I'm curious about the comments I've seen mentioned in more than one thread, that beta blockers (namely bisoprolol) should not be taken if one has vagal AF.
If there is such a thing as vagal AF then I'm pretty sure I have it as all my recent episodes have started after eating a largish meal later in the evening than I usually do, or devouring a cold sugary drink such as J2O just before I go to bed. Needless to say, I do neither now.
However, I have been taking bisoprolol (2.5mg) for the last 5 years and have found it beneficial as my resting HR is high 40s to low 50s and my BP is usually below 120/80.
I am assuming this is because a beta blocker encourages a low HR and vagal tone late at night reacts to this producing AF? Is this based on any fact? I am not inclined to come off bisoprolol because overall I think it's doing a good job and I've seen no evidence that it is increasing my frequency of episodes which stands at around 2 to 3 a year. I would welcome any comments on this as one option open to me would be to drop the dosage to 1.25mg.