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Can young afibbers share how you live with afib?

li17 profile image
78 Replies

I just turned 37, diagnosed in August 2017. Woke up at 2am with afib and diagnosed in ER. Since then I've been in full depressed mode for months, until now! Can other afibbers please share how you cope/live with afib? Especially those with young kids. Can you still live a happy life with afib? What's your plan? How often are your episodes? How long ago were you diagnosed?

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li17 profile image
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78 Replies
fairgo45 profile image

HI I had first episode age 44 ,no one took it seriously ,as years passed it got really bad, at last ablation well 3 to be presise these helped me but not cured me.

You are lucky you are young I believe an ablation will cure you completely insist that you see an EP

Good Luck

li17 profile image
li17 in reply tofairgo45

I have seen two EP, both of them oferred ablation, but I’m a bit nervous about it and think it might me to early to have ablation. I had only four episodes.

Dodie117 profile image
Dodie117 in reply toli17

My EP was of the opinion that the earlier the ablation was performed the better the result. He gave me the option - go down meds route or have ablation as a first line of defense. I opted for ablation. I had my first and only in November 2013 and so far no more AF. I am a lot older than you but would be even more in favor for younger person. Good luck 🍀

Flaka profile image
Flaka in reply toDodie117

Do you still have to take an anticoagulant? The reason I didn’t opt for ablation is that Doc said would still have to take anticoagulant. The episodes don’t bother me that much and only happen about every 2 weeks and normally don’t last but a few hours. If ablation cures the a Fib I don’t understand why you still have to take the anticoagulant.

Dodie117 profile image
Dodie117 in reply toFlaka

Yes I do. Apixaban. I had suspected TIA so very pleased it’s on offer!

I was also having 4or 5 6hr episodes per week and very symptomatic.

fairgo45 profile image
fairgo45 in reply toli17


A friend of mine of your age had early A/fib quite badly, she was offered an ablation, a cryoablation to be exact and it was a first time success, she hasn't had any symptoms or the need to take drugs since and that's been 4 years ago now, don't hesitate if you're offered one as the A/fib will only get worse and the longer you leave it the harder it is to cure.

I spent years suffering it nearly ruined my whole life please don't be afraid of the procedure it's fine and you will be glad you have done it before further damage has been done to your heart

Listen to the others on here as a younger person you have a huge chance to get rid of it before it takes over your life.

My A/fib was permanent till i had my ablations its much harder to treat when it has gone on for years so don't hesitate your life will be so much better without A/fib

Be Brave

li17 profile image
li17 in reply tofairgo45

Thanks for the advice. It's very encouraging. I wonder after the ablation, do you still feel the fear of afib? Or can you get back the peace of mind?

12cupcakes profile image
12cupcakes in reply toli17

It is normal to be nervous but the procedure is not bad. You are sedated or given general anesthesia. I had 3 episodes in less than 2 months and was encouraged to have an ablation. I woke up an the procedure was done. I have not had any afib that I am aware of since the procedure. I am only 8 weeks post ablation. I love this forum because there is awesome advice, experience shared, and so much knowledge that has helped me and will help you. I wish you the best

Jonathan_C profile image

I agree with Fairgo - push for the ablation as hard as you can. But I think you may get more responses if you ask how anyone lives with a-fib as there are not many people as young as you on this forum!

I was in a-fib for 6 weeks and during that time i just couldn't be very active with the kids. Things like running in the garden with them quickly made me breathless. But I could still hike and there are lots of people who recommend yoga. I am sure doing light weights is also possible.

Good luck.

li17 profile image
li17 in reply toJonathan_C

Did you have an ablation?

Jonathan_C profile image
Jonathan_C in reply toli17

Yes, on 20 Jan this year. I went into afib afterwards but was cardioverted (after 6 weeks to ensure the scars were formed) and have been in NSR since April (on meds).

I am on flecainide, a beta blocker and anti coag. I will stop taking the flec in Feb and see how it goes from there.

I strongly recommend you ask for an ablation ESPECIALLY given your age.

P0rtnahapp1e profile image

Hi li17 , I probably have had symptoms of AFib since I was in my twenties but it was only diagnosed in my 60s. Because I was unaware of it, or undiagnosed, I lived with the symptoms and no one ever investigated my permanent condition so I lived in ignorance.

I assumed for instance, that gym equipment wasn’t a very reliable judge of heart rate as my daily workout set off the alarm on most of it!

My son was diagnosed in his teens, but he just lives with it and almost forgets about it until it’s noted in his annual medical for work.

Mine has only become an issue in the past few years because it has caused me to have heart failure, (or heart failure has caused the AFib, they aren’t sure which), but both are controlled with medication until they can find another solution.

Don’t worry. I had four healthy children who are all now in their thirties and I sincerely hope that I’ll be going strong for a few years yet.

Good luck!

li17 profile image
li17 in reply toP0rtnahapp1e

This is so encouraging. I'd wish I didn't notice my afib so I don't have the constant fear. But thank you for letting me know that people can live a long life with afib.

Geza10 profile image

i was in my 50s sport was a 2nd on my priority list after my wife and 4 girls i was moody for a good 6 months thinking why did this happen to me, then i joined this site and noticed there is a lot of members around the same age and they cope well, so my attitude changed and started to look into ways to help myself its not the end of the world if anything it makes you clean your lifestyle up good luck

AndyDuk profile image

Hi there I was diagnosed at 40 with a young family and its not easy on both parents. If you are feeling down have a chat with your doctor, I found my body used to panic before an afib attack kicked in. It's simply a case of taking anti-depressants to help suppress this feeling and make you feel better. Feeling down with afib is normal. I just wish my GP had told me this year's before ! Yes you can live a normal life just push for an abalation if you can. I also cut out coffee, too much alcohol and lots of spicy food as they were triggers for me . So 6 years on after a few ops , I mountain bike , enjoy life with my 5yr old and other kids . In the early stages it's hard, but once you adapt things will get better :)

li17 profile image
li17 in reply toAndyDuk

Thank you Andy! So after the ablation and free of afib, do you still have the fear of afib? I found the mental fear/distress is the most draining piece.

secondtry profile image

My advice would be don't go for short cut quick fixes. Do lots of research, equally important to talk to a good Alternative Practitioner as well as the conventional medics (Cardio & EP). If some changes in lifestyle, diet and supplements are recommended don't panic - I have found I am healthier all round after my diagnosis and put on Flecainide for 4 years with no side effects and no more AF episodes.

10gingercats profile image

I suspect I had AF in my late thirties but it was not diagnosed until my mid sixties.Then it caused quite a lot of trouble but settled down after a while ,as I did ,when I became better diagnosed.Knowing as much as you can is important so as people say on this forum,research,research and research.I was prescribed Amioderone inapropriate which is just one example of why you need to be well informedl.

KarinaC profile image

Hi, I was also diagnosed in August 2017 after my first AF episode which started just as I got into bed. I was given a cardio version and sent home with 2.5mg beta blockers which made my heart go down to 48 beats a minute. They reduced me down to 1.25mg but I was still getting flutters and "big beats". I had my second AF episode at 4.30am on the 4th December, again went into hospital but luckily this time it reset itself after about 36 hours. I am now on flecainide and 1.25mg beta blockers. I like you have young children and am struggling. I daren't go out just in case it happens whilst I'm out. I don't know what to do if it does happen when I'm out, I've seen conversations on here where people have been in AF for days and not bothered going to hospital whereas my doctor told me to wait 20 minutes and then seek out somewhere to get a ECG. I'm so confused that I don't know what to do. I don't drink, smoke or drink caffine. Getting really fed up of the docs saying "your a bit young to have this"!!!

Polski profile image
Polski in reply toKarinaC

Keep reading on here. You've got the appropriate treatment, so going to hospital is unnecessary unless the AF causes serious symptoms (eg chest pain), and so A&E are likely to simply 'observe' you, and then send you home!

The beta-blocker will slow the AF down, so it is 'controlled' and won't cause serious problems, and the symptoms you experience when it happens will be less.

The flecainide is designed to prevent it happening at all, so if these are working properly you are in danger of sitting at home waiting for something which won't happen, and, if it does, will be much milder than you have previously experienced.

So get on, live your life and enjoy your family! AF will not kill you!

(If it does happen when you are out, just find somewhere to sit down calmly, breathe deeply, decide how you are, and plan a quiet return home so you can take it as easily as possible until you feel better.)

KarinaC profile image
KarinaC in reply toPolski

Thank you

Jonathan_C profile image
Jonathan_C in reply toKarinaC

Take your blood thinners/anti coag and get out. If you go into afib you will live. I think you should seek the advice of a different doctor too.

KarinaC profile image
KarinaC in reply toJonathan_C

Hi thank you, I haven't been prescribed blood thinners, just beta blockers and flecainide.

Thomps95 profile image
Thomps95 in reply toKarinaC

you probably don't need anticoagulation ("blood thinners"). Check your CHAD2VAS2 score. Don't take medication you don't need.

in reply toKarinaC

Hi KarinaC

Polski has it right.

Waiting for, and worrying about, the next episode of AF perhaps increases the chance of it happening. And certainly getting stressed by an episode can make it last longer.

There is good advice on the board about learning to live with and ultimately ignore your episodes. Many people are apparently never aware of their AF.

That said, the underling triggers need to be identified. A one off private appointment with an EP could well be worth the £200 it is likely to cost.

Has anticoagulation been discussed?

You are going to be fine.

KarinaC profile image
KarinaC in reply to

No, I haven't got any anti coagulation, just beta blockers and flecainide.

I can't let this beat me but it's difficult. Was reading on another thread about the vagas nerve, and it being connected to digestion. I so suffer stress IBS so it's possibly worth an investigation. Thank you.

Sunshine89 profile image
Sunshine89 in reply toKarinaC

You didn't mention how old you are KarinaC ?

I hope you find some ways to adjust soon...

cquitor profile image

I had my first episode at age 40. Went to er and was diagnosed with AFIB and RVR and sent home. Reverted to NSR the next day. Visited cardiologist and EP. I was told that I was young and otherwise healthy so not in danger. Additional episodes but only a few times during the first year. During episodes I am able to do light physical activity but am easily winded. No problem keeping up with my 3 year old. Life is fine between episodes, and tolerable during episodes, knowing that I will be back in NSR soon. I judged treatment as worse than symptoms and did nothing.

Twelve years later I have an episode appropriately twice a week lasting about 4 hrs. Stress and Alcohol are triggers. Light exercises (jumping jacks or jumping rope) often gets me back in NSR. Feel increasingly depressed when in afib and with the situation in general.

I plan to have Ablation. Wish I had done it sooner as AFIB gets worse and more difficult to treat over time. Still, I am hopeful that I can be cured.

Pikaia profile image

Hi there li17 - I'm 38 and I was diagnosed with AF almost 2 years ago now. I also have young children and a full time job & social life so I know exactly where you're coming from. I don't have a plan so much as a general idea to try to ameliorate or mitigate the AF as much as possible for as long as possible. I've only had 2 confirmed cases so far, plus plenty of palpitations, funny beats, but I've been on medication (bisoprolol and ramipril) since May which has completely removed any AF symptoms (so I may still be having episodes but I simply don't notice them).

I'm constantly exploring my options, but as my AF seems to be secondary to some heart fibrosis (most likely from pneumonia), an ablation is currently not on the cards. At first, I was incredibly down about the whole thing, especially where kids were concerned, but as time has gone on I've become more sanguine about it all. Who knows how long we have? At least with some kind of diagnosis I know I have to make each moment count. I still work full time etc., and the only impact on my life is the lack of exercise while the investigations continue. Hopefully soon my cardiologist will tell me the limits exercise-wise and I can get back to living a practically full life just as before.

Feel free to message me if you have any questions or just want to chat etc.

li17 profile image
li17 in reply toPikaia

Good to know someone with similar age and is able to live relatively normal life. Yes, kids are my most concern. I want to stay with them, play with hem and watch them grow. I can’t really live normally at his moment because of the depression that afib brought me. I had another three episodes since diagnosed. Two days later I’ll be heading one month free of afib but I’m always worrying. I don’t fear about the episode much, but the fact that afib is not curable even with ablation. I met two doctors told me they had afib once 30 years ago and never had another episode though. And I have a friend in church told me she had one episode 10 years ago and hasn’t had another one yet. Hope I can be luck to keep it in bay for many years.

in reply toli17

Li17, your post concerns me. You are saying things that suggest to me you may need antidepressant treatment.

I say this as someone who has a 20 year history of serious depression, thankfully now well controlled with medication. So I do have some experience to draw on in my comments to you.

Please go to see your GP before Christmas to discuss not your AF but how you feel and your sadness.

In the meantime, about your children, you WILL stay with them, play with them and see them grow. One day you will do all those things with your grandchildren. Your AF if properly managed will not impact your life expectancy. Like most of the younger members of this board, you will probably live to be 100.

You won't believe that right now, but in time you will be telling someone else here just the same.

Take care, Hugs!

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

Thanks for the words. I was perfectly healthy before July. But On July 6th I had my very first panic attack. Since then I’ve been in anxious mode and been worrying about my heart. Then on August 26th I woke up at 2am in afib for the first time. I thought there’s a strong link between my anxiety and afib, though doctors denied it. As per my research, every information is saying afib is not curable, my anxiety just got higher and higher. I had seen psychiatrist and psychologist, not much help. I got anti depressants pills but never took them because I worry about it would increase bleeding risk if I take blood thinner. I take Xanax or lorazepam daily now. But my mind is stuck with afib is not curable, it’s like a maze that I can’t get out.

in reply toli17


So you have seen a psychiatrist and have been prescribed antidepressants which you have not taken because you're worried they would interact with anticoagulants which you have not been prescribed. You take benzodiazepines which are habit forming.

Sertraline is recommended for panic attacks and is the antidepressant of choice if you have a cardiac problem. I have taken Sertraline and Warfarin continuously for 8 years without any problem

I agree anxiety and AF are linked. That is my experience and also many others here.

You say you keep returning in your mind to the idea that AF is incurable. That is correct but AF is incurable in the same way that hypertension is incurable. But both are often easy to treat and manage.

In your position I would ask my GP whether antidepressants would still help,me. I am concerned that you may get in to a circle of anxiety leading to AF leading to further anxiety etc. Your mood disorder must be impacting your family life also.

In my non medical opinion, you will get through this nightmare more quickly if your mood improves, ideally with an anxiolytic antidepressant if still thought necessary by your GP.

No amount of reassurance about your AF will help until your mood improves.

I identify strongly with your situation, having experienced the same myself. I didn't think antidepressants were the answer. I was wrong.

Teresaw40 profile image
Teresaw40 in reply to

Hi, i was having lots of breathless episodes and went to doc who asked me what did i think it was! My reply was i dont know all i know is something isnt right. I wouldnt go out & i couldnt eat as every time i tried it felt so heavy on my chest it was unbearable! I would lie on the couch for hours. Doc prescribed setraline but i was still having breathless dizzy episodes & on 7th august i was almost passing out so doc sent me to hospital for checks, i also had burning sensation in my throat which i thght was indigestion so was taking gavoscon etc but to no avail. My heart rate was really high & i would get the burning sensation then immediately feel so dizzy! Took bloods & sent me for a ct scan which diagnosed lots of clots on my lungs!! Was immediately put on digoxin & rivaroxaban. I was already on atenolol for 3 years after achemical cardio version in 2014 & was diagnosed with AF years ago but i was bk & forth to a&e & docs with all these episodes & not once was the correct blood test done!! So so angry at them & consultant who diagnosed them was very angry with a&e, the burning sensation was apparantely coming from my heart not my stomach!! I still get breathless & weak & some palpatarions but still waiting on cardio appt! Been 4 months now since it was diagnosed & im now on flecanaide which is 3rd medication theyve tried, it does help.a lot but i do still have slight episodes & breathlessness & hoping to hear about appt soon. I feel like i have no life as i cant even go out with froends & have a couple of drinks & sometimes just walking up my stairs makes me so breathless!

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

Exactly, my anxiety/depression is seriously impacting my family. I could spend hours and hours of time reading and researching afib by letting my young kids alone. I want to play with them so much but can’t help not thinking about afib.

Polski profile image
Polski in reply toli17

Anxiety causes adrenaline to be sent round the body, and adrenaline can give rise to AF, so there is definitely a link. The key is to find ways of calming yourself down, so the adrenaline stops flowing and the bout of AF stops.

There seem to be two basic types of AF. One is caused by too much adrenaline and the other by an upset vagal nerve. Some of us get both. Triggers can be behind either of these. (For some people there are other health issues setting it all off. The healthier one is, the less likely one is to experience nasty episodes)

I found very helpful. Click on 'Reverse heart disease' and then on 'Cure AFib'. There are lots of things we can do to help ourselves!

fairgo45 profile image
fairgo45 in reply toli17

It is curable, go for the ablation you've been offered

EngMac profile image

You may wish to look at some of my posts. From my experience and with what I have for AF, I know that my back is the biggest culprit. The diagnosis and drugs prescribed by the main steam medical community may eventually be found to be less than appropriate. "Being too young" comment is an indication that "the cause of AF is really not known". I cannot find any posts or research that look at the back; and I suspect doctors have their "herd" focus, and this is not an area of research to which they wish to be open minded. Medical doctors still most often shun chiropractic benefits. Scarring the heart surely has negative consequences, yet to be fully determined. Some day I will post a more complete summary of what I think may be happening based on my experiences once my journey on the road to a chiropractic solution has been exhausted. So far, even though it is taking awhile, this has produced the best outcome for me. It has not been without its setbacks though. I have not tried or been offered ablations. Chiropractic might be worth investigating but you need to find the right chiropractor. And, maybe, if chiropractic research is done, there could be a balance between chiropractic and other solutions now available.

li17 profile image
li17 in reply toEngMac

I saw a video somewhere talking about afib and vagaries nerve and how chiropractor can help. I may try that.

fairgo45 profile image
fairgo45 in reply toli17

No dont waste your time, book yourself in for an ablation

Vince66 profile image

I was diagnosed two days before my 38th birthday I have persistent AF just turned 51 and still going strong. Just do every thing you want to do as normal don,t let it get you down it’s not the end. As my dad says who is 81 and has AF if you don’t use it you lose it and he,s more active than most teenagers.

Pikaia profile image
Pikaia in reply toVince66

Can I pry Vince66 and ask what medication/procedures you've had related to the AF over the last 13 years?

Vince66 profile image
Vince66 in reply toPikaia

Yes I have had no procedures at all I take 5 mg Bisoprolol and pradaxa anti coagulants. I have been discharged by my cardiologist around 3 years ago as the condition does not seem to affect me even my blood pressure is spot on. I,m probably luckier than most on here.

Pikaia profile image
Pikaia in reply toVince66

Thanks @Vince66 - gives me hope. I'm not on anticoagulants yet but all the EPs I've spoken to say that they are not necessary given my age. Their confidence makes me a little nervous however...

JayDoll1990 profile image

Hello, I am 27 w/ A Fib. I was diagnosed at 21 . Being young I did not take it serious but now that I have 2 small children (3 year old & 6 month old) I am trying to stay on top of it. I have paroxysmal Afib. I have maybe 3 episodes per year. I've been hospitalized once and was converted with an IV drip. Several ER visits over the years. I have discussed ablation with my EP but he does not think its at "severe" enough to get it at the moment. I will be looking in to in the future though. My anxiety kicks me in Afib sometimes. It really sucks having this. I pray for better days. I'm taking Metoprolol and baby aspirin to control it at the moment. Best wishes to you. You are not alone.


in reply toJayDoll1990

Hi Jay

Did your EP advise you to take the aspirin? Were anticoagulants discussed?

In the UK Aspirin isn't used so much for AF related stroke prevention.

JayDoll1990 profile image
JayDoll1990 in reply to

Yes , he put me on a daily 81mg aspirin. Anti-coagulants were not discussed. I was hospitalized and put on the Metoprolol. I've been on it for almost 2 years. The only thing that I dislike about my EP is since I'm "young" I feel like he does not take my condition very serious

Ladysue profile image

Afib is a very serious matter, and should be reviewed prompt. A continuous Afib can cause Stroke, an oblation is the best way to go. My AFIB went to the extreme where they had to shock my heart 3times to go back in regular .I did my oblation 6 months ago and thank God I am feeling ok. Good luck

in reply toLadysue

Hang on a sec LadySue, we all have different experiences. Your post is a bit alarmist in my opinion.

For many/most people, AF is not "a very serious matter" as you put it, though it does need to be assessed properly. Early ablation can be an excellent intervention but is not always appropriate.

I think you mentioned in a previous thread that you were planning to come off your anticoagulant. There can be a case for continuing AC after successful ablation, though clearly your doctors will have advised you about that.

Ladysue profile image

Sorry Badger25,I didn't mean it that way you came off like I said something so wrong

Mejulie69 profile image

I was diagnosed one month before you, also aged 37. Hit me like a sledge hammer. QOL went down the drain as I was an endurance cyclist and runner and had to stop. Lost my source of endorphins. Started having anxiety / panic attacks. GP gave me Diazepam which sent me into depression. Went onto anti-depressants which saved me. Now off them and all other medication. Have sorted my head out and awaiting ablation in February. I have a bout of AF every week, normally lasting 1-3 days. It doesn’t bother me too much except for the fear of stroke which I haven’t totally overcome (even though ChadsVasc suggests I am not at risk). Have started exercising again but have lost all of my fitness. Plus I’m reluctant to push it. Managed a 3 mile run this morning in AF - wasn’t fun, but it’s good to get out. Fingers and toes crossed for my ablation in February and I can get back to what I enjoy doing. It’s definitely the worst thing that ever happened to me, but I acknowledge there are 5 billion people on the planet that would happily swap places!

li17 profile image
li17 in reply toMejulie69

I was prescribed anti-depressant but I didn't take it. As I was taking blood thinner for a while since the 2nd episode and I read anti-depressant increases the risk of bleeding. I had four episodes so far, always hoping this is the end and it will not happen again. I also got off all meds except lorazepam for anxiety. I'm going to hit one month free of afib tomorrow, which is without any meds treatment.

The mental impact is way more serious than afib itself. For me, I can accept afib to happen to me, but the timing is bad for it to happen at this time that I really need peace of mind and energy to grow with my young kids. I still haven't settle down my thoughts. It happened quite often that I was depressed with afib and felt no interest in anything. Many time my kids were around and wanted to play with me but I just can't move my mind of afib. I feel sorry for them.

dmac4646 profile image

15 years ago at 53 - still working full time gave never had a day , off due to it on 2x50mg Flec a day + Apixiban -not aware of any problem-drink v little , walk 10 mikes a day . Probably fitter than would gave been if had not had AFIB.

Flatlander profile image

I was diagnosed with PAF aged 33 (now 41), I suspect I'd had it a few years before that. I coped pretty well and continued cycling and just excepting it was making me slower and recovery took longer.

My daughter was born 2 years ago a subsequently my cycling and other exercise has dropped off but my PAF has increased and it seams to affect me more. For the first time I worried about it, particularly because of the thought of not being able to provide for my family. Previously I rested and the af stopped after a few hours, resting isn't so easy with a toddler in the house!

I'm now on Apixiban, Flecainide, and Ramapril whilst on the waiting list for Ablation. I'm sure ablation is the correct thing to do (2 cycling friends have had it successfully) but any surgery is obviously a worry when you have dependants, I understand your concerns.

I've also had a few bouts of depression over the years and have been on antidepressants, they do work and I've not needed to stay on them. To be honest I've never linked the depression to AF, but it makes sense. Even more reason to have ablation.

Good luck

Janco profile image

I was born with TOF(heart condition). Got AFIB when I was 23. Then on off episodes and first not diagnosed correctly.

7 Cardioversions and one ablation. But a full life. Now AFIB free for more than 3 years.

My story is much longer than that(on my blog) but, I kept faith and hope, when hope was far away.

My advice. Ask many questions, not just from the Dr's, do your own research, find out if you have any triggers. Ablation, if offered, can be a cure(some people say there is no cure ,I differ)

Keep your thoughts and emotions "under control" maybe see someone to talk to.

li17 profile image
li17 in reply toJanco

I found the more I read and research, the more anxious I have. I'm so regret and keep thinking I can have prevented this situation if I had changed my job a year ago. As my job is very demanding and super stress, and I was given a chance to take another job which was way more relax, but I turned it down. I believe my extreme level of regret and anxiety have a very strong connection with afib.

in reply toli17

What would persuade you to give antidepressants another chance? Some of the SSRIs are helpful for anxiety. If you do decide to take one, make sure to get your ECGs monitored by your doctor.

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

I want to take antidepressants actually, but found it interacts with blood thinner. Why do I need to monitor ECG while taking antidepressants?

in reply toli17

Which AC are you taking?

An ECG before and after starting an SSRI will help to rule out problems relating to QT prolongation

Google prolonged QT, congenital and drug induced. Bear in mind these problems are uncommon.

I am however not a doctor. Have you seen your doctor recently? If not, perhaps you should because we are not equipped here to give you medical advice,

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

I saw my primary doctor last week, he just didn’t care about my mental and just asked me to see psychiatrist. And the psychiatrist that I saw three times just didn’t care, he just gave me antidepressants, and after I told him it interacts with blood thinner, he just gave me more Xanax and asked me to take it and not suffer.

in reply toli17

So which AC are you taking?

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

Taking none. Because of the worry of interaction with blood thinner. Just Xanax.

in reply toli17

AC means anticoagulant, sometimes called blood thinner.

Why aren't you taking a "blood thinner" ?

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

Because I’m only 37 with score 0. So both my EP said no need of ac. I’m not taking any daily meds btw. Going with the PIP route.

in reply toli17

So no AC then.

Therefore you won't get an interaction between AC and antidepressant, as you have previously suggested.

I hope that reassures you.

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

The problem is, I tend to take a pill of xarelto or pradaxa in case an episode happened. So in this situation, if i'm taking AC, then interaction will happen.

in reply toli17

Ah I see why you are concerned.

I would be surprised if that was a significant issue with taking just a single AC pill alongside an antidepressant. Have you read otherwise?

Is English your first language? I only ask because in your last sentence , you say "interaction WILL happen"

I guess you could mean "might".

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

Yes I've done lots of research on the drug interaction. That's why I'm so concern. And no, English is not my native language though I'm living the the US. But that doesn't matter, my brain is so messed up and depressed because of this afib crap. I'm an engineer, now I can't manage to type correct wording, you can see how anxious/depressed/frustrated I'm.

in reply toli17

How long did you see the psychologist for? Why did you feel the sessions were unhelpful?

How long are your hours? Do you see your children every night? Do you have to calm yourself with alcohol?

Not prying, just trying to understand your situation.

Are you on the mental health board on this site, I wonder if you might get the support you need there?

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

I had seen psychologist for two months, once a week. She taught me all relaxation techniques and tried to help me to replaced negative thoughts. But it just didn't work. I'm still feeling constant anxious. I figured that the problem is not because of I can't accept afib as my condition, but the medical field's indicating it's not curable and it's progressive. And I thought I might have had multiple chances to avoid developing afib, like if I didn't take the unnecessary high dose ibuprofen few days before the new onset of afib, or if I didn't suddenly changed my diet to full vegan, or, one and half month before new onset of afib, if I didn't force myself to work after only sleeping for two hours in the night and then drunk four cups of coffee the same day to keep me awake (which literally triggered my ever first tachycardia and panic attack), etc, etc. I just saw there were quite a few things that I could have avoided then I may not have afib now.

I worked very stressful and high demanding 8-9 hours straight, then had to spend three hours in commuting (round trip). I'm currently taking temp disability because of I'm not able to do any detail things. Yes I do see my kids every night, and I've been finding my job was taking too much of my time. I had to take off by 8am, then won't be home by 7:30 pm or 8pm. Since December 2016 I've been thinking to change to a job that's closer to my house, which I found an opportunity but it offered about $1,600 less than my current job, so I turned it down. I should have taken it. I used to drink one or two cans of beer, sometimes three, mostly every night because my brain was so worked up for the hole day so I needed a bit alcohol to help me sleep. But one and half month before I had afib, I had stopped drinking coffee and alcohol, and I had switch to full vegan 1.5 weeks before afib.

I can't get much support now since I found both psychologist and psychiatrist didn't provide much help, so I have stopped seeing them. Was trying to find another psychologist, but the no appointment until March, this is crazy! I'm trying to only take 1 pill of lorazepam in the morning and nothing for rest of the day, but sometimes it's hard. The afib thing and the regret are in my head 24/7. Sometimes I had to take a pill of lorazepam to help me sleep.

Thanks for your care to ask these questions.

in reply toli17

Gosh, I do sympathise with you. You are obviously such a good person doing everything you can to support your family. And doing all the right things to keep yourself as healthy as you can in these very difficult circumstances.

I am not sure how else to advise you. I am not a medical professional.

But I have longstanding mental health issues and I have found great support from various mental health groups, both online and in the community. I wonder if you have considered going that route.

I wish you all the best, and hope sincerely you find the peace of mind you deserve.

li17 profile image
li17 in reply to

Thanks for the good words. Any mental boards or webs that you would suggest?

in reply toli17

On this site have a look at

Anxiety and depression support with 11,000 followers

Mental health support with 17,000 followers

Elsewhere you could try

Good luck Li

OliverA69 profile image

Hi! I'm new to Afib and relatively young 48. I am having difficulty coping with it myself and just now starting to get up and go after 3 months. My fears are stemming from the fact that a year ago my dad went into afib, first time, which led to Vfib and pulmonary flash Edema, heart failure. He was on life support for almost two weeks. When I had my first spell in September my thoughts went back to that dreadful day of almost losing him. Of course he had previous heart disease and damage to his heart already.

It is always on my mind though, regardless of what I'm doing. No heart disease was found or abnormal structures within the heart but I do have thyroid disease which is a cause of Afib AND a strong family history of heart disease.

My plans are to see an EP and I'm being sent to a Thyroid Center because after my ablation (Thyroid) in 2007 I've got active tissue along with Graves Disease and Hashimotos and I cannot get regulated on the Synthroid no matter what dose they try. Hence bouncing from Hypo to Hyper.

I've also had a grandmother with afib, two uncles, one who is disabled from a stroke resulting from Afib and one who passed away from untreated Afib and heart failure just recently, he drank alot and refused to take his meds, a younger brother with Afib as well. Dad has Afib, Vt and Vfib who just underwent a quadruple bypass and two porcine valve replacements last week, a sister who is younger than I with 5 stents so is it Thyroid? Or Genetic? Who knows.... BUT I can't keep on with the stress of worrying about it constantly and due to the Thyroid issues bouncing from hypo to hyper I'm limited on what meds I can take.

I'm opting for an ablation and from what I've researched I believe I want to go with the cryoablation ??? Not sure if spelled correctly... I'm most likely going to the Cleveland Heart Institute to have it done as their success rates are very high on the first go.

I'm hesitant to wait around as I was told the longer it goes on the more likely complications are to arise and I've seen it firsthand.

This forum is wonderful as it's helping me cope and although millions have it and some live with it permanently, it makes it no easier when first being diagnosed. It's your heart and it's frightening.

I wish you the best of luck and treatment.

Sam72- profile image

Hi there, I had my first episode of Fast PAF a year November gone , my EP told me one episode was enough and my ablation procedure was done the 31st of August, I was 44 at the time . However if I had listened to my cardiologist as he said before an ablation procedure he wanted to see me coming in at least every other week in AF ? It might have been a different story. I am nearly 4 months post ablation now and glad I had it done because they also found I had SVT. I had freezing and burning done on the same day. Apparently the outcome for the early days of AF and ablation is quite successful. But I no some people may need another done years down the line or maybe months from there first one . Everyone is different, I would think about it and try making a decision as quick as possible because it’s a fact that AF only will get worse with time . Some people try medication and it works for them , but your only young and i would say do your research and find the best EP to do the job ♥️👍🏼

You will definitely need to rest a lot after your ablation so it would be a good idea to have help especially with children.

Good luck

Sam 💖

UScore profile image

Ooo, I hadn't realised, but reading this thread shows that there are loads of us "youngsters" here that have AF. I'm 41 years young, and had my first bit of AF at 39.

I went through the initial headspin. Worrying about what I'd do if I was alone with my two young children when it happened. Worrying that I'd be on medication that would limit my playing with the kids, or going to the gym. Worried that I wouldn't be here tomorrow!

I'm lucky that it was diagnosed quickly, and the Drs I saw were reassuring. I'm lucky that at the moment the episodes are few and far between, and I can take Flecainide when it happens, and it goes away. I take no daily medication at all, and can go to the gym, and even started playing football again.

I postponed my ablation that was due in September. But I have rearranged it for February. I have been wondering if it is a good idea, because in reality AF isn't anywhere near as scary for me now, as it was 8 months ago. But I still like the idea of making it go away forever.

Af2017Hn profile image

I felt just the same as you when I was first diagnosed, I am 70 yrs old, I felt my life had stopped, and very depressed, but then one day I stopped, 'When did I actually last cut my self?' was I going to stop having a life? I had overcome the difficulties of Oestio Arthritis when I was 40 yrs old, I had overcome the awfulness of varicose veins in my 60's, I just had to come to terms with this new nuisance in my life! I was not going to let it spoil my life! I am a keen Gardner, and I ride a bike.

So I bought an E-bike, to help take the strain away, its still hard work but at least I can now go uphill without using all my energy! I still garden but get my husband to do the heavy digging I have lost a stone in weight, and yes, I can only usually do only half of what I was doing, as I get very tired, but I have been back to the Library and read more, I can work on my PC when I am tired, and I have been crocheting more!

I am not sure how I would manage a job or a family, but I would hope that if I was younger I might have more energy.

Dee5165 profile image

I developed Afib at the age of 69. I was always in good health except for taking BP meds. Afib Meds were started at lower doses and constantly increased which gave me horrible side effects and never worked. I finally had Cardioversion in March which was unsuccessful after 2 weeks. I was afraid of ablation due to a death in family from that procedure. After extensive research I found Magnesium Taurate and Magnesium Glycinate, along with Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Hawthorn Berry help to regulate heart rhythm. Although it takes 8-10 weeks to feel the benefits of these supplements, I am already feeling better. I have reduced the dosage of all my meds and am now capable of living with Afib and Flutter. I was not able to live normally prior to this as I was very symptomatic. If in 6 weeks I go back to constant uncomfortable Afib, I would rather try another Cardioversion before I went for an ablation. Everyone should consult their doctor but do the research first on what is best for your personal needs. Good luck!!

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