Hello again, I was wondering whether anyone who is on Flecanide and Bisoprolol suffers from weight gain (never been this big and have not changed my diet in fact I've now started WW ) and joint pain, fatigue and headaches. I'm still waiting an appointment that should of been in February with a cardiologist.
Weight Gain: Hello again, I was... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Weight Gain

I've been on both for three years and despite going to the gym six times a week not losing weight that I have to lose.

Try taking a tablespoon of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar ( with the mother) every morning mixed with a 8 oz glass of water and repeat again before bed! Also drink lots of water before a meal that helps to cut way back on food! The Apple Cider is also great for a lot of other things! Look up the benefits !
Don't overeat no more than 1200 cals a day
Hi Nieta
Yep. I've put on quite a lot of weight since taking Bisoprolol (but not Flecanide) I think it's because beta blockers slow the heart rate and thus metabolism too. I am unable to exercise as much as I used to partly because of the side effects of the medication but my diet hasn't changed a great deal. In fact I actually eat more healthily now than I did before AF diagnosis/bisoprolol. (EG. Absolutely NO processed food, nothing sweet other than fruit, no cheese, fish or veggie main meals rather than meat,)
I have successfully lost weight in the past but now I just can't shift it.
CaroleF > I think it's because beta blockers slow the heart rate and thus metabolism too.
Same with me , I eat Low GI foods and used to loose weight by eating multi grain toast before bed to keep the metabolism working ( if I didn't eat I put on weight ) since being on Beta blockers dont gain but dont loose any either.
Quite the reverse as far as flecainide goes - my dose was upped and my weight dropped.
Ps I have a pacemaker too
Yes, I've been on Slimming World for years and lost 4stone with them and despite not changing my diet have put one st back on. Think it's because I'm not as active as I was but slowly getting back to the gym now so hopefully it will start going the down again!
My diet same and doing 360 mins of various exercises a week at gym can't shift 7-14lb I want to.
I'm on 300mg flecainide daily and I've been trying to lose weight seriously for about 18 months now and I'm finding it very difficult. My husband is convinced it's the medication as we have both been at ww and he loses and I don't. In fact I won't go any more! It's extremely hard to prove that the flecainide causes weight gain or stalls weight loss and as there have not been any formal studies regarding this I can't get any doctor to support my claim but I think it definitely affects weight in some people. It's very very frustrating sadly and I empathise.
Hello Nieta- I could say 'Snap!' - same meds, same problem with weight gain. Mine started before Flecainide so I think it is more to do with bisoprolol which slows metabolism and causes fatigue. Oh and I also get the joint pain thought was arthritis but realised recently that only started since being prescribed flecainide. On the plus side have only had one episode of PAF in the last year. Despite fatigue I find can only lose weight with combination of diet and exercise. And even then the weight loss is very slow. I do sympathise it can get you down what with all the other stuff to worry about.
Definitely. The medics I spoke to all deny it but after my ablation and coming off betablockers the weight has come off again.
Likewise, over the last few months I have put on a stone in weight, despite eating just as well, if not better than I was doing when at a reasonable weight. I take Bisoprolol and Rivaroxaban. My joints ache, my ankles are swollen all the time, and I feel exhausted by mid afternoon. Not too good when working for yourself!
I have a medicine review due soon, as I asked my GP about changing from Bisoprolol to Metoprolol, he has written to my Cardiologist to check that's ok first, here's hoping...
I can also say snap to all you say re tablets and symptoms. I've now come off Flecanide but still take Bisoprolol. I think its the bisoprolol. I was trying to loose weight just over 2 years ago when my AF started again. I also found I wanted to eat more when I went on them. Bisprolol is the one I will stay on too. For someone with a low metabalism not the best drug.
Looks like a research project/PhD thesis for someone here then! It's sort of comforting to realise that one is not alone with the weight gain issue, isn't it?
Last time I raised my weight gain problem with my GP she said, "Oh don't worry about your weight." OK - my BMI is still acceptable but I have gone up nearly 2 dress sizes and it's costing me a small fortune - even though buying clothes in charity shops. Happily (for me) there are a lot of those where I live.
I have been on flecainide for almost a year until a couple of weeks ago when I had an ablation. For best part of the year I did the 5:2 diet which I have in the past found easy to lose weight with but all it did this time was to control my weight but at least it stopped me from gaining. Now that I am off all meds it remains to be seen if I can lose any. I have also suffered from a lot of joint pain so it will be interesting to see if that now calms down.
Hi to all out there
I am 73 years old (young??) and have been on-initially 2.5mg Cardicor (bisoprolol),since Nov 2014, which after consultation with my GP I increased to 5mg. This left me feeling so zonked and tired in the mornings, that I changed back to 2.5mg. My weight has climbed to 110kg, 13kg over my normal weight, and no matter what I do, and that includes Banting, just won't leave me. I have now decided to reduce my dosage to 1.25mg and feel considerably better than before. I am completely at my wits end, and have no idea what to do now. Virtually all my clothes don't fit anymore. Any bright ideas out there??
Greetings from Cape Town South Africa.
I have had a fib off and on for about 20 years, and last December went permanent. My cardiologist put me on Sotatol and Eliquis and I had a cardioversion soon after and so far so good.
However despite not changing my diet I started to gain weight. Never been a really obese person, but certainly overweight. Given my history of type 2 diabetes I was already on a low carb diet, but it seemed that if I ate food I was gaining weight. With OA in both knees the only enjoyable exercise I can do is swimming, but these drugs are making even that a chore.
Fortunately I found the "intermittent fasting" program, promoted by a Canadian doctor Jason Fung I found the idea a bit weird and hard to believe, and certainly the first few weeks were strange as my body adjusted to not eating for 16 hours (I eat for the other 8 hours), but it has totally transformed my weight control, despite the drugs .I've lost 13kg so far (8 weeks) and counting....and believe it or not I'm not hungry at all.
BIG plus is I no longer need medication for my diabetes, staying in the 4-7 range.
Not for everyone I guess but it has certainly been a huge help to me and several family/friends who are also on this journey
Incidentally my cardiologist who initially was against my plan is now trying intermittent fasting
What a relief ! I thought it was only me, I am taking bisoprolol but haven't had to take Flecanide yet given to me recently as pill in the pocket . Iv been desperately trying to lose weight but unable to exercise in any way xx
Thank you for all of your replies. It sounds like I need to speak with my GP as I was due to see my cardiologist in February as a follow up mess review but due to long waiting lists I am still awaiting this appointment. I do exercise I manage to walk my dog two miles five days a week it is hard but I force myself to do it or I wouldn't do any exercise at all as well as following WW diet to the letter. But no weight loss 😔
I watch my diet very carefully and do a different hour at gym six days a week . Weight stays same. But pills and pacemaker means I can go to gym which is important to my QOL
Same here have put on 2stone ,have been on 10mg bisoprolol ,had my ablation two weeks ago but unforunately was not a success but they have reduced bisoprolol to 7.50 so will wait and see x
Nieta, i take both Flecainide and Bisoprolol and, like you, have gained a lot of weight, my diet is the same and i keep saying to family how I have never been this heavy. I have to take pain relief for arthritis but suffer fatigue (no headaches). My GP wrote my Cardiologist in Feb and still no reply.
Thank you all for the info regarding weight gain. The Jason Fung regimen suggested by 'concup' sounds very interesting, and I will definitely try it. May just be my last resort.Will report back when (and if) I start seeing results. Thanks guys.