My name is Mike. I'm 57. I'm on day 5 since my ablation for afib 5/9. This was my second ablation (well actually third but the first one was a debacle and they didn't even have the right diagnosis) My first cryo ablation was 2012 and I went through the classic post op symptoms... migraines, afib for 2 weeks after, strange beats. very tired for a few weeks. Then it all stopped. I still had PAC's off and on but I was good (no afib) for almost 5 years until last month when it returned. It was pretty demoralising but I always said if it did come back i would re-ablate right away. So I did. i booked it within a few days of afib returning. The ablation went better than expected. I wanted them to tell me something specific that they found ( a re-connection, a source that they could fix) And they did. They found a response in the LSPV and ablated it and the other PV's for good measure. Doc said it was a best case scenario and they were optimistic this fix could be longer lasting. Anyway- I'll post my progress over the next few weeks as a second ablation is different than a first (at least it is so far for me) I have a few youtube videos out about my experience from 2012 and a 2 year update. I'm going to do another one soon about my latest ablation. The videos and posts like you have all been adding have helped immensely. I really wish you all the best. We're the only ones who truly understand what we're all going through.