Hi I'm a 32 year old female and I have a lot of ectopic beats which really make me feel anxious . I was checking my pulse this morning and it felt like my heart actually paused , has anyone else experienced this as it really scared me
Felt like my heart paused : Hi I'm a 3... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Felt like my heart paused

I was diagnosed with ectopic beats and SVT in 2015. Was sent for an MRI and Echo and the structure and function of my heart was normal. Was put on bisoprolol and ramipil which worked well for a while however, the ectopic beats and SVT came back. Both are benign but caused me chest pain, discomfort and anxiety. Last month my cardiologist wanted to see how many ectopic beats I was experiencing so I did the 24hr halter monitor. I was getting over 30,000 extra/skipped beats a day with SVT. After months of worry and major anxiety (even knowing that it is benign) I am now on flecainide 50mg in am & pm and an anti-anxiety med. Feeling great. I am booked in for an ablation in the new year... p.s. please remember ectopic beats are benign in most cases and your young so just monitor but make your GP aware. It might be good to have an Echo to ensure heart structure is ok, which I'm sure it is 😊
Thanks for the reply 😊. Yes I have been diagnosed with suspected svt and had an echo which was normal ,also not had the results of my holter back yet just to see how many ectopic beats I actually do have . I'm going to see my gp tomorrow because of the anxiety all this has caused as i have had more ectopics since the suspected svt episode .Good that you are feeling better now,what anti anxiety med are you on if you don't mind me asking?
Lexapro 5mg. I half the tablet as it comes in 10mg or 20mg, which I felt was too much. I don't want to become independent on drugs!
Ectopic beats seem to come with or develop into svt. It was the svt that was causing me the chest pain. I'm just happy that the condition is benign.
Hi Nitschy I also have these ectopics had 2 ablations this year down for a third as last 2 were stopped for various reasons, what is your doseage of Flec my meds arent controlling mine and I am practically housebound! please let me know how you get on Im hoping to go to London for my next ablation as I may get different results this time, where are you going if you dont mind me asking! I hope your ablation goes well and please dont forget to let let no how you get on.
Regards Ingrid
Hai.. how was your ectopic and ablation? I just done my ablation for ectopic 10 days ago..but unfortunately still come back..very sad and ablation failed..
Hi I've not had an ablation I still get ectopics now and again .Oh sorry to hear that hopefully things will improve for you
A short pause after an ectopic is common and absolutely nothing to worry about. A pause longer than 2 or 3 seconds should be checked out.
If the pause did not make you feel faint or dizzy, that would suggest a short pause.
Have a look at the Kardia Alivecor device which will give you a trace to show your GP.

Thanks for the reassurance . Yes I think was a short pause as I didn't feel faint at all so more than likely was just another ectopic. I shall look into the kardia Alivecor
I have frequent short pauses in my heart beat of a couple of seconds, I am so used to it happening I don't give it a second thought now . It doesn't seem to cause me any problems.
Ectopics do feel like missed beats. If you are worried ask your GP to organise a 24hour monitor which will show up any pauses and their length but if you know you have a lot of ectopics it is probably just that sort just seen you have had a 24 hour test- hope all is well
I have ectopic heart beats, stress related, I take xanax .5. As needed, they really help. And try to remember they are actually common and they are not going to kill you
I do knowwhen you have them it can ake you worry , it takes practice to change your thoughtsbut it might help best of lucj and stay strong.
Yes, apparently daily but I'm only aware if I'm monitored and I told the results. My heart rate drops to around 25 bpm whilst I'm asleep, pauses can be up to 2 seconds and, my respiration rate is less than 12/minute. I recall being in hospital and a nurse switching off the automatic alarm as it would sound every few minutes. I have been recorded with a 4 second delay. It doesn't bother me as I'm still here and other conditions have been closer to being "brown bread".

Thanks for reply 😊scary stuff good that you have a positive attitude though.
one of the great things about this site is that you are talking to people who have this condition.I have had it for over 20 years and I can STILL recall the first months when I lived in fear of each ectopic beat,waiting for something bad to happen.In some ways it was a relief for afib to start,because after it stopped,the missed beats stopped (for a while anyway).Even after extensive medical investigations (which showed everything ok) I just could not handle the constant fear.Tranquilisers certainly helped,but it took some time until I educated myself and began to accept that this was not only livable,but treated right it was just part of my life.I just wish that sites like this were available back then,I am sure it would have saved me much anxiety and stress.Not being "normal" may be hard to accept but In my opinion,attach yourself to knowledge,a good medic team and just get on with life...easy to say but acceptance is everything
I know its very scary. I have ectopic beats and my heart seems to stop sometimes especially when I am dropping off to sleep. Hate it. I am on Flecainide which does help a lot for the AF. I live on my own and its very scary sometimes! I sympathise with you.
Yes I get this all the time and still hate it!
Hi lauriem4. You didn’t,t mention if you are on any meds, however I can tell you ..yes... I have had this happen to me on occasion. My doctor told me that it sometimes happens when the meds kick in to regulate my afib. It hasn,t happened for a while as I have had ablations to help control my afib.
But I remember it was quite scary for the quick moment that it happens. I also felt I was going to pass out at that time for just a brief moment.
My EP told me it wasn’t serious, just the meds doing there job. It usually happened to me very late at night, but then maybe it depends on what times you take your meds.
However it is always a good idea to ask your EP or GP as we all different with our symptoms.
Hi thanks for reply .no I'm not currently on any meds as I'm waiting for monitor result but last night I had a really bad episode which fell like ectopics one after another which I never had when monitor was on so I'm not sure if that's what they were or whether it could've been a short run of afib
Hi Laurie. You may be having some afib going on. Go see a cardiologist and let he or she know just what you’re feeling. They will figure out what it is. In the meantime don’t worry, but do go to the doctor.
Hi Laurie, I'm a 35 year old female going thru the same thing! In addition to the palpitations I have pauses in my heart beat that last 5-6 seconds. They scare me SO BAD!!! I start shaking and get really cold afterwards. I was admitted to the hospital a couple weeks ago where the did an echo and stress test. Both came back normal and they swnt me home with a 48 hr monitor. Of course I dodnt have an episode during that timw. I go the day after tomorrow to get the results of the monitor. I DREAD going to bed each night (mine always happen then) The last time I had an episode I felt likey chest was burning do you have any symptoms like that?
Hi I had a ecg monitor done and it recorded pvcs and pacs otherwise known as ectopic beats. These can feel like pauses so many that's also what yours is and the more anxious you get the worse they can become . They're not dangerous but just feel scary. They gave me propranolol which can help if I'm having a bad day with them. Everyone has them just some people feel them and others dont !Hope you get it sorted anyway it's good that your echo was normal .Yes when i have heartburn or am bloated they tend to be worse! X