I am a 73 yr old widow. I have heart disease & 3 stents since 2009 & have have had AFib for over 2 years & now it has gotten to be nearly a daily occurrence. I tried Warfarin in January when I was having AFib about twice a month & could not tolerate it, so chose to not take anything. I’ve been taking a lot of herbal supplements that thin the blood. After spending Tuesday in the ER & IV Cardizem did not convert me, I was admitted to CCU for monitoring & for a Heparin Drip. I finally went back to NSR about 11pm Tuesday night in the hospital. I was released at 9pm Thursday night. My cardio now has insisted I go on Eliquis. I’m really concerned about it & very hesitant, but they gave me the first dose in the hospital last night & I have taken one today. I had another episode this Friday😥 Now I’m wondering about all the herbal supplements that I take & which ones I need to stop. I've been doing some research online. Any input is appreciated.
I'm new here.: I am a 73 yr old widow... - Atrial Fibrillati...
I'm new here.

Which supplements are you taking? There is somewhat less risk taking supplements with eliquis than with warfarin, but you do need to be sensible. Taking huge amounts of "natural" supplements that affect blood coagulation could make you vulnerable to bruising and even embolism. Aside from your cardiologist, maybe ask a pharmacist - they should have a list of interactions.
I have an appointment with an EP July 31st. I take Sotolol, Digoxin, Cardizem, Plavix also. My main concern on the supplements are Turmeric/Curcumin, MSM, Boswella, Ubiquinol, Coconut Oil Capsules, Taurine, L-Arginine, Hawthorne, Milk Thistle, Red Rice Yeast, Krill Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Magnesium, Potassium, Lecithin, Trans Resveratrol. Thanks so much for your reply!!!!
I take Eliquis and Sotalol (both of which I wish I had never started)and also high dose Magnesium, Taurine, Potassium, B12, k7, Vite C, high dose D3, Theanine, Pharma GABA, I'm 76 and still working full time. Have Lone Af...3-4 times a month. Osteo Arthritis, and PD.
I TRY TO MANAGE MY OWN HEALTH....much to my Cardio horror😋
Read a lot about natural supplements and have trialed and errored a few times but all ok.
Educate yourself and visit other websites.
An excellent resource is afibbers.com
Hi Mimi. Perhaps you will start to feel that Eliquis is your friend. It's believed that the risks of stroke start to kick in once we reach 65 and every year we become more vulnerable. I wasn't the least bit enthusiastic to begin with, but now that I have had no problems of any sort over four years and have reached 70 I'm much more at ease with anticoagulation. I hope you will begin to feel that the steady protection that you are now getting is welcome and you can happily give up the various supplements.
Hi Mimi - having read your post I was concerned that you don't seem to have been offered a treatment plan for your AF, apart from anti-coagulation which IS essential for us AF'ers.
I have been taking Apixaban (Eliquis) for about a year with no side effects. Ask your pharmacist about interactions with anti-coagulants as you do need to be careful with some - especially curcummin supplements but having the occasional Tumeric Latte is fine. I seem to remember that St John's Wort is a no no and there are some which are positively recommended such as COQ10 which my EP suggested I take. But do check.
Doctors will rarely advise but my pharmacist is brilliant and will always check on the professional pharmacology site and emails me updates and information pertaining to my meds.
Have you seen an Electrophysiologist rather than a cardiologist?
Please do look at the AFA website for help and information - so many leaflets to download regarding meds, treatments etc.
Knowledge is power so the more you can understand about the condition the better. I have had AF for about 10 years, had 2 ablations which left me AF free for over 2 years and am currently controlling returning Vagal episodes with diet adaptations and vasovagal movements.
Please do ask if you have any questions, although this is predominantly UK based forum, we have member posts from all over the world, with some experts in various subjects posting - look out for the Dr Sanjay Gupta videos which are very informative.
Welcome and very best wishes. CD.
hi cdreamer
treatment plan for a.f. and seeing an ep? My you must live in a good area!!! xx
Where in the world are you?
North Wales. We are lucky if we see a cardiologist here. Where are you?
Devon. We were lucky enough to get an EP at our local hospital only a few years ago, and now have 2 + 2 specialist nurses. Makes all the difference.
Before that I travelled to London. I know of people from NWales being treated in Liverpool.
Yes you are very lucky. Any houses vacant near you?. We may get a referral to liverpool if we are going for an ablation but not just to see an ep. I had not seen my arrhythmia nurse for just over a year so now I have to go to the whole rigarmarole to get an appointment. Really poor service hear for af. I get the feeling that older people are not worth the bother. Might think about a private appointment to get advice from an ep
Hi CDreamer, I have an appointment with an EP July 31st. I also take Sotolol, Digoxin, Cardizem, Plavix also. My main concern on the supplements are Turmeric/Curcumin, MSM, Boswella, Ubiquinol, Coconut Oil Capsules, Taurine, L-Arginine, Hawthorne, Milk Thistle, Red Rice Yeast, Krill Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Magnesium, Potassium, Letitchin, Trans Resveratrol. Im going to watch Dr Guptas video. Thanks so much for the reply!!!!
I have taken apixaban for nearly 4years5 mg twice a day you must take it twice a day as it only has a 12hour half life be very careful with natural stuff my cardio told me not to take anything that would thin the blood
Blood thinners such as Eliquis act differently in the blood than your herbal products that cause blood thinning. My mother has been on Eliquis for 4 yrs now with no serious side effects. She is 91 yrs old. I would nix the herbal remedies and take the Eliquis to prevent a stroke, but I am not a doctor. This has been explained to my mother numerous times by her doctors as she is one to want to treat holistically rather than medically. I have to make sure she is not "cheating" with herbal supplements too, as this may cause bleeding much more than just taking Eliquis.
My experience with my mother and her heart conditions has proven to me that while holistic is good for prevention, eventually the conditions need more treatment. My mother is very hesitant to increase dosage as needed in her meds, but when she doesn't, she suffers. An example of this is that she has congestive heart failure too - aside from afib. Her doctor wants her on 40 mgs of Lasix, but she resisted and they settled on 20 mgs of Lasix. She has more accumulated fluids than in necessary and she suffers with this extra fluid retention with only 20 mgs of Lasix. But I cannot emphasize that Lasix is a drug that is fairly benign in helping her. I am not sure why she resists, but she is stubborn. Her PE/cardio is merely resigned to managing her as best as possible because she is so stubborn. He sees her every 3 months. She takes the lowest dose of Eliquis - even though he wants her on 5 mgs 2x a day. She would not let him increase her dosage. Maybe start with the lowest dose and talk to your doctor or pharmacist about any herbal supplements?
Thanks for your reply!!! She sounds like my Mom who will be 91 in November!!! Mon had triple bypass 2 years ago In April. She also has Congestive Heart Failure & Doent want to take her Lasix all the time. So she gets a lot of really swollen ankles & I try to tell her if she will just take it daily she will not have the swelling. She says she cant get anything done for running to the bathroom so doesn't take it. She still lives alone & does her own yard work!!! She amazes me!!!!
I've always been one to go the natural route too, so hate all these medications, but I know they are necessary!!! Im trying to figure out what to take for arthritis pain as I read not suppose to take any NSAIDS. The only one I have been taking is Tylenol. because my Cardio doc said that was the only one he would recommend me to take. I have started on the 5mg twice a day of Eliquis.
I'm doing research online about the supplements, but taking a while. I take a LOT!!!!
I listed what I'm most concerned about in my reply to CDreamer, but I also take natural antifungals because I've been fighting a Systemic Fungal Infection for several years.
I have some medical conditions - 3 autoimmune diseases and lymphoma. I started a very low carb, low sugar diet (gluten free also) and I have to say I feel so much better with my aches and pains! One of my AI conditions is RA, so I have much joint pain - but not so bad anymore due to my diet. I try to eat organic as much as possible and lots of fruits and veggies. No more wheat, gluten, certain whole grains, no desserts with sugar, no bread. Mostly whole foods made from scratch. Give it a week or two and you will see the difference. I don't take pain meds at all now because I don't want to push it with my cancer diagnosis.
Oh my, you do have some issues!!!! Good that you you re doing everything you can for your health. I also eat clean, pretty much like you!! I've had a Systemic Fungal Infection for several years so watch my diet very carefully, GF, no carbs, no breads, nothing that turns into sugar in the body to feed the fungus, much as you have to watch to not feed the cancer!!! Blessings!!!!
I also have several autoimmune diseases and see a nutritionist. Since staying very strictly to her recommendations I have been doing a lot better.
No wheat, barley or anything with gluten as it is the main cause of inflammation within the body. I have cut my sugar intake to almost nothing, reduced fruit intake, avoid all starchy vegetables, especially in the evening. I do take a little starch resistant foods such as cold potatoes, rice & cashew nuts but my 'plate' should be 30% protein + fat, 65% green veg & the rest fruit & carbs. I avoid most dairy, certainly no cow's milk.
I also take several supplements specifically recommended after a GI analysis. I have so much better in the last few weeks and my heart is calming down also - no episodes the last few weeks (I know they were vagally induced) whereas I was having episodes every other day.
I also take fish oil, vitamins BComplex, C & D3, 1000mg Glucosamine, COQ10 & Plant Sterol. I cannot take anything with Magnesium in it, even small amounts, as it aggregates my autoimmune response.
The one thing that has helped heal my leaky gut more than any other single thing is Kefir - and the best of it is that you can make yourself so no cost. I use the water grains, not the milk based one. Any and all home fermented foods also are excellent. I also take an Ayurveda remedy for gut health -Triphala which has been fantastic. I am only sorry it took me so long to find them!
Clear your body of inflammation and achieve good gut health is my path to health.
With fungal issues I would do yeast free too! There is a book you can probably get on Amazon called "The Yeast Connection". Not sure if the author at the moment, but it is an excellent book for this and will explain many things going on in the body that has to do with this. It's pretty easy to go yeast free since you are almost doing it now anyway!
I meant for this reply to go to Mimi. Not sure if this went to CDreamer! It's for everyone actually.
Thanks!!! That's what I'm doing now.
I did not get a sense that you are under the care of a qualified naturopath. You are taking quite a few supplements which likely interact with prescription medications. Any herbal remedies should only be taken under the supervision of a naturopath and in consultation with your medical doctor. Once diagnosed with AF, the only supplements I continued to take were CoQ10, magnesium and B Complex - other supplements that could interfere with anticoagulation I stopped. You also need to be mindful that while your naturopath will know about the actions of herbal remedies, most likely, your doctor will not and this may complicate any emergency or ongoing care you may require.
Thanks, I have stopped all of my supplements except magnesium until I go to the EP on the 31st. OH & an Ayurveda herb for the colon , Triphala & Tylenol for Arthritis pain. I live on SS & can't afford a Naturopath.
I appreciate your constraints in seeking care from a naturopath. It may be helpful to at least discuss any herbal supplements with a herbalist at ane. While the latter cannot dispense medical advice, the person should be knowledgeable about the actions and interactions of different herbs. For example, triphala may have some effects on anticoagulation medicine.
Hello Mimi44
Please do seek an expert advice, as herbal supplements may interact strongly with medications. You can also have the efficacy of the supplements measured (the clotting factor), then decide which way to go. I.e. you may stay with the supplements, avoiding more potent drugs. Aspirin seems benign. But there is the odd unresponsive individua, blood test would also tell you.
Best wishes
J (-:
Hi Goldie, thanks, that's what I'm doing!!!
You are right to take care of yourself Mimi. As I said in my previous post I take a lot of supplements tested thru trial and error, as we all are different. The magical trio for me has been Magnesium, Taurine and Potassium. I am a vegetarian and eat very healthy as well, occasional glass of wine, sweets now and then as a treat. When people tell me I'm crazy for taking vitamins and other supplements I tell them to read the list of toxic side effects for their Dr prescribed drugs.
I will do anything not to progress to the next level of AF which is permanent and touch wood Still working full time, running a household, keeping a garden, going well in my 70's.
Google sites like Stop AFib and my favourite which has been so supportive and given me a wealth of knowledge and ideas is afibbers.org set up by Hans Larsen who suffered for many years.
Good Luck with it all.
I'm nearly 74 & have been widowed for nearly 5 years. We were married 50 years. I've had 3 stents since 2009. 2 1/2 years ago AFib stated, episode every few months. Early this year increased to about 1 episode per month. 3 months ago it increased to 1 every couple of weeks & then about 2 months ago started being every 8-10 days then about month later increased to 1 about every 5 days. About 2 months ago I was introduced to Hempworx CBD OIL & started taking it as it is good for cardiovascular system. Last week I realized I had not had an episode since 8/20!!!!!!! So I googled "can CBD OIL help AFib". Several articles popped up & I read them all & one said it could suppress arrhythmias!!!
I am BEYOND EXCITED!!!!! It seems to be working for me!!!!! If interested, you can get info on the product which is used sublingually at
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