I seem to have a slight cough, these days. Not constantly, but enough that my wife has mentioned it. Just a little more than a clearing the throat kind. Has anyone heard if this could be a side effect of Eliquis?
Cough: I seem to have a slight cough... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hi there 12string.
Your post seems to have got slightly lost - sorry there has been no response.
Have a look in the small print of any medication you take. I used to take Lisinopril and that gave me an annoying little cough. I think anything ending in -pril can do so. I changed to Losartan and it improved.
I can only say that I cough a lot, and it's linked to the AF. A good cough can sometimes stop it. I also take beta blocker and warfarin.
Yes I have a cough too which I think is linked to the medication. I changed from ramipril to candasarten, but haven't noticed any improvement.
Have had a cough for 6/7 years (saw 2 specialists, no cause found). It's always there though more under control and less evident than it was. I've been on Apixaban/Eliquis for over a year now and it certainly has NOT made my cough any worse.
Interested to see that Slipware thinks coughing may help AF as I've long wondered if my coughing in fact triggered my AF (persistent,diagnosed 18 months ago)!?.
I have had a cough for a number of years and the doctor said it was due to post nasal drip. However, since being on Apixiban it seems to have got worse.