Does anyone here ever get a kind of sore throat feeling when you are having an afib episode? I have learned to feel when I am in afib. I usually just feel a bit off but have noticed each time that my throat seems to get sore. Anyone else have that problem. Also, going to a new med, but when I was on 100 mg of Flecinide daily I was noticing bouts of left leg numbness. Once had a problem with my arm going numb. Jaw tingling once as well. Got off the Flecinide immediately, but my doc put me on it as pill in pocket. It has NEVER worked to take me out of afib. New drug being started soon with looking at ablation in Aug (live here in FL part time and love my cardio doc. Will wait until I get back here next year to do ablation).
Sore thoat feeling with afib - Atrial Fibrillati...
Sore thoat feeling with afib
If you mean a tightness/pressure in the neck this is not uncommon during AF but never heard of actual scratchy sore throat.
I have had the sore throat feeling sometimes just on one side, not scratchy feeling but just feeling sore/aching.
I wonder whether this is not the other way round - that you are perhaps getting gastric reflux (GERD) making the throat sore - and GERD is associated with a greater incidence of AF - check Dr Sanjay Gupta's vidoeson youtube. GERD can be "silent" but can even be so bad it affects tooth enamel.
When I go into AF I tend to get a slight pain which feels like gastric reflux. I think what it is however is pain from the heart (which is located right by the oesophagus). The brain then interprets this as reflux pain. I noticed the same pain at much higher intensity immediately after my ablation.
Yep, the pain I was referring to was a tightness or pressure, not a scratchy throat. I get that and just an all over feeling of unease. Much thanks for comfirming that was just another delightful part of my afbib. 😂
Not a sore throat but an ache at the side of my throat . I think is something to do with blood flow through the carotid artery.