Hi everyone, when I last posted, about a week ago, I was waiting to go to Antrim hospital for a trans oesophageal echo, in which a camera is swallowed which then focuses on the heart valves. This was scheduled for last Thursday and although I was apprehensive, I was keen to get it over with as a step closer to solving the mystery of my increasingly serious heart failure, and the source of the bacteria causing my sepsis.
On Wednesday evening a vomiting and diarrhoea outbreak enveloped our ward and we were quarantined, no one in, no one out, so therefore no trip to Antrim. I escaped the dreaded lurgy but nevertheless was deemed to be "unclean".
Quelle disappointment!
To date I haven't had a new date for my test, so here I am, three weeks after admission, having watched every episode of Catastrophe, 24 Hours in A&E, and a particularly brutal documentary called "Sepsis. How it killed my father". I've eaten every form of carbohydrate known to man, usually two or three examples on the one plate, met all forms of human life as they pass through the ward, and gained several new best friends as I see more of the nursing, cleaning and domestic staff than I do of my family.
Today, while in the depths of despair that I would never see home again, my husband hit on a cunning plan and talked me into going into the hospital grounds for my first fresh air in weeks, and there I found my beloved Hamish, my wee Westie. So all smiles again until the next setback. (The last one was husband starching my pjs. Didn't even think starch was a thing anymore.)
Cheers everyone!