Hello, I’ve just discovered this site. I’m a 39 year old female diagnosed with af in December after sudden onset. I had 230bpm and after 36 hrs in hospital I self converted to NAR (as they were setting me up for a cardio version). In the first weeks following this I would flip into fast af often and it was terrible and terrifying. I have 4 young children and they have been very distressed. I am now taking 5mg of Bisoprolol split into two doses, and Apixaban. I am having episodes of af probably every week to 10 days. They last an 1-3 hrs and because of the Bisoprolol my heart isn’t as fast just very irregular.
Two issues: I recently was flying from Finland and went into af after take off. It was very distressing as I was breathless and dizzy. It lasted the whole flight and I was taken to hospital straight off the flight. On board I took an extra Bisoprolol as it was the only medication I had. I had mentioned flying to my gp and she had said I’d be fine. Luckily a great dr from Guys and St Thomas’s was on the flight too and reassured me the whole way.
I went to my gp after this and she referred me back to the cardiologist who after calling them told me they have a 3 month waiting list for next appointments (Worcester).
I am unhappy on the Bisoprolol as it isn’t really controlling the af I think. Also I have a busy life; children, work, post grad study at uni, dogs etc and I’m tired constantly, weary, breathless, can’t do my lovely dog walks as usual and am in bed exhausted by 8-9pm every night. I have also steadily gained weight! I feel sad and unhappy with the whole thing and don’t know what to do.
One good thing, my husband has a new job and has family health insurance. But I’ve never used such a thing before and have no idea if it covers af treatment or if I have to get my gp to refer me for private treatment?