Morning all, I wonder if any of you kind folks have experience of this/can advise? A routine blood test last week shows my serum sodium is below normal range - normal is 136-145, and mine is 131.
The GP has labelled this ‘satisfactory’ so presumably isn’t planning to talk to me about it at all. But I was wondering if I should be concerned, and if there’s anything I should be doing? I am ridiculously tired all the time, and I wonder if this could be the reason.
Looking online, the advice seems to be to drink less… but I find that staying hydrated is the best way to fend off having an AF attack. I don’t drink loads, certainly compared with my friends and children who seem to have a water bottle permanently on the go.
I eat a home-cooked diet and very little in the way of processed foods, so my diet is probably lower in salt than most people’s. I thought this was a good thing, as I’m on medication for high blood pressure. But maybe I should eat more salt? It’s all very confusing. I suspect it may be a side effect of the drugs they put me on 9 months ago - Felodipine for high BP and Edoxaban anticoagulant.
Has anyone got any experience of this? I’d really appreciate any advice/shared knowledge. I know GPs get hardly any training in nutrition, and anyway they clearly don’t think this warrants a conversation. And I don’t want to be given yet more drugs to take. But I am feeling extremely tired all the time, so I’m wondering if this could be why, and what I can do about it?