does anyone have a fib and cardio myo... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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does anyone have a fib and cardio myophy

skipabeat profile image
14 Replies

I am blessed with both and wondered if anyone on this forum has both....

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skipabeat profile image
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14 Replies
BobD profile image

Personally no but uncontrolled AF often causes cardiomyopathy. This can reverse once the AF has been controlled and normal size be attained.

Gunnersawus profile image
Gunnersawus in reply to BobD

Hi Bob

I was diagnosed with AF in August. Cardiologist isn't sure how long I've had it, but guessed at 18 months to 2 years. After "successful" CV in October, a different Cardiologist suggested I'd had it for 6 months or so and he suggested it was a case of "athletes heart". I was only in NSR for 4 days though then back into what seems to be persistent AF since. I seem to have no symptoms apart from the odd palpitation and feel very well, in fact I feel healthier than I did pre diagnosis as I only drink decaff coffee now, cut down alcohol by about 80% and have a better diet now! Still exercising regularly although have reduced the intensity of my exercise. Echocardiogram also showed a dilated left ventricle (which I believe is a form of cardiomyopathy), although I was told it seems to be functioning quite well. They are suggesting I have a MRI early next year to have a closer look at this.

I am on Rivaroxaban and Bisoprolol (5mg per day). So my question is when you say normal size (and presumably shape), can be restored if AF is under control, by under control do you mean that this includes still being in persistent AF but AF is under control due to my heart rate having been reduced because of the Bisoprolol, which is what seems to be the case with me and being asymptomatic?

Thanks in anticipation.


BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Gunnersawus

My 8nderstanding is that if the rate and rhythm are controlled and eh DCM is not too advanced then yes it van return to more normal size. Rate control alone may help . Has ablation never been discussed?

Gunnersawus profile image
Gunnersawus in reply to BobD

Thanks Bob

Ablation hasn't been discussed yet although I guess it might. High heart rate has definitely been more under control since being on Bisoprolol but I'm not sure about rhythm. I've received 2 different answers from GP's at my surgery, one saying that Bisoprolol has some rhythm control properties and the other saying it doesn't. If it does, I wonder if it is helping make my heart rhythm slightly less irregular if you see what I mean?

Thanks again


Alan_G profile image
Alan_G in reply to Gunnersawus

I think when they say Bisoprolol has some rhythm control qualities, they mean that by slowing the rate down, you are less likely to go arrythymic.

Gunnersawus profile image
Gunnersawus in reply to Alan_G

Thanks Alan

Yes that makes sense. Like I said, my rate has slowed to mid 70s but I believe it is still out of rhythm. However at my last ECG with my GP, she was slightly perplexed at the readings as she said something like "you are only just out of rhythm but definitely still in AF". So I'm still in persistent AF... as far as I am aware, but I'm only saying that on the basis of my pulse which I take on my wrist. With no symptoms sometimes it's difficult to tell!

Thanks again

Alan_G profile image
Alan_G in reply to Gunnersawus

Last time I was in AF I was able to get an appointment at my surgery to get an ECG. The GP said my rate was in the 70s which he said was 'good' for someone in AF. He put it down to the bisoprolol. I think this is also what is meant by controlled AF, keeping the heart rate under a 100 while in AF.

Hi There,

I have Cardiomyopathy and it has damaged my heart to an extent that I ended up with A fib and A flutter.

It's been a bit of a journey but I am now on the path to a CRT-D - which wont fix my A.fib / flutter but will put it back in its kennel!

I have documented the issues I have had but happy to answer any queries as to how it's impacted myself. I'm not qualified to give advice.



skipabeat profile image
skipabeat in reply to

Thanks I will look into A CTR-D along with Av you know if this is a good combination. I am looking at my options and then are few (Amiodrone) I have an appt with EP next week. Thanks again.

Harfly profile image

Hi I was born with left ventricular hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. I was well monitored throughout my youth with no ill effects had 3 children with no problems then it all changed. By the time I was 32 I had a pacemaker inserted as my left ventricle was “slow” pulse was about 45 at that time the pacemaker did its job and paced my ventricles at 60 but meantime I suffered from AF which was controlled with flecainide for 20 years. Then around 2 years my PAF became more persistent, I still wasn’t anti coagulated and I was prescribed Sotalol which had horrendous side effects. I then had a TIA a year after taking Sotalol.... I was then put on amiodarone whilst waiting on an ablation which I had in June this year and feel great. I now take bisoprolol as my EP feels it will help my heart pump more effectively.... meantime I live life to the full, take my meds, try not to overdo things like wine and too much food....and don’t over think my condition.... life is too short!! 😊

skipabeat profile image
skipabeat in reply to Harfly

Hi, Harfly. Did you have an AV node ablation? What was your amiodrarone dosing? Has you breathlessness disappeared. I love your life attitude- life is too short.

Harfly profile image
Harfly in reply to skipabeat

No I had pulmonary ablation although my “usual” cardiologist when first mentioned ablation said my only option was AV node ablation but when I had my consultation with the EP Consultant she disagreed and suggested pulmonary ablation although did advise that due to my cardiomyopathy it only had a 50% success rate. I have now been in sinus rhythm since June. At my review the EP had said the ablation was pretty aggressive and I was in the lab for 5.5 hours being treated for AF and flutter!! The procedure wasn’t pleasant but tolerable having been sedated.

I have a wee test that I do to measure my breathlessness that is getting up the station hill... let me explain... to get to the train station I have to walk up a very steep hill. At my worst pre ablation and taking Sotalol (that drug nearly killed me ) I had to stop at least twice on the way up and it is only about 100yards now I can practically jog up it, but obviously I don’t, on Saturday night my other half told me to slow down 😂 I go out walking every day about 4 miles, weather permitting, go to aqua aerobics 3 times a week, work full time look after my elderly mother who has dementia at the weekends and just count my blessings. I was front loaded with amiodarone and then settled into 200mg until Sep this year then reduced to 100mg, side effects I suffered was night terrors, little sense of taste and smell and thyroid levels been up and down but being controlled.., hopefully these side effects will settle once the amiodarone leaves my body. Meantime I am looking forward to Christmas 🎄 and thank god I made the decision to have the ablation hopefully things will continue to be settled for Wee while longer 😊

julesp profile image

I have dilated cardiomyopathy. I had the diagnosis of af first then the cardiomyopathy diagnosis came about six months later

Barb1 profile image

I had both but the periods that I have been in SR due to ablations has meant that the DCM has gone and I just have heart failure. A much improved state.

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