Had my 1st ablation on Wednesday, this week. After initial feelings of anticipation, the staff on the ward were amazing at putting you at ease. Very thorough in explaining the whole procedure step by step. They were so professional and made you feel so comfortable, they answered any questions, even the silly ones. So well done staff on ward L14 at LGI!!!
A local anaesthetic an sedatives were given during the ablation, so I was fully aware what was happening. This was interesting at times listening to the team talking and watching the screens.
But was also at times quite painful in the heart area. I suppose this was when the drugs were wearing off, but just a little shout out and they 'top you up'.
Don't let me put anyone off by this but it is quite uncomfortable now and then but never at the point of being unbearable.
The whole procedure took nearly 4 hours. If some said you had to lie still for that length if time youd say 'no way', but it wasn't like that it was weird, laying still was easy, didn't feel the need to move. Strange really.
Procedure successful back in NSR. Hooray!
Wow brilliant because of the length of time being in af. The surgeon said he only gave me a 50/50 chance of the ablation working. Speaking to him afterwards he was surprised it had worked. Finger crossed now it continues to work.
Anyway back on the ward and sedative still working, couldn't keep my eyes open for hours, so visitors not really necessary.
Day later back at home and after having a sleepless night in hospital. I had horrendous chest pain when laying down. Nothing when sat up leaning forward, the Dr said it was pericarditis, which he explained that my hearts been bashed about and so was inflamed, and this will settle after a couple of days with simple painkillers to ease pain. Was worried, but he explained that I will get aches, twinges etc for a while. So mind put at rest.
Day 2 had a great nights sleep, hardly any pain, still in NSR, feeling much better today. Back for follow up in 12 weeks time.
I hope this is many more days, months dare I say years of 'normality' to come!!!
To anyone contemplating having ablation. My advice is, definitely have it done, yes you have a little pain and discomfort, but it's well worth it. Would I do it again. Absolutely!
Sorry for such a long post, but I hope it might help those who can't decide what to do.
I say.... Go for it!