back in February my doctor noticed that I had any irregular heartbeat after looking at the EKG. Then I went to the cardiologist and sure enough he said when I'm resting I'm in a flutter.I proceeded to have an ablation. And everything was perfect. Actually went to the Super Bowl 10 days later. I was fine.
About five weeks ago I noticed I was extremely out of breath after going upstairs.
I went to the doctor and when I rest I have no problem but any type of exercise I go into a extreme a flutter. . Ironically I started taking Cialis for BPH and that's the time I came up with the fatigue and out of breath. I'm convinced thatcher daily 5 mg triggered the aflutter/a so on Tuesday I have another ablation except he's going to go up both groins he said I have a flutter but he's going to treat it like a fib .
He also said if I just traded with drugs which I am in right now Xeralto and Metropol that is a good chance my a flutter will turn into a fib.
Not really happy about all this but I was just wondering if any of you have a second ablation and it was successful and I don't understand why he's going to both sides this time.
He trying to explain it to me in layman's terms and said that I now have two gears now first gear and fifth gear and when I going to fifth year my heart starts beating very very fast he regularly there's no second third and fourth gear.
When I rest I'm perfectly fine just any type of exercise wears me out. Im the 64-year-old man a little overweight ex college football player and not happy!