Hi all, sorry I am back with another question, not convinced got to the bottom of my issue really, I saw a lung consultant last Monday who after checking said no clot, and put illness down to Costochondritis although my pulse is still low at an average of 50bpm. (Normal when I checked back on phone is between 65 and 75) I still have virtually a permanent headache, feel dizzy, tired and can not concentrate and achy chest pains (on and off) all of which when I googled headaches came up with Bradycardia is this the same as AF?
I am off to see my GP tomorrow as certificate from hospital expires and also really want to get to the bottom of feeling rubbish. When you were at your GPs did you have to suggest ideas as I really would like them to check my heart with a holter to make sure, but I don't like telling a GP what they should do as I think they should know. As I'm in my mid 40s I think they usually go with the "it's nothing" approach.
Please can you help with your experiences on being diagnosed I did have a very quick ECG done in A&E and when I say quick she put the last sticky thing on my foot and then took off the monitors.
Thanks again I am sorry to keep asking.