Hi all, first post describing my battle with AF and looking for advice and information as outside my GP and 3 specialists have never spoke to anyone else. Only have their opinion I actually I have AF and after being hospitalised in November was told this time it was 'narrow complex tachycardia' somam very confused.
Condition started in my late teens and has been almost identical over the passed 35 years. My heart will go from resting to over 165bpm immediately and last normally for a few seconds to a few minutes before instantly returning to where it was. This was probably until I was 30 when it went 'off' and wouldn't return to normal rhythm. A trip to hospital and drugs returned it to normal. Sent away with prescription for 80mg of Sotalol twice a day. Then follows 10 years of having AF 2-3 times a month until hospitalised again. Same treatment and sent away with Sotalol increased to 160mg. This worked as before for a number of years when hospitalised again and doseincreased to 240mg where I have been for at least the last ten years with random AF lasting short durations probably once a month.
Following a change in job to an outside role I had two attacks close together the second resulting in hospitalised and have been off work since awaiting an appointment in February. GP reckons, which fits in with simulation attacks the year before, that being out in the cold weather for extended duration combined with physical movements triggered the AF. My hands and feet get extremely cold and although the attacks can come on when motionless, bending or getting up, twisting etc are definite triggers.
Does any of this make sense to you?
Hospital has suggested a change to Flecainide or posible ablation
A may be naive but this is the first time a doctor has even mentioned the posability of a stroke, especially to do with cold weather. At the moment I am treading on eggshells trying not to have another attack but have had three in the last couple of weeks albeit of short duration.
Thanks for reading and appreciate any advice or opinions