My first two ablations didn't help at all, in fact I'd say they made my heart rate worse. Since my third one which was about 5 years ago I've been a lot better. I could be fine for 6 months or so and then would get an attack which would be halted by cardioversions. Then two years ago I was told that I wouldn't be offered any more ablations or cardioversions and was left in constant AF.
To be honest my heart rate rarely goes too high now - it flits now between 60bpm to the 90's. I can live a fairly normal life and do fairly long walks.
It sounds like you are coping fairly well at the moment. Have you had any procedures carried out?
Hi Jean, I must admit I've been pretty fortunate. It used to be about 160+ when I was having an episode but the last couple of years it stays relatively low but a fair few missed beats. The episodes are somewhat and far between and then only lasting a couple of hours so this one took me by surprise. I'm holding back on my flecainide incase it's needed during the night. No procedures done. Still got it at the moment but have tried to keep myself busy. Thanks for your reply Jean, much appreciated.
Hi Suzi, I'm not under any of the above. I've only see the cardiologist when I was diagnosed and once for a follow up. I will explore the possibility of ectopic. Thank you.
Hi Charley, if I was you stopping it with Flecainide (as instructed by your medic) or other means (as often discussed here) is the first priority. The more the heart gets used to 'jumping out of gear' the more it will do it. Second with more frequent episodes and longer, anticoags need discussing with your medics. Lastly, if your wallet can bear it make a private prompt appointment with your cardiologist to discuss inter alia a regular daily dose of Flecainide. Good luck.
Hi secondary, I am now in cardiac care since yesterday afternoon as I can't revert to NSR, I am seeing another Dr this morning and I might being getting my heart shocked into normal rhythm. The flecainide has just not worked on this occasion. Thanks for your reply it's much appreciated.