Hi. I awoke in the night as usual and went to get out of bed to make my way to the bathroom stood up and promptly fell back on the bed.... My head was just spinning around and I could do nothing. I sat for about 10 mins and tried again and managed to stand this time but had to hold the wall... So I called my husband to help me to the bathroom and back. On getting back into bed my heart was beating very fast. I have never had an AF attack.. Was this it? After about 20 mins the heart calmed down and I went back to sleep Now I feel fine. I am also struggling as since Christmas my INR just keeps getting lower last week it was 1,5. I am talking to the anti Co. ag guys but they don't seem much help. Thanks
Night time scare: Hi. I awoke in the... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Night time scare

Hi Peanutts
From what you've described it sounds like AF......I f you were in AF then the blood is not pumping properly around the body. This could be a part of the dizziness that you described....there could also be other reasons as well. I think an appt with your Cardiologist as soon as possible would be a good idea. Do you have the Kardia app? This is a great hand held device that will tell you if you have possible AF. Many cardiologists like them....mine does. I wish you well and hope you find your answers.
How nasty. It might be an idea to invest a very small amount of money in a blood pressure monitor and see if you have a problem there. I often find my other half holding onto the wall because he has gone upstairs too quickly. He needs to get out of bed slowly to avoid being dizzy. His blood pressure lying flat is currently nothing like it is if taken when standing, which is something like 30 points lower and diastolic worse than systolic. His GP is looking into this.
As tibetan36 says, the Kardia app would give an idea of your heart's rhythm but it would be much more expensive. AF characteristically creates an irregular pulse and it can be very fast, fast or not very fast.
Sorry you have trouble with INR getting low because it's unsettling. I was assured that there is still a bit of protection if you are under 2 but it feels much better to be nicely in range. I found that elusive and was always higher or lower than I would have liked and going I didn't know where and am now happily on one of the new anticoagulants.
Thanks I am waiting on blood results pending change on onto new anticoagulant drug.
Very frightening, especially during the night when we are slightly groggy anyway. It could have been an AF attack or a sudden blood pressure dip from rising too fast. It could also be vertigo connected with inner ear problems - either an infection (viral labyrinthitis) which will go away on its own or BPPV (benign paroxysmal postural vertigo) which is easily treated.
Best to contact your GP for proper diagnosis and advice to put your mind at rest.