Back in A&E last night! : Hey guys... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Back in A&E last night!

Dangerousdriver profile image
25 Replies

Hey guys,

Well since May 2018 I have been doing reasonably well in that I’ve not had to attend a hospital Emergency room for any cardiac related matters.

But that changed yesterday. For the last couple of weeks I’ve been experiencing changes in my heart behaviour. From PVC’s to SVT and extended bouts of ectopics, it’s been odd.

But, the other morning I walked to the train station to go to work and after only 30 seconds of walking I was in AF. I had to stop walking and felt breathless. I carried on walking albeit very slowly and then without warning bang AF again! This time it took my breath away and I managed to get on my train where I reverted. Took it easy at work all day and then went home and was in bed by 8pm.

Slept 12 hours and got up yesterday, had quite a few ectopics and then went out to visit a friend and walked up one flight of stairs and my HR went up to 120 in an instant. I felt lightheaded and muzzy. Sat down and rested before leaving my friends house and went to the shops. Got out of my car and walked 30 yards before I was hit with big thumps in my chest. I was out of breath and felt like I was going to pass out.

Managed to drive myself to hospital and saw placed in resuscitation, but after about 30 mins my HR started to settle down. After 2 hours they unplugged me and got me to walk round a couple of corridors and my HR shot up again with practically no effort. Guy back into bed, wired me up again and my HR began to drop once more.

Saw the Dr who looked at my scans (Kardia and Apple Watch) and agreed there was definitely something not right going on. Advised me to get an urgent cardiology appointment and agreed I would try taking 2.5mg at night instead of 1.25mg to see how that worked.

She admitted it’s looking like I’ll need another ablation or drastic meds tweak to reduce these symptoms as it’s not impacting on daily life.

Got back home at 10 pm last night drained and my partner sitting there miserable worried about me on Valentine’s everything. Went to bed and woke tots morning still exhausted, but getting lots of ectopics just lying in bed!

Got a 2 1/2 hours root canal this morning too so I’m going to have to ask for adrenaline free anaesthetic I think given the length of treatment.

Well, that’s me for now, but hope you are all well or as well as can be!


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Dangerousdriver profile image
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25 Replies
Lilypocket profile image

Poor you! Hope you get it sorted x

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to Lilypocket

Thank you Lily x

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Dangerousdriver

How are things going now? Hope your symptoms have subsided. What a nightmare for you.

Totally off subject- I've just become a grandma for the first time and his name is Léon ( french). So now I know 2 Leon's 😊

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to Lilypocket

I felt awful Sat, Sun and Monday. But today I’m feeling more myself which is good. I just try to take it easy, no lifting, running etc. I had a sleep study in hospital Sunday night and only managed 3 hours sleep which was awful. I felt sick on Monday morning when they woke me up at 6am and kicked me out!

Congratulations! That’s amazing, and what a great name. I’m half French hence the name. As a child I hated it, but I like my name now. It’s not so common as some names, but more popular these days when I was a child.

I used to get called Noel, Leon backwards 🙈😂

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Dangerousdriver

I wondered if you had a bit of " frog" in you. Yes it's still a rare name here in France but it's making a comeback.

What else is going on with you? It can't just be Afib do you have other health issues? Have you been to hospital for an exercise test? You sound very stoic - I' m impressed!X

Kaz747 profile image

Sorry to hear you’ve been having trouble again Leon. I hope it settles and you get some answers soon.

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to Kaz747

Hey Kaz, thank you. Well got to think that there are always others in a worse position I guess?

Kaz747 profile image
Kaz747 in reply to Dangerousdriver

Very true. Keep smiling 😃

Jalia profile image

My sympathies Leon. I've just been in a not dissimilar situation. Had my 20th dc cardioversion last week after a long trouble free spell.

Also had 3 situations where I left A&E (twice) and GP once after heart rate settled and it immediately shot up towards 200bpm and above after walking a few yards.

Had to cancel my dental appt for an extraction as I was liable to flip into AF without warning.....happening several times a day !

I do hope you get sorted soon and your dental appt goes well!

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to Jalia

Thank you Jalia, I had the root canal and despite being quite a long procedure it was perfectly fine and I’m glad I had it now. My heart has been playing about a fair bit since last week, so just trying to take it easy where I can. Sorry to hear you’ve had problems too, hope they are easing now?

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to Dangerousdriver

Pleased your dental treatment went ok !

Heart rate settled , at the moment anyhow, so extraction planned for next week .....

Best wishes


Buffafly profile image

You might have your explanation right there - inflammation of any sort has a bad effect on the heart and bugs from your teeth are particularly bad 👹 Best wishes for the rental treatment 💜

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to Buffafly

Hi Buffa, thank you. I didn’t have an abcess or infection. That was all sorted months and months ago. I delayed the final part of the root canal due to health issues and delayed it until now not expecting to have cardiac issues when I did. I had the root canal and that is all done now which is good.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Sorry to hear all that's been going on Leon. AF is a truly horrible thing to have. People who don't have it just don't understand just how disabling the breathlessness and overwhelming tiredness can be.

Hope all went will with the root canal filling (another bit of torture). Did it really take two and a half hours to do?


Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean, sorry for not replying sooner, I have been feeling quite bad for a few days so just shut off from the world to rest. Thank you for the concern. I had the root canal, and for the first time used adrenaline free anaesthetic as advised by the A&E Dr I saw the day before. The root canal took about 2 hours roughly, but it didn’t seem that long actually. It did ache once the anaesthetic wore off though!

Today I’ve managed to walk to the train station and did it at normal speed, so hoping

It was a blip last week. I’ve gone back to taking my normal 1.25mg Bisoprolol morning and night as the 2.5mg I took over the weekend at night made me feel lightheaded and tired.

I have badgered the Arrythmia nurses to get me in front of my EP again, not his registrar who tried to take me off beta blockers and anti coagulation meds before I reminded him I have suffered 2 TIA!! He lost my confidence at that point.

I think when it impacts on you day to day then it’s quite disabling when you cannot do simple things like walking which at the ripe old age of 42 I should be able to do just fine!


CDreamer profile image

So sorry that the beast returned. It can be very unpredictable unfortunately. Hope you manage to get an early appointment. Best wishes.

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to CDreamer

Thanks Dreamer, I knew it would at some point, it’s just never easy to accept when it hits. I’m on the Arrythmia nurses like a fly round poo trying to be seen by the EP as soon as possible.

Tryfan profile image

Just read somewhere. But can't think where of a lady bed bound with lots of symptoms, including heart. Long story but it all came down to infections root canal, gum and teeth. Once that was sorted she slowly recovered having been desperately I'll. Best wishes. Hope it gets sorted.

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to Tryfan

Thanks Tryfan, I didn’t have an infection as the root canal was started back in September last year. There was no infection present now, it was just to remove the last two nerves.

Thanks for the well wishes.

Eirecara profile image

Sorry your going through so much with this! Just a reminder to look to your diet, alcohol etc ! Best wishes ☘️

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to Eirecara

Hey Cara, I am teetotal these days I’m sad to say and I am experimenting with a vegan diet purely for health benefits at the moment to see if that helps. I don’t eat too badly anyway if I’m honest.

Thank you

jeanjeannie50 profile image

How are you now Leon?

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to jeanjeannie50

I’m alive Jean, sorry I replied to your previous post.

Lbeat796 profile image

I hope you have got through your root canal. Last time i at dentist my heart started pounding. Think combination of injection and lying totally flat.

Dangerousdriver profile image
Dangerousdriver in reply to Lbeat796

I did thank you. It was actually not too bad, just hurt the following day when it was sore to eat. But it’s good now, so glad I had it done. Wasn’t so glad about the bill though! £1200!!!!

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