I've been down for several days with what seems to be the flu (4 days of negative covid testing) and one of the most persistent symptoms has been a bad cough. I went into AFib a couple of days ago but blamed it on the fever. However, no fever today, but just went into AFib again. Anyone else have this experience? Considering going to Urgent Care to make sure it isn't becoming pneumonia, though I've had both flu and pneumonia jabs this fall.
Background: afib diagnosed after a stroke in 2018 (a bit barn door and horse situation there) and a cryo-ablation in 2018. a couple of years of break through episodes and then began talking flecainide. three blissful years of no episodes and now it seems to be starting up again with one each in September and November and then 3 episodes in the past 2 weeks.
Meeting next month with my EP regarding a possible pulse field ablation later this year.