Losing weight: A subject that is very... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Losing weight

Ginnik profile image
47 Replies

A subject that is very prevalent this time of the year!! I was just wondering whether any AFers on this forum have lost a large amount of weight (I’m talking 3 stone plus) and whether it has made a significant difference to their AF episodes.

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Ginnik profile image
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47 Replies
BobD profile image

Although I have not personally deliberately lost weight recent research has shown that weight loss does have a big effect on AF burden. Apparently a BMI of less than 25 is an ideal target to aim for.

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to BobD

New mantra - BMI less than 25!!

dedeottie profile image

I lost 3 stone which put me at a BMI of 21 but unfortunately my AF continued on its merry way to near persistent. However I am absolutely sure that in many ways I am now much healthier than before diagnosis so Losing excess weight has always got to be good. X

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to dedeottie

Being healthy is the objective and less AF episodes a bonus,

davebakerpurton profile image

I lost 24 Lbs and at the moment my af seems to have dropped from once a month to about once a year, the trick now is to keep it off

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to davebakerpurton

Keeping weight off is as hard as losing it! Oh dear...

RoyM profile image
RoyM in reply to Ginnik

Much harder keeping the weight off i find. :(

Af2017Hn profile image

Hi ,

I have just been told I have A-Fib, well at least I was told 4 weeks ago, I have not had any problems since, I was told that if I lost weight it would help, so I am going to start on New Years Day! I am intending on following the GI diet. I know diets work, as I lost 4 stone about 4 years ago, and I put back 1 stone over the 4 years, now I want to lose 3 stone! I don't know how much this will help, but it certainly wont do any harm.

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to Af2017Hn

I need to lose 3 stone, so you are not alone.

sue13hils profile image
sue13hils in reply to Af2017Hn

Hi I to need to loose 4 stone so going to slimming world I did do well on it before. So I am determined good luck to all trying.

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to sue13hils

I thought about going to slimming world. I think it really helps with the support of a slimming club. Good luck!

I've taken off 2 stone in 3 years, and now have a BMI of about 23-24. Trying to get a bit lower still, all in good time. I can't say for sure whether it's helped with my arrhythmia, but I can say with confidence that it hasn't got worse. But I feel healthier and lighter on my feet, which has to be less stress on my heart (not to mention my knees etc). So I'm going to try reducing the dose of my anti-arrhythmic pills this year and see how it goes. My EP said I was OK to do that if I wanted, I have carte-blanche with the dose within limits.

Ginnik profile image

It must be so much better and less stress for the heart if one has a healthy BMI.

BobD profile image

Tell me about it. I put on about 4 pounds over Christmas . Think of walking round all day carrying two bags of sugar!

shorttail profile image
shorttail in reply to BobD

LOL, sugar??????

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to shorttail

Just an easy measurement as 2lb bags . I would not dream of eating all that. (not much) lol

kiki1952 profile image

I lost nearly 3 stone since Feb when I had a TIA and found out I had AF, it was not my intention to lose weight. It may be the stress and worry etc.

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to kiki1952

I tend to go the other way - when stressed I eat.

doodle68 profile image
doodle68 in reply to Ginnik

.....so do I 'comfort eating' isn't helpful but now if I must eat something I go for healthy like celery/nuts/an apple to limit the damage .

vanessaburton1956 profile image
vanessaburton1956 in reply to Ginnik

So do I especially at night. I had my 1st Ablation Oct 2017 after suffering for 3 years. I actually have had more episodes of palpitations and chest pain although they seem to settle down after 2 to 3 hours so I am really going to try to lose weight hope that may help. I am still on biseropol but have not been given any other medication other my warfarin and blood pressure. I was hoping I would be better after my ablation so a bit disappointed but reading your posts I can see I am not alone.

doodle68 profile image

Hello Ginnik :-) Since I was diagnosed with P-AF last May I have lost a stone in weight.

I read about the study that was done in Australia that indicated weight loss might be able to delay the progression of P-AF . That sort of concentrated the mind to taking steps to lose weight.

No diets for me thought, I have seen too many people fail on diets. They tend to encourage people to lose weight quickly and the restrictions they impose can lead people to become bored and give up, then the weight goes back on .

Instead I have opted for a permanent change in lifestyle which includes daily walks whatever the weather/eating healthy food (plant based when possible)/smaller portions/ no alcohol it is wasted calories , eating my main meal at lunch time so that I am not eating a meal then sitting around doing very little and going to bed. One of the secrets to losing weight for me has been to find healthy foods that I actually like to eat then healthy eating isn't a hardship.

I want to lose another stone but am not in any hurry, slowly and steadily is the way to go. It is easier to accomplish when I am more active in the better weather doing gardening etc also a better selection of salads stuff and local vegetables are more readily available then.

I found the other day having cooked a roast dinner for the first time in ages that I would have been just as happy with a healthier bowl of my home made soup and home made bread. I also gave away a box of belgian chocolate biscuits someone gave me for Christmas , I guess the body gets used to health eating.

vanessaburton1956 profile image
vanessaburton1956 in reply to doodle68

That's good advice I may join W W for the support but thanks for your post, Well done on giving the Belgium biscuits away lol

Ginnik profile image

I really agree, healthy eating is the way to go. I get impatient when losing weight, so life style change for me. I too gave away a box of chocolates today - got to start somewhere!!

RoyM profile image
RoyM in reply to Ginnik

Do chips count as one of your 5 aday. Mmmm i wonder

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to RoyM

Chips are allowed on a diet if you don’t swallow them!!

RoyM profile image
RoyM in reply to Ginnik

Lol. Anyway, Happy New Year. Roy x

doodle68 profile image

....Good for you Ginny :-)

Droopyfagash profile image

Hi I am in the process of losing weight and have lost just short of four stone so far, my AF has gone from at least four episodes a day to not one episode since August. To loose weight I have cut out all processed food, i have been a vegetarian for over twenty years so I don't have to cut out meat so that's a good thing. I am convinced the weight lose has been the reason for my behaving. When I see my specialist in February I hope to be able to cut down on all the pills I take.

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to Droopyfagash

Thank you your reply has really motivated me. New year new me and hopefully less AF episodes

vanessaburton1956 profile image
vanessaburton1956 in reply to Droopyfagash

Well done I am going to try hard now I have messed about enough now thanks for your advice, Happy Healthy New 2018 to all

MagV profile image

Hello everyone,

This is my first post here. I was diagnosed with AF on 7/7/17 - entered the hospital emergency room with heart rate at 220 and my heart going all over the place, not to mention, I thought I was going to faint or die. They tried Cardioversion - did not work. I self-converted 28 hours later. Since that day - I purposed to lose weight and have lost 67 pounds. I have not had an AF event like 7/7 though at times I feel my heart skip a beat/flip which feels like its not going to beat again. I get very nervous and lightheaded but it beats again and then I’m ok. I do feel that the loss of weight has helped. Getting my overactive Thyroid has also helped. I still have 70 more pounds to go.

I have gone to the GP, Cardiologist and EP. I have a Chad of 1 and all I take is Propolonol 10 mg. No AC recommended only Aspirin 325 which I cannot tolerate. I plan to thoroughly discuss that with the EP in January.

I really can’t thank you all enough. I read these post every day since that eventful day and it has helped me to endure the anxiousness AF can bring. I have been able to learn from each of your experience and expertise.

I wish and pray for all of us that 2018 is filled with total and complete NSR...

Sorry for the long winded post but wanted to chime in.


stevie11 profile image
stevie11 in reply to MagV

That is a huge amount of weight loss i have lost 13 kilograms over 18 months and still have the belly to go another 4 kilos but i have added a fair bit of muscle in the gym so i have lost a lot more fat than that...

Good luck and good health in your endeavours you are obviously on the right track..

vanessaburton1956 profile image
vanessaburton1956 in reply to MagV

I understand how you feel it is frightening when you have an episode and it is good when you can share other peoples experiences, Happy Healthy new year to you x

MagV profile image
MagV in reply to vanessaburton1956

Thank you😊

Donnieb profile image

I am one who can "go without eating" for a while... Also have a slight thyroid issue (meds for that seemed to be the original beginning of intense AF)...So if I'm feeling "fat" I stop eating. Sometimes no breakfast, maybe no midday meal. But these episodes always seem to center around stressful issues, and I can almost 'watch' the pounds fall off...But then I feel the AF kicks up more and stresses me more and it becomes a bit vicious. Then stress leaves and I resume eating (better) and seem to go back to my previous weight/form... I tend to graze more when I'm content. Am more content with no AF, of course...

Droopy60 profile image

After halving my Bisoprolol to 5 mg I have lost 6 stone in 6 months and feel great for it. Had a slight hiccup over Christmas and indulged in a bit of chocolate which prompted a flutter or two but generally feel well. Still want to lose another 3 stone so thank God Christmas is out of the way!!!

vanessaburton1956 profile image
vanessaburton1956 in reply to Droopy60

I was the same do u think chocolate and alchohol can be a trigger

Droopy60 profile image
Droopy60 in reply to vanessaburton1956

Not sure about alcohol as I have been teetotal for 8 years now but chocolate is a definite trigger.

vanessaburton1956 profile image
vanessaburton1956 in reply to Droopy60

Thanks for your reply

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to vanessaburton1956

Chocolate is, unfortunately, most definitely a trigger, especially very dark chocolate, although after presevering can manage an odd square of milk chocolate!!

vanessaburton1956 profile image
vanessaburton1956 in reply to Ginnik

Thank you Ginka I am trying to lose weight so now I have more reason to give it up as I have had more chocolate over Xmas and I have had 2 or 3 episodes of A F even though I had my ablation last October. I thought I would be better as the ablation was a success but I have had more episodes than before it ,

CJDa profile image

I have spent the last X years with a weight problem, several of them with PAF and early on was advised to lose weight. I read the research, understood what to do, lost weight, gained weight and really struggled with AF for all the obvious reasons.

My 3rd ablation seems to have been successful. I was again told I needed to lose weight and vowed to do so when recovered. I now feel it is my job and that the hospital team have done their bit. Having previously tried every weight loss group I knew I didn't want to go back to that way of losing (then gaining) weight. I am working with an Ayurvedic Practitioner and this holistic approach is really working for me. Healthy food made from scratch, no alcohol - it was one of my triggers. Why risk it when I now feel so well? - and plenty of exercise plus support at appointments every couple of months and quick responses to emails. I know I like a little support. I've committed to this for 12 months but see myself sustaining this. I am aiming to get my BMI between 25-30 having been advised by my EP to get it under 30 to support my heart health. Who would have thought being overweight would be something to celebrate, but it's better than obese. I do question the validity of BMI for everyone in a one size fits all but know that's the guideline used.

I've lost 3 stone & have another 1.5 - 2 stone to go. I know I'll do it and have a way to maintain - 2 meals a day, one of which is soup, limited snacks and Ayurvedic principles for cooking.

I wish you luck on your weight loss journey. Having your head in the right place, consider your supports and take a long term view with heart health gains at the forefront can really help.

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to CJDa

Thank you so much for such a motivational post. I have had one ablation and everything went so well for the first year and I do feel that had I lost the weight I now have to lose I probably would not had to suffer the recent AF episodes I have had over the last 3 months. I have an appointment with my EP in March and hope to have significantly reduced my BMI by then and hopefully a successful ablation will follow.

CJDa profile image
CJDa in reply to Ginnik

Hi Ginnik. I understand your 'why didn't I .....' having done exactly the same myself. You really have to go from now, prepare yourself, have a long term view - there are no sustainable quick fixes (been there, done that) but, as I said, being in the right head space really helps. I'd really advise avoiding the wall to wall diet programs on TV. Too confusing. Pick a couple of things that you know you can change. Have a way to measure portions - I've been advised to keep my main meal to the size that will fit in my cupped hands. Sugar and hidden sugars is one of the worst things. I could go on but best stop. All the best for the next few months. Cheryl

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to CJDa

Thank you Cheryl. I am now on a lifestyle change which I would call it rather than a diet, after all this has to be for life not just the next few weeks. The thing that is keeping me in the right frame of mind is that I know that the extra weight I’m carrying (3 stone +) is such a strain on my heart, which is already having to cope with AF!! Wishing you all that you wish yourself in the coming year.


Hi Ginni,

I am thin and happy and have a large AF burden. Most people I know are a little overweight, more or less content and don't have AF. So what you say, rightly.

I read about unhappy yoyo dieters, my own wife has gone from overindulging big time over Christmas to a 600 cals daily intake. It always works for her, but guess who bears the shards of her irritability.

Obesity could well be a trigger for AF, being overweight probably not. Constantly dieting, miserable, now that's more likely to be a trigger.

It would not surprise me if there was a loosely inverse correlation between weight and AF in the BMI range under say 30. And when did you last meet a happy stick thin exercise addict, pedalling furiously up the hill to AF Central?

Tubby, happy, smiley, just what the EP ordered, surely.

[With apologies to Victoria Twickenham and anyone else I may have offended🙂]

Ginnik profile image
Ginnik in reply to

Reading your post brought a smile to my face. You made me feel so much better and think that I worry too much about my weight and this of course could exacerbate the old AF. I have a husband here who is also bearing the shards of my irritability - you are not alone 😂.

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