Morning all, I have been taking flecainide for 6 weeks following my last appt at cardio clinic. I take 50 mgs twice daily. I feel as if I am going into af but that it's being suppressed, is this the flecainide doing its job? Also has anybody any advice on taking second dose, I take about 8 with my apixaban and rosuvastatin, I eat around 5.30/6 so is this enough time to empty my stomach? I only seem to get the suppression during the evening? I read posts daily and find it so helpful
Flecainide queries : Morning all, I... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flecainide queries

Hi - I have taken Flecainide 100mg twice daily at 9am and 9pm for over 2 years and have dinner around 7pm, without any problems so your plan sounds OK.
I know exactly what you mean about trying to go in to AF - I have similar sensations, usually around 5/6pm with ectopics and sometimes I suspect it has been caused by dehydration or too much sugar. It is slightly reassuring too, as it shows Flecainide is doing its job.
The forum is so useful, isn't it - so much info and help always here.
Best wishes
I have the feeling that about 3 hours should elapse before the stomach is empty. It depends how much and what you had to eat, perhaps! Some people on the forum take flecainide with food.
I took flecainide first thing in the morning and waited an hour before breakfast and then 6 at night, eating after 7. I tried to avoid eating after 2.30pm. I moved to 11am and 11pm to fit in with a wedding weekend but didn't find it as good as I found I was not eating very much. In fact we started to refuse wedding invitations as meals could be unpredictable and at the end of one do, my non drinking husband and I found ourselves very very sober indeed compared to everyone else and while it was slightly amusing, it was not much fun.
It's not clear to me if the empty stomach thing is to make the flecainide work more effectively, work more quickly or work without making you feel unwell.
Thanks for that, I am quite a small portion eater but have fruit snacks in-between so think I will need to be mindful of that
I found it all too easy to lose weight when I didn't need to!
Hope I do, I need to lose weight and all my medication is making it quite hard
I'm slightly addicted to walking and when I get cross, I walk all the more - and the more disgruntled I am, the faster I walk, so it has been a combination of not eating so much but still burning the calories.
I need to get more exercise, years behind a desk, must get a little dog!
I have a treadmill, not a dog! Dog walkers tend to potter along, go a few steps, pause, a few more steps... It's not a steady walk that gets your heart going. But yes, it gets you out two or three times a day!
Very true, bit of a couch potato since taking bisoprolol but determined, might join a gym again
Hi Denise
I also take Flecainide twice a day. I eat my breakfast at 7, Flecainide at 9.30, lunch at 12.30, fruit mid-afternoon, main meal at around 7 in the evening and then take my second Flecainide at 9.30 in the evening. It's a pain if you are going out to eat in the evening and can't control the timing but I try to allow at least an hour and a half hours either side of the dose. Except on rare occasions it works for me.
I think the reason for the timing is because the meds are less effective if taken too close to food and I vaguely remembering someone posting that it can make you nauseous.
Good luck
I take 50 Mg x 2 10 in the morning eating breakfast no later than 8 and 10 at night no food after 8. it certainly is working well for me. I may have a biscuit an hour after flec is taken. I didn't realise for some time it has to be taken on an empty stomach and since doing so it seems more effective. best wishes Chris