Just reading one or two posts on here, I was diagnosed with AF this year, after 61 hours with HR of 200+ and have been taking Bisoprolol 1.25mg since.
I have been having what I call dizzy spells for several years now, sometimes so bad that even turning over in bed can make me nauseous - but never identified a cause. To be honest, I never even mentioned them to my GP, but, since taking the Bisoprolol, I've only had one episode of dizziness, about 6 weeks ago, which coincided with -for me- low blood pressure.
Until reading Bob's reply today I had never connected my dizziness and the AF, but to have an answer for something that has bothered me for a long time is brilliant!
I have my first visit to the Cardio tomorrow, but as I'm only experiencing ectopic beats, I'm not expecting much to happen, hope this lasts!